Primer of the Year Nominations....

15 January 2005
DC Metro area Nokesville
OK, I have been thinking of doing this for quite some time but I am just getting around to doing it. I am going to give a $40 dinner away to the person that gets the most votes as being the primer of the year. These are people that are always helpful, selfless and generally go the extra mile to help out their fellow nsx owner.

I welcome positive arguments for individuals, but I do not want any negative comments about individuals.

First I will have nominations that will last till Sunday. From the nominations I will narrow the field down to 10 people. Once I have ten People I will post one of those vote threads and leave it open for to weeks.

If anyone wants to "sweeten the pot" please do so on this thread. After all, these are the kind of guys that save us hundreds of dollars and countless scraped knuckles.

I will Start by Nominating two individuals that I feel have to be in here:

#1 Brian K...
This guy has been helping folks as far back as I can remember. He is a huge repository of knowledge and he provides a cost effective service that seems to be set up for the sole purpose of helping fellow primers.

Brad has helped countless primers on here and has broken down the ABS system on the nsx past the point where even dealers were comfortable. As if that were not enough he has taken his show on the road and has traveled around the country helping various primers in different locals.

There are just not enough superlatives for these guys.

You can't talk about this and not include the names of Larry B and Ken!!!! They are the "PRIME" example of the kind of people on this forum!
You can't talk about this and not include the names of Larry B and Ken!!!! They are the "PRIME" example of the kind of people on this forum!

I'll second that.
West Coast Guys

1.Jon Martin
2.Ca AGNSX -steve riter
4.Danny Young
5.Tom Kohrs
6.Titanium Dave
8.Justin Choi
9.Heather Woodall

East Coast Guys
1.larry b
2.ken sax
3.Brian K
5.The Kid

Theres too many good should just do a poll...anyone in the NSXCA is also a nominee in my opinion who contribute.
I don't see Robs {ron98} name listed.:confused: He should be in the running also. His input for others has helped me countless times.
OK, I have been thinking of doing this for quite some time but I am just getting around to doing it. I am going to give a $40 dinner away to the person that gets the most votes as being the primer of the year. These are people that are always helpful, selfless and generally go the extra mile to help out their fellow nsx owner.

I welcome positive arguments for individuals, but I do not want any negative comments about individuals.

First I will have nominations that will last till Sunday. From the nominations I will narrow the field down to 10 people. Once I have ten People I will post one of those vote threads and leave it open for to weeks.

If anyone wants to "sweeten the pot" please do so on this thread. After all, these are the kind of guys that save us hundreds of dollars and countless scraped knuckles.

I will Start by Nominating two individuals that I feel have to be in here:

#1 Brian K...
This guy has been helping folks as far back as I can remember. He is a huge repository of knowledge and he provides a cost effective service that seems to be set up for the sole purpose of helping fellow primers.

Brad has helped countless primers on here and has broken down the ABS system on the nsx past the point where even dealers were comfortable. As if that were not enough he has taken his show on the road and has traveled around the country helping various primers in different locals.

There are just not enough superlatives for these guys.


The list is endless for my supportive and helpful prime members. Lots of the very knowledgeable old school primers don't even post anymore. Knuckster, i think instead of a $40 dinner to the winner, that you should knuckleup, and donate it to 98% of the prime members I have encountered, either from pm's or chatting through the years are stand-up guys. Every city i go to i have had the priviledge of meet and hanging with fellow prime members. Just a thought.:smile:
I nominate CHRISNSX for doing a bad-ass (and very expensive) 2002 conversion and putting up a detailed thread that serves as the "parts-needed" bible for others thinking about doing the conversion.
I vote for RON98 or OLDMNSNSX.

BTW: Why a nomiation for a year while it didn't pass even half of it? :tongue:

Tamoske. :D -> salesman of the year! :tongue:
Lud. It's his website and he does a lot of babysitting and serves a lot cheese to those who whine.
These are people that are always helpful, selfless and generally go the extra mile to help out their fellow nsx owner.

That is too easy:

I have yet meet a single NSX owner that is not helpful regardless of personal opinion or beliefs, but these two individuals are tough to match.
Well you really have 2 subsets of groups that fall into your population of helpful nsx "primers".You are generaly acknowledging those who use prime as thier main portal of help.I tend to think more globaly and include the other group of nsx owners who help others through the nsxca our national/international club.So my picks would be biased twords folks who help and volunteer via both arms.For that nomination I am biased twords people I know well thus they are from our NE region.Larry B #1 and Rso 34 #2 and Nsxtasy #3.That is based on nsx help.Rso also has provided lots of pro bono legal work /advice for many,non nsx related.But I'm sure each general region can come up with nominations.We do have the honor of having all of my picks sitting as current president, secretary,and treasurer of the nsxca,plus they post often on prime.They have rather thankless more trouble than its worth tasks to perform in managing the many issues of a over 1000 member car club.:smile:

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