PLEASE Eductate them on the NSX...I don't have the patience...

22 September 2000
Dallas TX
ok... VwVortex is an older stomping ground of mine and I go back once in a while to see what topics turn up... but this one got my goat. The majority of them have no clue... and it seems to be the newbies...

I can't muster up the patience to educate them at all today...

anyone want to comment or join that board to get in on the action?

here's the link
How 'bout this one...

I came across this at another site, different opinions make the world round:

Originally posted by Import Hater
That car is nothing but an overglorified, overrated, elitist a$$hole taxi. How the #uck could you possibly like a car that hasn't #ucking changed in a dozen years? I can't #ucking believe the price has gone all the way up to 90 grand despite the fact that it's still pretty much the same #ucking car that came out in '91 for under $60k. 50% inflation in 12 years? No #ucking way. Honda just knows they can get some rich jack@ff to pay that much anyways. And how about that power? Whew! God damn... My #ucking truck makes just as much horsepower as that pitiful engine it has. And torque? Oh sure! Honda has just ALWAYS been known for that huh? God damn, what a joke of a car. So you want one with less than 50k miles? Be sure to set aside another 10 grand for maintainence and repairs. No matter what, you're gonna have to cough up almost $2k for the timing belt package sooner or later. And when you burn up the weak a$$ clutch it has? Pluck down another grand. When the ABS modulator goes bad? $1500. When the EPS unit fails, and it will...another hefty bill. Let's take a look out the back window...more like let's not. The rear visibility is almost nonexistant, might as well look through a fucking periscope! And then when you finally own one, you get to join the imaginary elite club of a$$holes that look down on anyone who doesn't think the NSX is the greatest car ever made because you are right and they are wrong, that's why you bought it...and dumb ol' Billy Bob just drives a POS Chevy Corvette that breaks down all the time. And where's your car? Oh it's in the shop this week, but it's still VERY reliable I'm sure. And oh it's so comfy inside! With it's goofy a$$ dashboard with switches you can't see and radio that would be high tech in an 80's car. And no you're back and knees will be perfectly fine falling in it, and then using the door as a crutch to get out. Damn that trunk holds alot! If you work efficiently, you might be able to pack two whole boxes of Kleenex in there! And don't worry if you should wreck it. Everyone knows how to work on the aluminium body. Matter of fact...they love it so much, I'm sure they'll give you a discount!

scottjua said:
I can't muster up the patience to educate them at all today...

anyone want to comment or join that board to get in on the action?

Why bother, is it really that important to you? You know, I ever really liked the car much either. Then I drove one...
My company just ended its Fiscal year and I had absolutely nothing to do. I usually do not respond to posts like that, but I was just too bored!
Re: Re: PLEASE Eductate them on the NSX...I don't have the patience...

ChopsJazz said:
Why bother, is it really that important to you? You know, I ever really liked the car much either. Then I drove one...

no...not important to me.. but I figured that some nice rational information would be a good change over there.

Not a flame fest or name calling fest... just some good old education. Heck in the comparison forum here people go nuts every time someone mentions a competitor... so why not when so many are clearly interested in the topic but shy on information?
All I know is that I use to get more people asking me about my car than any one in the street. And there in a guy with 2 Ferraris down the street were I live. The NSX look cool even after 12 years. And I bet it will still look cool 12 years from now.
I get sucked in those useless threads so now and then, like on
As Lud pointed out, 9 times out of 10 it's a 18 year old with a 500 dollar worth car talking bollocks.
I wouldn't bother responding. Most of the issues that he's brought up about trunk space and rear visibility apply to all sportscars. If a person is that dead set on what they believe an NSX is, I doubt any response is going to change their mind.

Its a very shallow post. I'm not sure how you can respond to it. Its like trying to hold an intelligent conversation with a screaming monkey. Nothing is going to get through. Just let it go.
It's their forum. Then can talk all the "bollocks" ;) they want!

If they really want to know about the NSX, they'll come here. Matter of fact, one of them did. They posted a link to NSXPrime.
I find it interesting how the one guy keeps comparing the NSX to his Corvette Z06.

I just got my NSX a couple weeks ago and I also considered the Corvette, the BMW M3 and the Porsche Boxster S. I have to admit that he is right -- at $90k the NSX is way overpriced.

However, I leased my car and the NSX is actually costing me much less than I was quoted for a Corvette with a MSRP of $51k. The Chevy dealer quoted me $924/month for 36 months (12k miles) for the Vette. The M3 was around $950/month with 10k miles. The NSX is costing me $835/month.

But in comparing the cars, I observed several things. The build quality of the NSX is far superior to the Vette. The Corvette Z06 is basically a combination of the performance of a $100k car with the build quality & interior design of a $15k Chevy. The Chevy dealer had several used Vettes, some that were only 2 or 3 years old, and they all looked like crap. The leather was already cracking and if I didn't know any better, I would have guessed these cars were over 10 years old.

The M3 & Boxster were both very nice cars and had excellent build quality, and most likely I would have ended up with one of these if it weren't for Acura's special lease plan on the NSX.

While the NSX is overpriced at $90k, it's clearly a much better car than a Corvette. And as many have pointed out, nobody pays $90k for this car anyway -- most are paying closer to $70k.

And someone should tell that Z06 owner to take his top off when it's sunny out. :cool:

Interesting, 4 out of 10 cars on this list are VWs.

Anyway, I guess I'm just not that concerned about what other car owners think.
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Re: How 'bout this one...

I came across this at another site, different opinions make the world round:

Originally posted by Import Hater
[ a lot of four-letter words ]

Hmm, "rob" from San where have I heard that name before? I guess somebody is still bitter about getting fired from their job and being banned from certain forums. Tsk tsk, he must have forgotten to take his blood pressure medication. I'd hate to think what all that anger and hostility is doing to his poor ticker... :(

On the bright side, that thread contained links to some pretty neat NSX pics.
scottjua said:
ok... VwVortex is an older stomping ground of mine and I go back once in a while to see what topics turn up... but this one got my goat. The majority of them have no clue... and it seems to be the newbies...

here's the link

I read the thread and have a different take. I really thought the vast majority of posts were very complimentary about the NSX. However, there is one main point that they all seem to focus on, which as it relates to myself (and most other here) seems absolutely irrelevant; That the price of an NSX is $90K, and being over priced at that.

I don't know of anyone who paid $90k for an NSX. At that price I would agree with them, that it is over priced. But, we all know that even the 03's were going for 73K, which maybe in some of our own opinions is a stretch in relation to value. What they fail to mention is that a person can get into a modified NSX with 390 rwhp, handles like it is on rails, out perform most anything else at a track event, worry little about reliability, and get in it for under 35K .... and have what most consider to be an exotic. Which leads back to the original topic of the VW thread; Is the NSX an exotic?

I thought that one poster summed it up best when he said:

An exotic car to me is any car that makes people say "whoa" when they see one. Park a MB S600 downtown Vancouver and nobody says "whoa", but it costs a full $50,000 more than the NSX. Park the NSX there and people (both enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts) say "whoa".
Basically, the difference between the S600 and the NSX is the difference between an expensive car and an exotic. It's kind of like pornography: We can't define it, but we know it when we see it.
P.S. To those who say the NSX is no longer an exotic because of its age: I say I agree it's old, but that's immaterial. A car's exotic essence is unrelated to age. Look at a Ferarri from the 1980's. It's outperformed by a modern Subaru, but we still consider it "exotic". Early Ferarris have the same straight line performance as many moderately priced cars. Should they be called Fiats with engines in the back?
I would add that not all people would say "whoa," but the majority who appreciate cars do.

Additionally, we need to remember that very few non-owners have ever driven an NSX and had the opportunity to experience what we appreciate about the car; the total driving experience. Heck, it was the first time behind the wheel of sjs's when I knew I absolutely had to have one. The power wasn't the selling feature. It was the complete package as I appreciated it. With that said, different strokes....

On that same note, one VW forum member responds:
Am I the only one here that has actually driven an NSX? I have the opportunity top know a man that has a '99 MSX-T. He paid $88K for it. It is yellow with black leather and a 6-speed. I get to RAIL this car. He actually encourages me to do so. Here is the funny part. He also owns an F355 F-1. He bought the NSX because we both think that it delivers an identicle drive that he can drive all day every day. Yes it is a bit down on hp, but what it lacks in hp it more then makes up for in the handling and forgiveness department. He takes the car to the local Jiffy Lube for oil changes. He goes crazy and uses synthetic and that costs him about $49.95 per service.
All I can say to the disbelievers is go drive the car. If you think it is really that dated, go drive one. I bet you will change your mind really fast. The interior is about as dated as a MKIV GTI. It wraps around the driver much like an airplane cockpit, and of course it is draped in rich leather and high-quality materials as you would expect in a hand-built exotic. And the brakes are nothing short of amazing. Drop the anchor and you are rewarded with what feels like -3g's when the tires are scrambling for traction and the ABS is fighting to keep the car under control. Down-shift into second gear at about 55mph comming into a sharp right-hander and slam the throttle to the floor at the apex and you are rewarded with just a slight hint of over-steer and a wail from that "weak" 290hp V6 that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, and please believe, will plant you into the seat. Hard up-shift into 3rd rewards you with a slight bark from the tires and two small black patches left on the tarmac. It is a fantastic car that out-classes most of the cars built today that on paper should demolish it without thinking in the hands of a capeable driver.
I am going to actually go against my personal bias and say that other then the sound of the engine, the NSX is more fun to drive then the Ferrari, on-lookers and hot women excluded. Drive it hard, put it away wet, and come out the next morning and drive it to work with Howard Stern on the radio like it was an Accord.
Exotic all the way.
Exotic all the way? I dunno, and don't really care what others think (as long as it's not Rob working on my car ;)), but I know I have a smile on my face each and every time I get in mine and drive it. :D
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Among friends and people in the know, I like to call my NSX the car that people love to hate. I'm actually kind of proud that it brings out so much emotions from all sorts of different people whether they know what they are talking about or not. I especially confuse people when they see all the Honda badges on my car. But over all, I've never met anyone (At least yet) in person that had anything bad to say about the NSX. Now the internet is a whole different story.

PS. In response to the title of this topic, I only educate those people who want to be educated. For that I just had them the keys. After that, they either like it (All do so far) or don't. Those who hate the NSX will never be educated. Just like those BMW owners claim they rather have a 318 over any Honda just because it is German made vs Japanse.
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Why the NSX is a no good POS

1. Its only a Honda
2. Its mid engined, you can't see out the back
3. Its slow
4. It eats tires because its not designed right.
5. It costs too much
6. It breaks down all the time
7. It doesn't have a power top

and the REAL reason why it's a POS is:

Because I don't have one!

Hey man.. this kind of BS is "sour grapes" all the way. All these "car experts" know is learned by playing video games. If someone badmouths my car, I don't get upset. I know what makes me happy, and I know that I CAN see well out the back because I have the PRIVILAGE to own and drive one.
Oh, THAT guy, again?!

Haha, glad to know. Good call!


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Re: Why the NSX is a no good POS

mikec said:
I know what makes me happy, and I know that I CAN see well out the back because I have the PRIVILAGE to own and drive one.
I'm curious as to why you consider it a privilege to own and drive an NSX. I mean anyone can own one. I'm not busting on you, but talk like this may be why non-NSX owners think we're stuck up. Just a reality check.
Re: Re: Why the NSX is a no good POS

NSXROX said:
I'm curious as to why you consider it a privilege to own and drive an NSX. I mean anyone can own one. I'm not busting on you, but talk like this may be why non-NSX owners think we're stuck up. Just a reality check.

Well... to me, not everyone is lucky enough to afford to pay $80,000 for a car. Not everyone who can afford that kind of money finds the car importaint enough to buy. I know many people who dearly want that kind of car, but do not have the means to own one.

What I"m saying is, I consider myself lucky that I have to means to enjoy what to me is a special machine. Also, I don't consider myslef wealthy and I work hard for what I have. To me it's a trade-off. I do without some of the things I'd like to have to be able to have a car that makes me feel really good about owning and driving.

P.S. I'm about the most NOT stuck up guy you'll ever meet. I love sharing what I have with others, and that includes cars. I take good care of my cars, but I use them. I don't treat them like a diamond that is not allowed to get dusty or wet. When it gets dirty, I clean it.
I agree whole-heartedly with what mikec has stated so well. I would even extend it, because it's not just a matter of paying $80,000 for a new NSX. Not everyone - in fact, a relative minority of people - can afford to pay $30,000 for a used NSX, either. As I noted elsewhere, a two-seat high-performance sports car is a luxury for most people, something they can't afford. Many people are just not that well off; some have lost jobs (especially in the last few years), others have jobs that don't leave them with much disposable income after paying for necessities like housing and food and the most basic means of transportation. Lots of folks can't even afford an inexpensive new car like a Honda Civic or a Chevy Cavalier. The big car magazines sell 800,000 copies a month; I bet at least half of their readers would give their eye-teeth to own a car like an NSX, but will never be able to afford one, and will never even have the chance to ride in one.

Like Mike, I consider myself very lucky and privileged to own such a fine automobile. And that's why I've been quite willing to let friends drive it - because as much as I am thrilled to drive mine, the chance to do so means that much more to someone who cannot do so any time they want.
nsxtasy said:
Not everyone - in fact, a relative minority of people - can afford to pay $30,000 for a used NSX, either.
Last time I checked, most SUVs sell in the $30-40,000 range. And there's A LOT of SUVs out on the road today. So I have to disagree with affordability argument.
Re: Why the NSX is a no good POS

mikec said:
the REAL reason why it's a POS is:

Because I don't have one!
I think you hit the nail on the head. There are lots of things that I personally do not think is worth the asking price, but does that mean it's not worth it to someone else? Of course not, and furthermore I don't go around calling everything a POS just cause I wouldn't (or couldn't) shell out bucks for it. Those that do, well it speaks volumes about their character (or lack thereof).

As I said, the fact that other people don't care for the NSX--whether it be VW owners or soccer moms--doesn't really bother me. The only people whose opinion I would even begin to consider valid are those that have actually owned or driven the NSX.
NSXROX said:
Last time I checked, most SUVs sell in the $30-40,000 range. And there's A LOT of SUVs out on the road today. So I have to disagree with affordability argument.
Yes, but it's a heck of a lot easier to obtain financing for a new SUV than it is for a 10-13 year old car. Also, SUVs can haul a lot more people and stuff than the NSX, so from a practicality standpoint the only way a lot of people can own an NSX (especially those with families) is if it's their second car.

I completely agree with nsxtasy's comments.