Primer of the Year Nominations....

West Coast
yojack1 - for going way out of their to organize some really fun drives that encompass more than just the drive. Oh and hooking up a financially disadvantaged nsx owner with rims and tires to save him lots of cash in tires over the next year or so.

East Coast
RSO 34
West Coast Guys

1.Jon Martin
2.Ca AGNSX -steve riter
4.Danny Young
5.Tom Kohrs
6.Titanium Dave
8.Justin Choi
9.Heather Woodall

East Coast Guys
1.larry b
2.ken sax
3.Brian K
5.The Kid

Theres too many good should just do a poll...anyone in the NSXCA is also a nominee in my opinion who contribute.

Well Once this list hits 10 each just make a poll and vote from there.
Is there a category for post whores?

I am vying for an award, any award!
Lud is realy not specificly primer of the year,he has honors of something larger like a lifetime achievement award as his importance is paramount from year to year.
I love it. But we need to hear some passionate arguments for some of these guys. The same kind of passion "lambo doors" would elicit.

Right now RSO 34 is laying waste in the nomination process!!! whoot !!!!

All of these guys that were nominated have really stepped up in one way or another and I hope that just seeing someone else throw their name in the pool puts a smile on their face.

And incase you have not noticed, you can’t nominate your self, but I am counting nomination votes for multiple nominee's.

Keep em coming!! Here is where we are at:

RSO 34 5
Larry B 4
Ken 3
Lud 3
The Kid 2
SteveNY 2
Brian K 1
Oldmnsnsx 1
Ramon 1
Malibu Raper 1
Heather Woodall
Justin Choi
Tom Kohrs
Danny Young
Coolnsx gil
Jon Martin
Ron 98
Chris NSX

(This count is as of 9:29 am Thursday)
Re: Primer of the Year Nominations....Midwest Division

For the Midwest, I nominate Neal (alum04org)
He's a larger-than-life influence (mostly bad ;^) on folks around here, and on this forum.

Re: Primer of the Year Nominations....Midwest Division

For the Midwest, I nominate Neal (alum04org)
He's a larger-than-life influence (mostly bad ;^) on folks around here, and on this forum.


Midwest? There's a middle in the US? lol just kidding :biggrin:

I did just realize we had east coast/west coast but no middle listed in the nominations lol.
Is this gonna go down like the rapper feuds,larry B's boys do a drive by on Steve and Tom:tongue: lol We got Biggie RSO vs Tupak Knorr:biggrin:
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SteveNY smart and most entertaining. DocJohn the voice of reason. LarryB and Ken Sax are the obvious choices.
I nominate:
D'Ecosse and Malibu for their help in the stereo forum!
I also nominate evof575gtc (Erick) for bringing great products at great prices! Locally, in the DC MD VA area, I nominate I10101I (Bryan) for his unselfish willingness to personally help folks in my area to install parts and CB169 (Curtis of Asian Imports) for having a great repair shop with great prices!

Thanks guys!

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SteveNY smart and most entertaining. DocJohn the voice of reason. LarryB and Ken Sax are the obvious choices.

:redface: Thanks for the kind words.
I think with as many people as would nominate their own personal favorite, maybe this should be split up over the regions.

i.e. Northeast, Southwest, etc.

Then maybe the nominated from each region against each other and see who would come out in voice for a member of another region in the final tally.
Ohhhh gentlemen , we have an up set in the making, Larry B has taken the lead in the nominations ..

Malibu Rapper is like the suprise cinderella here, out of no-where he pops up and seems to have a lot of momentum going into the final weekend!!
However, SteveNY has not gone a day with out an endorsment and consistency seems to be with him...

We have a few new folks that were nominated and thats always nice to see. As far as the west cost versus east coast idea is concerned, I respectfully decline. This is "at large", winner takes all, "motor to motor" ....

Come on primers, if these folks have helped you, you need to speak up. It's a dog fight for the final three spots from Brian K on down. only 10 get into the vote on Sunday.

(As of 9:30 Friday)
Larry B 6
RSO 34 5
Ken 4
SteveNY 4
Lud 3
Malibu Raper 3
The Kid 2
Brian K 1
Oldmnsnsx 1
Ramon 1
Evop575gtc 1
Ron 98 1
NSXtasy 1
Heather Woodall
Justin Choi
Tom Kohrs
Danny Young
Coolnsx gil
Jon Martin
Chris NSX
RSO 34 for sure!
Just so you know, if you know this area and know RSO $40 won't even get him through the appetizer phase of dinner!!!

I didn't even realize this thread included me until Roger just called me to make fun of the cost of living in my area. I am genuinely flattered to be considered and to be included with the list of persons named thus far. Although the prospect of a dinner is causing my stomach to grumble, I would just ask that if my name is to be included that I would have the option to request that the money be better spent as a donation to one of our local causes, Camp Good Days. We have our annual Kids' Day at the Glen coming up and perhaps I could get the Northeast guys to block vote me (or twist Larry B's arm to join in since I would vote for him anyway and I think he has a lock on the title) if we could raise more money for these kids.