Problem with starting car...

2 February 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I just got my new 03 NSX about 6 weeks ago..

For some reason, about 1 out of every 10 or so times I turn the ignition key to turn on the car, the engine will need to crank for about 2-3 seconds to ignite and turn on... Is this normal considering it only has about 1k miles on it? This happens regardless of fuel level or engine temperature...

I took it to the local Acura dealer and their NSX tech told me that it has to do with the chip inside the key.. I dont know....

Can anyone help me with this minor issue?

Also, the gearing tends to be a bit notchy... especially when the car is first started in the morning.. 1st to 2nd gear is pretty tough.. almost like its about to grind....

Please let me know if all this is normal!

Thanks in advance!
I don't know if your problem is normal or not; however, my '03 starts within a second every time and the xmission is rock solid and smooth from the get go. I was going to say that your tranny problem might be temperature related then I looked at tour location. I doubt it gets cold enough in LA to thicken tranny oil.
IS300nowNSXsoon said:

I just got my new 03 NSX about 6 weeks ago..

For some reason, about 1 out of every 10 or so times I turn the ignition key to turn on the car, the engine will need to crank for about 2-3 seconds to ignite and turn on... Is this normal considering it only has about 1k miles on it? This happens regardless of fuel level or engine temperature...

I took it to the local Acura dealer and their NSX tech told me that it has to do with the chip inside the key.. I dont know....

Can anyone help me with this minor issue?

Also, the gearing tends to be a bit notchy... especially when the car is first started in the morning.. 1st to 2nd gear is pretty tough.. almost like its about to grind....

Please let me know if all this is normal!

Thanks in advance!

I have the same problem with the transmission, makes no different if it's 90 degrees outside, or 9. Until the fluid is fully warmed up, the shift from 1-2 is especially nothcy. Once properly warmed, it's like butter. This is normal, the ignition problem, I've got no idea, but yesterday, my 02 with 7,500 miles on it, decided that the driver side window belongs down, and won't go back up, so to Acura I go this am:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
It is like that sometime in both of my NSXes.
Try pulling the clock fuse to reset the ECU it may have stored some bad info that could be causing the hard starting. Also pause at the on position before going to start to give the electronics a chance to wake up and the fuel presure to build.

The transmision problem may be related to the clutch not releasing fully. Have the clutch master and slave cylinder bled and see if that helps.
Seems strange that an 03 would have that issue... sorry you are having problems. At least you have warranty :)
regarding the engine starting....
does it happen after you have been driving the car for a while?
... like after the car is fully warmed up?
i know of alot of nsx's that do that... including mine.
I have exacty the same issue with my 2002 NSX I bought new. I had a 300ZXTT before and it always started before the key was even turned over....every time for 6 years.

My NSX, by comparasion, is hard to start and I had the same concern at first. My assessment is this is one of the "features" of an NSX. Now that I'm convinced this is not abnormal, I'm okay with it. My NSX is almost 1 year old and this is the only "issue" I've had with it. Compared with my 300ZXTT, I'll trade the starting hesitation for the extra performance any day! Enjoy your car!
my '00 has the same "hard" start problem once warmed up... by "hard" i mean several seconds...the tech (who drives and NSX himself) said not to worry.