Puppy Potty Training

Aww! She's so cute! I want a Brindle Boxer as well. My mom grew up with a Fawn Boxer. Her name was Punkin'. The qualities that you and I mentioned are definitely what I'm looking for in a dog. Working in the insurance industry, I see way too many claims with dog bites. It really kind of scares me. I want to play it as safe as possible. Although there are really no bad dogs, just bad dog owners. I was reading a statistic the other day on dog bite claims. Do you know what the average cost to an insurance company is for a dog bite claim? $40,000! That's just a simple bite too. Not a mauling or anything.
By the way, your cat in the second pic looks like it's had one too many and been up all night partying.:)
White92 said:
By the way, your cat in the second pic looks like it's had one too many and been up all night partying.:)
ROTFLMAO…the cat was only a temporary visitor! We found it on the side of the road so we took it in until I could find a home for it. Ginger put that cat through hell for the month we had it! She would not stop playing with it and the cat was too young to climb anywhere high enough to get away from her. So you are correct the cat was definitely sleep deprived!

PS they later slept the drinks off!


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White92 said:
Although there are really no bad dogs, just bad dog owners.

That is so true! I used to work for local government and part of my job was to place juvenile delinquents into places where they could do community service hours. Well, our animal shelter was one of them and periodically, I would venture out to the facilities to check everything out. Every shelter I know of so far runs a background check on the adopting parents and will sometimes go out to their homes to ensure that the animal will be properly taken care of. This is especially true of pit bulls because many are trained to attack and fight. At the same time, shelters also offer many incentives for people to adopt. There was actually one dog I wanted that was at a shelter, but she had already been adopted.
heres my dog...his real name is joe montana but us filipinos always have nicknames..


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I enjoyed reading the training stories... :D

We have just been going through that as well with our new puppy. She is doing pretty good now, but the first few weeks were a bit frustrating. Here she is, still with the ear pads from the breeder getting her ears cropped.
