PLEASE Eductate them on the NSX...I don't have the patience...

NSXROX said:
Last time I checked, most SUVs sell in the $30-40,000 range. And there's A LOT of SUVs out on the road today. So I have to disagree with affordability argument.

Sure, you can have an SUV as an 'only' car. But most people with a house, family, etc. would not normally consider an NSX a good choice for an 'only' car. The NSX is a "luxury car," as in it's a luxury to own it.
Of course, some people are used to a two seat sports car as their only car... :)

(OTOH, my wife's SUV comes in handy some times.)
NSXROX said:
Last time I checked, most SUVs sell in the $30-40,000 range. And there's A LOT of SUVs out on the road today. So I have to disagree with affordability argument.

Have you ever seen statistics for those $30-40K SUVs? Median income of those who buy them new is typically in the $100K+ range. And while there are plenty of people who do have that kind of income, there are plenty more that don't. Maybe you live in an insulated, upscale neighborhood that blinds you from being aware of this - but on an overall basis, that's pretty much true throughout the country.

Which is why there are a lot more people buying new $20K cars (including SUVs) than $30-40K cars (including SUVs). And a lot more people that can't even afford a new car or SUV that are buying used SUVs and other cars.

Furthermore, as Autophile and PHOEN$X point out, at least an SUV can meet most of a family's transportation needs, which an NSX is unlikely to do.

I'm continually amazed at how much people take for granted, and how little they appreciate what they have... :rolleyes:
Re: How 'bout this one...

I came across this at another site, different opinions make the world round:

Originally posted by Import Hater
.... Let's take a look out the back window...more like let's not. The rear visibility is almost nonexistant, might as well look through a fucking periscope! And then when you finally own one, you get to join the imaginary elite club of a$$holes that look down on anyone who doesn't think the NSX is the greatest car ever made because you are right and they are wrong, that's why you bought it...and dumb ol' Billy Bob just drives a POS Chevy Corvette that breaks down all the time. And where's your car? Oh it's in the shop this week, but it's still VERY reliable I'm sure. And oh it's so comfy inside! With it's goofy a$$ dashboard with switches you can't see and radio that would be high tech in an 80's car. And no you're back and knees will be perfectly fine falling in it, and then using the door as a crutch to get out. Damn that trunk holds alot! If you work efficiently, you might be able to pack two whole boxes of Kleenex in there! And don't worry if you should wreck it. Everyone knows how to work on the aluminium body. Matter of fact...they love it so much, I'm sure they'll give you a discount!


I read the vwvortex thread and thought they were mostly pretty complimentary about the NSX, just a lot of them don't know a lot about it. Then I had a good laugh at the above quote from It's funny to me because it reminds me of the Simpson's episode where Homer gets to design his own car, and of course it's a disaster. This guy's ultimate sports car would apparently have a giant bubble dome for ultimate visibility and a huuuuuuuuge trunk. What else? Maybe some nice bench seats and a hitch for towing a camper? Or some really big 30 inch rear wheels like a dragster, or a horn that play's "la Cucaracha"? No doubt, this guy's untimate car would have a window sticker of Calvin pissing on something...:rolleyes:

By the way, my friend's fully restored 66 GTO has a radio that looks like it was designed in the 60's! Man that car sucks! (j/k)!;)

Re: Re: How 'bout this one...

dlongo said:
I read the vwvortex thread and thought they were mostly pretty complimentary about the NSX, just a lot of them don't know a lot about it. This guy's ultimate sports car would apparently have a giant bubble dome for ultimate visibility and a huuuuuuuuge trunk. What else? Maybe some nice bench seats and a hitch for towing a camper? Or some really big 30 inch rear wheels like a dragster, or a horn that play's "la Cucaracha"? No doubt, this guy's untimate car would have a window sticker of Calvin pissing on something...:rolleyes:

I agree on the VW thread. As to Rob, your assessment of his ideal sports car is hilarious. I picture they guy as someone who just hates anyone who has achieved in business or any kind of financial success. At one point he claims that money is not, and has never been, important to him, yet he wants someones head for calling his employer and letting them know of his antics. I remember all too well what is was like to have to scrounge my change together to make ends meet. I suspect the difference is that I always aspired to achieve, looking up to those that already had, and putting in the time and effort to do so. While we all have to draw the line somewhere, I am very generous in sharing my NSX experience by letting other behind the wheel. In fact, I just walked back in from letting someone behind the wheel. It most definitely made their day. And, he (LS1 owner) has a new found respect for the NSX. So much so that he said he will be selling his LS1 and buying an NSX.
i am a recent purchaser of a 98 nsx and after exhaustive comparisions to other cars and my own likes, dislikes, and affordability I chose the nsx. it had nothing to do with what others may think cuz in the end everyone would have their own opinion. i find that for the folks who like to trash on others in such a way there is often no pleasing them. even if i had a saleen 7,enzo, lambo etc....they will have something negative to say like the maintence cost too much....etc..etc...
He forgot the glove compartment

I thought the post was really funny but then I'm a jaded claims adjuster....He forgot the glove compartment where you can't even fit a beer tankard ---yeah and that would include BIG Gulp cups etc.....:D

So when I take a really big Mettlach stein to my local pub--I use the big old really reliable Jag with its wonderful Lucas electrical system and it's wonderfully designed AC:rolleyes:

Better yet I take 48 HD--I can put the stein in the saddlebags, get better AC than the Jag and build up a good thirst kick starting the bike cold--two to get gas into the cylinder in the off position and one for the money to go;)