Ppi cost

7 October 2009
What is the average price for a thorough PPI---I would think an NSXPRIME
recommended mechanic in a particular locale would be best to use as the Acura dealers may be hit or miss --Do you agree?

Does the NSX ECU give any history/codes for how the rpms were exceeded

Sterling Acura in Austin, TX charged me $150 which was very reasonable. During inspection they found that the car had a small oil pan leak, a small scratch, and was missing the extra key.

They mentioned nothing about the timing belt, which had never been replaced. They also failed to mention that although my car only had 24K miles, I should consider performing the 90K service since I am already past 6-years.

I believe a PPI is a good investment, but I put a lot more faith into its findings then I should have.

If you are going to bring it to a dealer for a PPI you really want to find out if they have a tech who has worked on the NSX or gone through NSX training. The dealer throws the term "Acura Certified Trained Technician" around loosely, your dealer will have several Acura Certified Trained Technicians, but have any of those technicians gone through NSX training. Talk to the tech that my do the PPI, ask him what type of work he has done on an NSX. Find out about the tech through the community, ask if anyone has worked with him or used him before.

The last thing you want is someone who has only done an oil change on an NSX, doing a PPI on your car.
$150 sounds awful cheap. I would have thought $400 to $500 wouldn't be
unreasonable---with a compression check and pulling the wheels to check
brakes etc
I just had one done about a month ago...in Dallas Texas (Plano).

$220.00 for 2 hours of the dealer's NSX expert to do the PPI...

They did not do a compression check, but drove the car to feel the clutch,

engine, handling, etc...

Maybe if something felt wrong they would have taken a closer look at

$110.00 an hour...if I authorized it.

I bought my car sight unseen... are close enough to look at the car


Id say $150 to $200 for one without a Compression test. Add another $150 for the test.
whoa. I got mine looked at by Charlie at the Car Doctor (recommended by the Prime community)

He took about a good hour looking over everything and driving it a few times to look for issues we thought were there but weren't.

it costed $92. no compression test of course.
I think Charlie needs to charge a bit more. I told the same thing to my boat mechanic on a couple of occasions---good mechanics are a dying breed
and deserve decent comp.

Now the local Acura dealer whose rate is $100 plus an hour and is paying his people MAYBE $ 40.00 per hour is a bit excessive to me

Back to my boat mechanic-I sold my boat and am pretty much finished for good --so AFTER my sale I again told him that he should raise his prices.
If you own a boat or a high end car you need to feel that you got hosed or
you end up with little to say at a cocktail party. I never felt the need to
tell my Porsche dealers to raise their prices!