Pwned by carfax

27 November 2005
SoCal ✈ Vegas
I just bought a 30-day subscription yesterday, ran one for the NSX I am getting a PPI done on, then posted 2 for members here on NSX prime - 30 minutes later I get an email stating my carfax account has been removed for violations of their EULA, and my account was been cancelled. In order to avoid having to pay 19.99 per these other 2 carfax reports they demanded I edit my posts to remove the carfax data...

Seems like they may have gotten serious about enforcement ;-(
scorp965 said:
Hopefully I will be able to fully recover from the massive $24.99 financial loss, although (on the bright side) the car being inspected has a clean carfax ;)

Well, since CarFax seems to be watching us let me be just say that their service sucks. I don't know why anybody would use them. How would it be to have a monopoly on information like this? They can be as inacurate as they want and nobody is standing over their shoulder to make sure what they're providing is correct.
I just wish Carfax would clarify their TOS language. The way it's written, it's ambiguous what's allowed and what's not. If they're serious, they should clearly state that you can't run the reports for anyone other than yourself.
Take no comfort in a clean CarFax. I checked my beater winter car for shnits and grins because someone plowed into me when it had just 8k miles ($1 of damage for each mile). Absolutely NOTHING shown on CarFax. So if anyone wants to by a 12 year old Toyota with 100k miles and NO DAMAGE:wink: ...
Mike Hughes said:
I would call my credit card company and tell them to make a purchase adjustment.

And why would that be? Clearly he is using the Carfax account in a fraudulent way. Crying online after you get your hand slapped for all the right reasons will get no pity from me.

MiamieNeSeX said:
And why would that be? Clearly he is using the Carfax account in a fraudulent way. Crying online after you get your hand slapped for all the right reasons will get no pity from me.


violating terms of service is NOT *FRAUD*

fraud, in law, willful misrepresentation intended to deprive another of some right. The offense, generally only a tort, may also constitute the crime of false pretenses. Frauds are either actual or constructive. An actual fraud requires that the act be motivated by the desire to deceive another to his harm, while a constructive fraud is a presumption of overreaching conduct that arises when a profit is made from a relation of trust (see fiduciary). The courts have found it undesirable to make a rigid definition of the type of misrepresentation that amounts to actual fraud and have preferred to consider individually the factors in each case. The misrepresentation may be a positive lie, a failure to disclose information, or even a statement made in reckless disregard of possible inaccuracy. Actual fraud can never be the result of accident or negligence, because of the requirement that the act be intended to deceive. The question of commission may depend upon the competence and commercial knowledge of the alleged victim. Thus dealings with a minor, a lunatic, a feeble-minded person, a drunkard, or (in former times) a married woman are scrutinized more closely than dealings with an experienced businessman. A lawsuit based upon actual or constructive fraud must specify the fraudulent act, the plaintiff's reliance on it, and the loss suffered. The remedy granted to the plaintiff in most cases is either compensatory (and possibly punitive) damages for the injury or cancellation of the contract or other agreement and the restoration of the parties to their former status. In a few states of the United States both damages and cancellation are available. In certain suits based upon a contract, fraud may be introduced as a defense.
scorp965 said:
I just bought a 30-day subscription yesterday, ran one for the NSX I am getting a PPI done on, then posted 2 for members here on NSX prime - 30 minutes later I get an email stating my carfax account has been removed for violations of their EULA, and my account was been cancelled. In order to avoid having to pay 19.99 per these other 2 carfax reports they demanded I edit my posts to remove the carfax data...

Seems like they may have gotten serious about enforcement ;-(
i think this is **great** news - companies such as these are actively pursuing those who are abusing / misusing their products and essentially stealing from their employees!

follow the terms you agree to or take your, ahem, "business" elsewhere.
bodypainter said:
I just wish Carfax would clarify their TOS language. The way it's written, it's ambiguous what's allowed and what's not. If they're serious, they should clearly state that you can't run the reports for anyone other than yourself.
seems like a valid observation - what wording would you suggest... perhaps a "plain english" clause such as "you can't run the reports for anyone other than yourself"? (not being a wise guy... actually might not be a bad idea, eh?)
damn I allways search google or post on some fourm for a carfax request/free carfax promo, usually someone just emails you the goods back :)
If carfax would just fix their stupid business model they wouldn't have this problem. Don't give 30 days, make it $X per car.

If you actually look at it, they're ripping you off.

They're trying to have their cake and eat it too. They don't offer per car cause then people would just buy what they need. Instead they want to get 24.99 from you even though you may only use it for a few days, and a few cars, they have tons of stats on how they are used and know this. Who really needs it for 30 days?

So now they are mad that people are misuing the system because their product offering promotes the behaviour? Pfft get real carfax, fix your product, the value proposition is lost on me anyway.
satan_srv said:
If carfax would just fix their stupid business model they wouldn't have this problem. Don't give 30 days, make it $X per car.

If you actually look at it, they're ripping you off.

They're trying to have their cake and eat it too. They don't offer per car cause then people would just buy what they need. Instead they want to get 24.99 from you even though you may only use it for a few days, and a few cars, they have tons of stats on how they are used and know this. Who really needs it for 30 days?


Don't you want your cake and be able to eat it too?

If you are in the market for a used car and you look at 10 differnt cars and run reports on all 10 within a months is that "ripping you off"...
If you ran 10 reports at 16.99 or whatever they are charging these days that would be like 170$!!!!! that sounds like more of a "rip off" to me...
zahntech said:
Don't you want your cake and be able to eat it too?

If you are in the market for a used car and you look at 10 differnt cars and run reports on all 10 within a months is that "ripping you off"...
If you ran 10 reports at 16.99 or whatever they are charging these days that would be like 170$!!!!! that sounds like more of a "rip off" to me...

No. Per car rate would be cheaper, and they would have a couple of ways to purchase services. Anyway, I don't run their company and I'm certainly not going to tell them how to maximize their profit unless want to give me a cut, but chasing people around the internet is silly, they should have a product that doesn't encourage mis-use.
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Why not have it like phone service? Some low fee just to have the sevice for a month (say $8) and then like $2-3/car. Then you pay for what you use. Run 2 cars, $4-$6, run 20 cars $40-$60. Seems fair to me. Although we all know that a clean carfax does not necessarily mean a good car, but a bad carfax means keep on looking. Carfax should clearly state the reports are for the buyer only and subject to extra fees or cancellation as a penalty. However a buyer doing a favor should be smarter than to post publicly about it. That's why god made email and phones & stamps & stuff.
satan_srv said:
If carfax would just fix their stupid business model they wouldn't have this problem. Don't give 30 days, make it $X per car.

If you actually look at it, they're ripping you off.

They're trying to have their cake and eat it too. They don't offer per car cause then people would just buy what they need. Instead they want to get 24.99 from you even though you may only use it for a few days, and a few cars, they have tons of stats on how they are used and know this. Who really needs it for 30 days?

So now they are mad that people are misuing the system because their product offering promotes the behaviour? Pfft get real carfax, fix your product, the value proposition is lost on me anyway.
regardless of the money they choose to implement, i think you've hit the nail on the head: it's a business model issue and apparently this model creates the optimum rev stream at this point in time.

when another model creates more rev and less pain for them (they're probably uninterested in your pain unless it negatively impacts their rev stream), they'll offer / transition to that model.

fwiw, my experience in defining these models for various companies is that this is an ongoing discussion for most companies; no reason in my mind to think carfax is any different.