Project: Widebody - 02 Conversion

VRoooM said:
There are a few fit & finish issues to address yet. The hatch is one of them. I have already adjusted the body so the transition from the c pillar to the rear quarter is much smoother. I'm also going to change the shape of the black out strip on the back hatch so it better matches the new lines.

The more I think about it, the more I realize much of the "odd look" of the back hatch come from the insight that that car should'nt look like that. I quess it would be like seeing a 4 door NSX... just looks out of place. I'm going to give it a chance. See how it comes together one everything is fitted and modified correctly. If I still don't like it, I'll try something else.

This project is incredible and the cumulative results nothing short of staggering, quite honestly, but I'm going to have to disagree with your assessment of the hatch addition. I do agree that there is a difference between something new, unexpected and thus for a time "odd looking" and conversely something that looks odd and even after some time for the eye and mind to get accustomed to it still looking out of place. You mentioned a 4 door NSX as an example of odd looking because it's radically different than the norm and thus odd looking, but let me submit to you the new Aston Martin concept Rapide. Different? Sure. Unexpected? Absolutely. Odd looking? Opinions may vary, but the response has been mostly positive and I personally love it.

Don't misconstrue my comments as anything but a constructive take on your "odd look theory". In my opinion, if it looks odd to you now, I think it will still look odd once you grown accustomed to it. I'm sure that if the time comes, your redesign will be phenomenal.

I really do believe that your work on this project will spur other members who have the resources and desire to try redesign projects of their own to enhance their NSXs and those efforts will in turn add additional excitement to this forum. :smile:
VRoooM said:
If I still don't like it, I'll try something else.

I think it looks awesome. BUT if you choose to go another route in the future, consider the F40 style pillars... with scoops that lead to the engine bay. (my apologies for the piss poor attempt at photochopping).


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nicholas421 said:
I think it looks awesome. BUT if you choose to go another route in the future, consider the F40 style pillars... with scoops that lead to the engine bay. (my apologies for the piss poor attempt at photochopping).

Now that c pillar would blend nicely with the NSX's lines, but i think it still might not look right. The rear hatch on the NSX opens and is seperate from the body, therefore there will still be a gap that would be seen because of it unless the hatch was redesigned as well. Will it look good or bad? i can't say because my photochop skills are still at the knick level and not anywhere near the cutting level (hehe, sorry for the poor attempt at a joke).

But still, i admire the work, planning, and effort put into this project. Came out very well indeed.
I love it... and the wheels are amazing... but is it just me or do sorcery bumpers make 18's in the front look like tinker toys... it allmost looks like its 4 X 4 in the front, and not big enough in the rear and allmost like it doesnt sit flush enough in the rear and too far out in the front?

Dont get me wrong... this thing is amazing, i'm just saying in general, i think the sorcery kits are very hard to get to look correct with wheels and offset..
da3dalus said:
I love it... and the wheels are amazing... but is it just me or do sorcery bumpers make 18's in the front look like tinker toys... it allmost looks like its 4 X 4 in the front, and not big enough in the rear and allmost like it doesnt sit flush enough in the rear and too far out in the front?

Dont get me wrong... this thing is amazing, i'm just saying in general, i think the sorcery kits are very hard to get to look correct with wheels and offset..

The stance of the car is still being adjusted. It does need to go down about an inch in the front yet. I can barely get it out of my driveway as it is:biggrin: The spacing (offset) will be fine tuned with the brakes. The custom billet rotor hats will allow me to do this without adding any spacers.

The Sorcery style front fenders can through the eye off because of the overhang on the top and the recess on the bottom by the rocker. The front offset is just about perfect. The rears will come out about another 12 mm.

I'm sure it will be some time before I get everthing just where I want it. After all, that is part of enjoying the car... I think.

I made some custom radiator / headlight brackets out of 1/8" 6061 aluminum last night.



Car looks amazing... as everyone agrees. :biggrin:

If you ever see any free time in the future, and maybe want to fund the next project, PLEASE keep us all in mind for a one piece rear tail light set. Something plug & play with the LEDs just as you have it. I have been wanting something like that for years. Yours looks perfect!
Well, I just had a bad experience with the local glass company. I had a spot on my acrylic hatch that was lifting off the frame. I took it back to have them re-attach it. First they scratched the frit (the black area arount the outside) when removing the arcylic from the frame. Second, the solvents in the primer they used reacted to the plastic and made a milky white mark on the passenger side. Third, they re-attached the acrylic a bit off so the roof gap isn't square. Needless to say, I'm a bit upset. I'm going to have to replace the acrylic (another $400-600) and make sure the car is at the shop (a different shop of coarse) so it is aligned correctly.

Time for a cold beer.... :wink:
Absolutely stunning work! I followed your project all the way through and I'm very pleased with the results. Everyone is telling you to 'drop it' so I figured I'd do a fast 5 min photoshop of a drop. Not too aggressive b/c I know getting over speed bumps/driveways/parking garages can be a pain. It fills in the wheelwell gap nicely. Sorry for the poor/quick photoshop job.


Well, great work and congratulations on a project well done. Can't wait to see the exhaust tip.:smile:
Jeff (aka:VRoom)

I hope u don’t take this personal
This is a forum and we are entitled express our own opinions
So that said..

If this was my car.
The one thing i will change is the...
VRoooM said:
Here are some I took today:





the... Motor OIL every year or 5k miles :biggrin:

Great work and car looks really good.
amgnsx said:
Jeff (aka:VRoom)

I hope u don’t take this personal
This is a forum and we are entitled express our own opinions
So that said..

If this was my car.
The one thing i will change is the...

the... Motor OIL every year or 5k miles :biggrin:

Great work and car looks really good.

Thanks for the support. I took the car out and put a few hundred miles on it this last weekend. It really rides nice.

Thanks Steve for the pic.

Starting on the brakes this week :cool:
VRoooM said:
Thanks for the support. I took the car out and put a few hundred miles on it this last weekend. It really rides nice.

Thanks Steve for the pic.

Starting on the brakes this week :cool:


car looks even HOOOOTTTER in motion.

more HIGH res pix please :biggrin:
Looks awesome!

I hate to say this, but it really really does look like a butt of a ferrari. I think it's mostly because of the round taillights. None the less, it's amazing for what you've done!



Alright , can i buy my car back now !!! :biggrin:

You did an amazing Transformation on it know you were that talented in that area....

I'd like to come to appleton to see it in person, some weekend..
