Plan to acquire...

I am currently finishing my last year at college to receive my B.S.E. I regret buying nice cars during college. It was a load on my shoulders, when I could have spent more time socializing with people and opening my mind. This is why I now drive a 1986 Honda Accord. I am liking my last year alot better. Now saving up for a House and thinking about an NSX on the way.

What expensive car did u buy
What expensive car did u buy

According to some members here, it might be chump change for you, however I was and currently still am the sole bread winner of my 100% education self finance (No mommy and daddy's college savings for their children), living expenses, and misc expenses, as a full time student.
I had decent jobs here and there, and recently finally found something I hope I will continue doing in the long run (Forex Investment) and continue with my job hunt in the investment/sales/marketing/auditing industry.
I took out secondary private loans for my first car (I regret this, because it led my motives to obsessiveness of sports cars which distracted me), 1997 Nissan 240sx - in 2004, and then a year later purchased a 1993 Toyota Mr2 Turbo and a Nissan 300zx TT, and in two years (2007) purchased a 2001 Mercedes C320, which till today I have. And now on a hunt for success in my career advancement and still dreaming of that NSX that will come soon. :frown:
Again, for some members here, the price tags on these vehicles were most likely chump change or nothing, but as a 20 year old and working my own way through school and living, this is quite a bit for me. This was my lesson, and now hope my future goals bears with me. Considering a bears market right now, there might be some opportunities. Again, if you have some financial support such as from family, than this would be a totally different scenerio, but for me, this is my brief life story. NSX, I'm coming your way girl!
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According to some members here, it might be chump change for you, however I was and currently still am the sole bread winner of my 100% education self finance (No mommy and daddy's college savings for their children), living expenses, and misc expenses, as a full time student.
I had decent jobs here and there, and recently finally found something I hope I will continue doing in the long run (Forex Investment) and continue with my job hunt in the investment/sales/marketing/auditing industry.
I took out secondary private loans for my first car (I regret this, because it led my motives to obsessiveness of sports cars which distracted me), 1997 Nissan 240sx - in 2004, and then a year later purchased a 1993 Toyota Mr2 Turbo and a Nissan 300zx TT, and in two years (2007) purchased a 2001 Mercedes C320, which till today I have. And now on a hunt for success in my career advancement and still dreaming of that NSX that will come soon. :frown:
Again, for some members here, the price tags on these vehicles were most likely chump change or nothing, but as a 20 year old and working my own way through school and living, this is quite a bit for me. This was my lesson, and now hope my future goals bears with me. Considering a bears market right now, there might be some opportunities. Again, if you have some financial support such as from family, than this would be a totally different scenerio, but for me, this is my brief life story. NSX, I'm coming your way girl!

I'm in the same boat as you. Even though this thread is long, its good information. I'm in my last 3 months of my college career, and as soon as a job is NSX is all but in my hands.

I was able to purchase a (in my mind) beautiful laguna blue pearl s2000, with my own money. Yes working to pay for school, and a car payment isn't the easiest thing, but its worth it to me. I love the car, I love the feel of it. The only downside I have with the situation is having to park it on the street while in class. NSX on the street for hours and hours is a bad idea.
I say his parents would not let him go bad on the loan if he decided to be lazy and slow on the payments. Personally I think you should do what you think is right, and then learn to live with your decisions. It is apart of getting out from underneath your parents thumb, and making crucial decisions on your own. Depending on school local, dorm or apartment, area in city, it is important to realize that you would be going to school in a attention getting machine, and some attention is dangerous.
So, I'd like to share my crazy plan to acquire an NSX. You'll probably all make fun of me, but I don't mind =D

I'm 17 and driving an 08 GLI. I went 50/50 with my parents for the GLI. Roughly 12,000 down + 500/month for two years. I hate my parents owning half my car, so when I turn 18 in March I'm going to buy it out from them.

Then I'm going to sell my car and buy an NSX. With the money down from the GLI, I should be able to keep the payments reasonable to afford during college.

I'm an experienced web developer, and I'm doing fine money-wise in high school, so I don't think it will be too big of a deal in college.

What's the youngest age someone here has owned an NSX?

i say know your limits and have enough saved to plan for the worst case scenario. if you plan for that worst case scenario and you still think its feasable, go for it!

Too many people shot down my dream when I think i could have made it and now i'm kicking myself in the ass lokoing back realizing i could have easily done it.

Only YOU know your situation and only YOU know what you can handle, but dont be naive, know your limits plan for the worse and pull the trigger if you can after all the dust settles.

Just do us all a favor, dont let that car end up at a bank repo auction.

Over all theme of this message, if this is what you really want, and you're like me and wasn't interested in blowing all his money on girls and booze in college. If THIS is what makes you happy, then you need to bust your ass work as hard as you possibly can keeping school a priority, a decent cushion of savings, and with whats left over buy ur NSX.

Key words here, WORK HARD FOR WHAT YOU WANT. If you were 15 I wouldn't care if your first car was an NSX if you worked 60hrs a day to acquire it beacuse THATs what makes you happy.

Life's too short. I'm not saying dont plan for the future or dont save, I'm just saying dont forget to live life, and if you define a happy life as working to acquire an NSX vs, extra time to party and booze it up with females, then so be it.
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