Problem with my NSX...

14 April 2004
Houston / NYC / Tokyo
I was driving in my NSX yesterday and sitting at the light for like 20 sec. Suddenly, the engine just shut down itself. I turned off and tried to start again but fail. The car will crank but not starting....I tried for like 2-3 mins.

The worst part is, I was on the way to the airport for a flight that's leaving in 90 min :eek: ...long story short, a co-worker and I pushed the car into a gas station, called my girl to call AAA to pick up the car and I headed on the airport.

I barely made the flight and my girl told me that they found out my gas will start after they put more gas in. However, I have at least 1/4 tank left and my trip meter is only showing 220 miles (all freeway). That means I should have quite a few miles left before running out gas...

What would be the problem? Fuel system?

Please advise.
I doubt that's it. If your fuel pump was bad, just having more gas in it would not generate enough pressure for the fuel injectors to work. I would suspect a bad ignition switch. Something similar to that happened to me in the past on my 91. I had power to everything else except to the engine. Luckily a Honda mechanic quickly found the problem. Changed the switch and problem never came back. He also stated that this seems to be a common problem with Honda's and since the NSX is just a glorified Honda.... Good luck on this one.
I think you have a cracked solder joint inside your main relay. We see this problem quite often on most hondas and isn't much of a problem. The main relay drives the injectors,fuel pump,and several solenoids. Over a period of time the relay gets hot and develops small cracks onto the circuit board within.

You can take apart the main relay and resolder the board with some lead free solder and be back in business. Hopefully, if that is all that it needs.

Yes I would agree with carchitect on this one... The main relay when it starts to go does strange things... The main relay on my prelude went many years ago. However before I had it diagnosed and replaced it did things like cut the airconditioning when the car was hot, difficult starting and a few seemingly unrelated problems were all fixed by replacing the main relay!

Don't fix it... Replace it!
The main relay is a systemic problem with most Honda's as has been mentioned above. Knowing this I bought a spare to have on hand when it goes and to use in trouble shooting. It's a $50.00 part discounted through one of the Prime vendors and one of the best "on the shelf" items to keep on hand IMO.