Plan to acquire...

Why are you guys pussy footing around with this kid. If it was your 17 year old, what would you say?

We are entering the worst economy this country has seen since the Great Depression. We have no idea how bad or how long this may get. He is 17 years old and with little to no real income or education and he wants to buy a NSX? WTF? If it was my kid, I would tell him to go get a job and start saving because he may not have a place to live in a year as Mom & Dad's basement may be the Bank's basement next year.

On second thought. F the NSX.... go buy a Murcielago, a big bag of weed, Eliot Spitzer's ex whore and live it up...

Speaking for myself only -- because I know exactly what he's thinking. I was there too (when it first came out, haha). I don't feel any obligation to be a parent on here, just to give the facts (a. NSX won't get you laid, b. it's not financially responsible and c. it's not a good campus car anyway).

His parents can "teach him a lesson" if that is desired, but certainly not a bunch of random blokes on the internet. He just needs the facts from us, not sermons.

(I do agree that it's a bad idea though :wink:)
I like reading these responses. Especially the meticulously written bash posts from users that failed to read my original post. Good stuff.

My problem with the GLI is that it's really not too fun and it's super quiet unless your above 2500 RPMs. Could I spend some cash to fix that? Yea, but my car will depreciate double what I spend, so it's not really "financially responsible." The NSX is attractive because it's already fun, it's already loud, it holds its value, and apparently because I'm a man. I don't know, there's just something about it.

Regarding the s2000, it seemed like a sensible next-best choice. I'm going for a sporty, classy feel that isn't heinously overpriced. Do you have any other recommendations? And please don't say 91 Camry ;)

as one planning to be a buyer one of these years, i'll offer my few cents.

get that education and make sure you make the most of it. enjoy college for what it is and have a ball. looking back on it, i wish i took advantage of so much more when i had the chance. this is me saying all this only 1 year out.

the job market sucks. being a student now is probably the best deal. you don't want to own a nice car in college. you want something that you can take on roadtrips. you want something that you can load up all your gear and party at a friend's house. something cheap, stone cold reliable, and cheap to maintain.

the nsx is none of these things. with a clutch replacement nearing 2K, tires costing around 1K for an insanely short amount of miles, not to hint on repairs for damages that may happen, caused by you or others. just with the car being made how it is, a small accident in almost any other car would be repaired by insurance, but will be considered a total for the nsx.

you said you have a good income and you are an experienced web developer. get the education first and you will make more. the jobs that were plentiful making 60K yester-year aren't there anymore, but making something along those lines right out of school isn't unheard of (all of my classmates, if they still have their jobs, are making around that - but my college is a special case). it all depends on how hard you work at it.

you don't want a ~30K hole in your pocket sitting in a garage.

i think the best bang-for-the-buck right now is the s2000, if you want a 2door type of vehicle. they're ridiculously cheap now, and can offer you the absolute reliability and cheap maintenance.

save your pennies now, because the future holds no promise for more.

but then again, do what makes you happy. just make sure you're looking down the road as in everything these days, you need to look ahead.
Why are you guys pussy footing around with this kid. If it was your 17 year old, what would you say?

We are entering the worst economy this country has seen since the Great Depression. We have no idea how bad or how long this may get. He is 17 years old and with little to no real income or education and he wants to buy a NSX? WTF? If it was my kid, I would tell him to go get a job and start saving because he may not have a place to live in a year as Mom & Dad's basement may be the Bank's basement next year.

On second thought. F the NSX.... go buy a Murcielago, a big bag of weed, Eliot Spitzer's ex whore and live it up... the world will be over next month anyway when Obama takes office and Pakistan and India nuke each other.

Um apparently you don't realize he has a job. Anyways you had a dream when you were younger too, what if you were able to afford that dream? If he can honestly afford it, he should get it. You bashed on him without reading much of the posts here. Anyways I plan on getting one within the next 3-5 years and I'm only 18... You don't know this guy, he may be a better driver than you, richer than you, and you're sitting here talking down on him.

I would take a NSX over his GLI for most of the reasons he stated. He could mod that GLI and get shit for resale unlike teh NSX. It's resale is one of the best cars I have ever seen. Plus he could sell it (if everything goes to shit) easier than he could the GLI without taking as big a loss.

Like most others said, live your life. Don't live it unaware of the consequences which is what most members here are trying to tell you. Know that shits gonna be mad expensive on the NSX. Don't save all of your pennies for school and tmrw you may die bc some dumbass drunk cuts across 4 lanes and smashes it into you. You have one life and if cars make you happy then go for it. Just don't spend all of your money going for the NSX.

Anyways you don't know if Obama will do a goodjob on the economy or not. Your opinion and you don't need to ruin this thread by turning it kinda political.
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Regarding the s2000, ...


Yeah, get a 2000-2001 S2k, they are cheap and you will learn how to drive RWD and have FUN in the same time, still the trunk is descent for groceries ... + chicks love it ... just INSURANCE sucks, so try to get your parents into the insurance thing so you will be second driver etc etc .. please ignore retarded comments and follow your heart and your wallet .. if not, just get a prelude Vtec, is a good start, then S2k, then NSX, then whatever life brings to you, one thing for sure, the more challenges you get, the more motivation you'll have to kick ass ... @ least that's how i am, I delayed my NSX dream to buy a house, that was the BEST choice i ever did, now that i have my NSX i treasure like is a woman lol .... someday i'll have an R8 then a F430 etc etc .. that's how life works when you are not "sponsored" by your family!

Follow your heart and your wallet!
Um apparently you don't realize he has a job. Anyways you had a dream when you were younger too, what if you were able to afford that dream? If he can honestly afford it, he should get it. You bashed on him without reading much of the posts here. Anyways I plan on getting one within the next 3-5 years and I'm only 18... You don't know this guy, he may be a better driver than you, richer than you, and you're sitting here talking down on him.

Yes, I read the posts and yes I saw that he does web design.

It's still a dumb idea to sell a 2008 with a warranty for a 17 year old car with no warranty and is not cheap to fix.

We are not telling him/you this to be mean. We are telling you from experience - IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA TO GO TO COLLEGE WITH ANYTHING OTHER THAN A NICE RELIABLE CAR AND/OR A BEATER!

And for the record - yes I am a better driver than him (consider that I track instruct for SCCA, NASA, PCA, BMWCA and 1010ths Motorsports). :tongue:
And for the record - yes I am a better driver than him (consider that I track instruct for SCCA, NASA, PCA, BMWCA and 1010ths Motorsports). :tongue:

LOL- when I read "he may be a better driver" in the above post I was rolling on the floor!

Go for the S2000. :biggrin: They have much better bang for buck than the VW. You will have a blast driving it and the chicks will dig it. Like the above posts say, the NSX will only atract a bunch of dudes and they will expect you to pay for their beer.:frown:
Ok so you may be an instructor, but he could be Ken Block for all we know. Can you see the face of the guy you're making these comments to? All we know is that he says he is 17 with a GLI... You don't really know if you're a better driver than him if you don't know who that really is typing..

Anyways aren't NSX's suppose to be reliable?? So I'd much rather take a reliable car with no warranty then a non-reliable car with warranty. It used to seem like everytime I go to the dealership, they try to find some way to say its not covered under warranty (back before I had friends at the dealer). "Oh wait, that clutch is a wear item.. Even though you only have 5,000 miles it's not covered under warranty. Oh that 1st gear synchro thats going out, its not covered under the XXXXXX warranty you bought on the contract and also we have reason to believe that you have launched your car and went past the redline" I spend hours sitting there arguing with people to fix a few problems (I'm just making up a bunch of scenarios).. If that fails, then going to the lawyer to argue this case? Or calling up the local news stations? All that time and effort and you certainly can't buy back time! You'd spend more time trying to get them to fix that shit then studying which is what he's in college for..

Anyways as long as he keeps good care of a NSX, it should be reliable. It isn't really arm and leg expensive to keep it reliable from what I have read. Theres just a few thigns that go out over time which is normal for a 10+y/o car.. Shit my friend has a GTI thats 6y/o and he has more problems with it then my old 91 s13 ka-t. He kept very good care of that car too! Always went to dealer for the recommended maintenance etc etc..

Yes, I read the posts and yes I saw that he does web design.

It's still a dumb idea to sell a 2008 with a warranty for a 17 year old car with no warranty and is not cheap to fix.

We are not telling him/you this to be mean. We are telling you from experience - IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA TO GO TO COLLEGE WITH ANYTHING OTHER THAN A NICE RELIABLE CAR AND/OR A BEATER!

And for the record - yes I am a better driver than him (consider that I track instruct for SCCA, NASA, PCA, BMWCA and 1010ths Motorsports). :tongue:
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Ok so you may be an instructor, but he could be Ken Block for all we know. Can you see the face of the guy you're making these comments to? All we know is that he says he is 17 with a GLI... You don't really know if you're a better driver than him if you don't know who that really is typing..

Yea, I am a better driver. Not because I have a God given talent, but because I have many years of experience and seat time practicing on the track.

Anyways aren't NSX's suppose to be reliable?? So I'd much rather take a reliable car with no warranty then a non-reliable car with warranty.

That is just plain stupid. A warranty is a warranty and no warranty means you pay EVERYTHING.

Anyways as long as he keeps good care of a NSX, it should be reliable. It isn't really arm and leg expensive to keep it reliable from what I have read. Theres just a few thigns that go out over time which is normal for a 10+y/o car..

Even if nothing breaks, an NSX is an expensive car to drive. Rear tires last 5,000, fronts maybe 10-12k. Timing belt/Water Pump - $1.8k, Clutch - $2k and on and on. The parts are not cheap and even if nothing breaks just replacing the small things can get expensive.

You can try and justify it all you want, but those of us with experience are telling you/and him that it's a dumb idea to buy an NSX and take it to college. But hey, it's your life. Buy an NSX and be a big man on campus.
Ok so you may be an instructor, but he could be Ken Block for all we know. Can you see the face of the guy you're making these comments to? All we know is that he says he is 17 with a GLI... You don't really know if you're a better driver than him if you don't know who that really is typing..

Anyways aren't NSX's suppose to be reliable?? So I'd much rather take a reliable car with no warranty then a non-reliable car with warranty. It used to seem like everytime I go to the dealership, they try to find some way to say its not covered under warranty (back before I had friends at the dealer). "Oh wait, that clutch is a wear item.. Even though you only have 5,000 miles it's not covered under warranty. Oh that 1st gear synchro thats going out, its not covered under the XXXXXX warranty you bought on the contract and also we have reason to believe that you have launched your car and went past the redline" I spend hours sitting there arguing with people to fix a few problems (I'm just making up a bunch of scenarios).. If that fails, then going to the lawyer to argue this case? Or calling up the local news stations? All that time and effort and you certainly can't buy back time! You'd spend more time trying to get them to fix that shit then studying which is what he's in college for..

Anyways as long as he keeps good care of a NSX, it should be reliable. It isn't really arm and leg expensive to keep it reliable from what I have read. Theres just a few thigns that go out over time which is normal for a 10+y/o car.. Shit my friend has a GTI thats 6y/o and he has more problems with it then my old 91 s13 ka-t. He kept very good care of that car too! Always went to dealer for the recommended maintenance etc etc..

There are people who deserve the NSX...You are not one of them
Man, my first thought was of the crappy parking that we had at my school and the mount of door dings that you are going to encounter with every co-ed getting out of their Celica, VW Beetle, or 4 Runner with a arm full of books, a laptop, a bag full of workout clothes and on their cell!

Worrying about car payments and insurance in school is for the birds! Take the time to have fun and open your mind. It truely will be an experience that you want to have without the weight of the world. A car is tough load to bear,especially at your age. Plus, the kind of women on campus that you will attrack with a NSX will be shallow, into their looks, superficial ... (Ok this was a bad thing right?) Never mind:tongue:.

The good thing is that it would cut you out of the DD role and roadtrip car since it only seats two!

Good things come to those that wait (at least that is what I was told!) It took me 15 yrs to get my X but it was worth the wait. Enjoy your college years NSX free and save you pennies when the time is right, it will come.

hummmm college. .. . .:biggrin:
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Yea, I am a better driver. Not because I have a God given talent, but because I have many years of experience and seat time practicing on the track.

That is just plain stupid. A warranty is a warranty and no warranty means you pay EVERYTHING.

Even if nothing breaks, an NSX is an expensive car to drive. Rear tires last 5,000, fronts maybe 10-12k. Timing belt/Water Pump - $1.8k, Clutch - $2k and on and on. The parts are not cheap and even if nothing breaks just replacing the small things can get expensive.

You can try and justify it all you want, but those of us with experience are telling you/and him that it's a dumb idea to buy an NSX and take it to college. But hey, it's your life. Buy an NSX and be a big man on campus.

So are you honestly saying that you are a better driver then Ken Block? Wow that is hilarious.. How do you know Ken Block didn't spend years behind the wheel? How do you know he jsut has God given talent? Not all pro drivers have God given talent, some of them actually worked up to there. This could be the son of Michael Schumaker (sp?) or Alex Zanardi for all you know. You gonna tell me you're better then Zanardi at driving? Did God give him his talent?

Warranty doesn't always mean warranty.. You try getting warranty work out of most dealerships. Are you gonna drive the 2 hrs to go to another dealership?? You gonna get on the phone with corporate VW while they transfer you about 3 times while you wait an hr each time they transfer you listening to Jingle Bells? Sure you get the "peace of mind" once you first buy that new car bc they tell you you ahve 10 yr 100,000 mile warranty, but once it comes down to it most dealers are dicks.. I have foudn even with Honda's (my family owns 6 Hondas) from NYC-LA that they will try anythign to get out of giving you that warranty. "We can't fix your window (my automatic switch wasn't working right) bc that aftermarket tint you have affected it". Yes I have gotten that shit before! Once my friend started working there, thigns got better though..

Hm from what I have read, things don't break down all that often. So compare that to a VW (referring to my friends "337" GTI) in which shit breaks down like every week (and half the time dealer wasn't willing to replace bc its a wear item).. I have to say the NSX MAYBE just a little bit more expensive. Not enough to sweat over it though, just stop eating out so much and I think that would cover the diff. You got me on the tires though, no argument there..

Anyways I don't see how I would be the big man on campus. I have been to the campus of my future college and let me say that there are more M3's there then I have fingers and toes. Not to mention all the AMG MB's, Lexus's, and Porsches.. Also FTR I was going to take the bus to school. It isn't smart to drive any car onto campus seeing as parking spots are rare and far. That or carpool with my roommates (I plan on living off campus with my friends of over 10 yrs that have been living there for 2 yrs now).

I don't see why I get flamed for sharing my opinion? You don't know this guy. Maturity isn't determined by age but by experience. I doubt half the board has experience what I have experienced. Anyways I don't see the problem with an 18 y/o owning an exotic as long as he isn't an ass racing down the street. Hell I see older members (40+) street racing. Giving us advice and sharing your experience is awesome. I value the experience of the older members that have owned the NSX for 10 yrs. Just don't think that we're younger (18) that we are automatically immature street racing punks that are doing it to be popular and pick up the chicks..
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Wow you don't even know me. Wanna enlighten me?

Why does everyone assume that we're doing it for the girls anyways? You keep syaing you won't be picking up any girls with this car. I actually have a gf that is going to the same college as me. I'm not worried about picking up girls. Road trips? Partying? I've done all the partying in HS. I've been down that road and I'm over it. I have plenty of cars I can borrow for road trips (brother, roommates, gf etc etc). Beer? We always split stuff like that. We don't ever make just one person to pay.


There are people who deserve the NSX...You are not one of them
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Wow you don't even know me. Wanna enlighten me?

Why does everyone assume that we're doing it for the girls anyways? You keep syaing you won't be picking up any girls with this car. I actually have a gf that is going to the same college as me. I'm not worried about picking up girls. Road trips? Partying? I've done all the partying in HS. I've been down that road and I'm over it. I have plenty of cars I can borrow for road trips (brother, roommates, gf etc etc). Beer? We always split stuff like that. We don't ever make just one person to pay.

You are correct. I do not know you personally, however Ifrom your tone and outlook on what it would be like to take proper care of this vehicle backs up my opinion. However you sound like a future college student, and by that I mean one that truly does not understand the true meaning of responsibilty for the car of a vehicle of this magnitude. "yeah, well it is just an acura, and it's cheaper to maintain" is what I would call truly HILARIOUS.

I was once 18 and believed I could handle this car (or any other cars) responsibility. Get your life set and straight before you even try to come here and defend "ken block" b/c guess what...I'm willing to bet the OP is in fact, NOT ken block. You want to know what the difference between you and Ken Block is?? MONEY + TIME! But wait, let me guess, you're gonna comeback with a "well I dont know you, or how much money you have" Willing to bet, it's not what Ken Block has in his. And I would put my life savings on Jim over your "what if it's..." type of mentality anyday of the week.

Let me know which one of your roommates will split that clutch/timing belt service...I mean, you all do just split stuff like that right :wink:
I dont understand why leonphelpss11 is getting bashed in this thread? did i miss something???

Because Mr Phelps recently joined and started talking shit about the 17 year old OP being a better driver than CLcaptain (years of track experience). Sleepless nights of playing Gran Turismo in High School does not make you a good driver. :rolleyes:

That said, the OP seems like a cool guy who has been interested in the NSX fro quite a while (joined in 2006). He seems like he comes from a well to do family that would probably be supportive of him getting an NSX dream car. Hell, if you can get your dream car for $25,000 then everybody should run out and get your dream car. He is clearly making enough for a $2000 clutch or anything else that may need to get fixed. I say enough of the hypothetical "what ifs". Here are the facts:

NSX is a VERY AFFORDABLE dream car. It is fairly inexpensive to maintain. If you still live at home, it is completely inexpensive to maintain. To many guys on here think that the NSX is uber balla status. The fact is it can be bought and maintained by anyone that puts their mind to it - and that is a good thing. :tongue:
Hm from what I have read

Exactly...from what you've read and not experienced. We are owners of NSX's that have been there done that. Listen to what most of us are saying...I'm sure your Prof's would appreciate the ability to listen and understand.

Go to College and have fun. A NSX will not help matters as simple as that and would become a hinderance.
Because Mr Phelps recently joined and started talking shit about the 17 year old OP being a better driver than CLcaptain (years of track experience). Sleepless nights of playing Gran Turismo in High School does not make you a good driver. :rolleyes:

That said, the OP seems like a cool guy who has been interested in the NSX fro quite a while (joined in 2006). He seems like he comes from a well to do family that would probably be supportive of him getting an NSX dream car. Hell, if you can get your dream car for $25,000 then everybody should run out and get your dream car. He is clearly making enough for a $2000 clutch or anything else that may need to get fixed. I say enough of the hypothetical "what ifs". Here are the facts:

NSX is a VERY AFFORDABLE dream car. It is fairly inexpensive to maintain. If you still live at home, it is completely inexpensive to maintain. To many guys on here think that the NSX is uber balla status. The fact is it can be bought and maintained by anyone that puts their mind to it - and that is a good thing. :tongue:

How did I talk shit? I simply said before CLcaptain start talking shit

I am 17 too and here is my plan. I make alot of money, almost $14,000 a year and live in my Grandma's basement. So the only expenses I have are food and weed. Plus, Obama said he was going to send everyone a check, so I will have plenty of money. My baby's Moma is pregnant again and we are going to sell this one since we already have a baby. Who needs two? Plus, I am not really sure that I am the Baby's Daddy so no big whoop. So... I should get at least a couple of grand for the new baby and will use that for the down payment for an NSX. The rest the dealer said they can split up on 6 of my credit cards and 3 of my baby's Moma. The Finance Manager even told me what a great deal it was to add the sales tax and property tax directly to the loan. Wow, that's so cool - I don't have to come up with cash for that stuff.

I can't wait to get my 2005 NSX - I have been dreaming about it since I was a teenager (last year)! Does anyone know if Cody at LovFab takes Visa? And can he split it up onto multiple CC like the dealer too?

BTW: If I get the Type R ducted hood can I mount a baby seat up there? And where can I get baby size goggles?


he should get to know the guy. The one thing I bashed CLcaptain about is not assuming that he is this type of guy in which he just posted making fun of. How can you assume he doesn't know the risk eh? I understand this guy prob is not Ken Block, but he isn't a complete dumbass. Cmon, how many ppl do you really know that are that stupid. Living at home, buying a NSX with horrible interest rate splitting it on 10 diff Credit Cards. I was making the pt that he isn't entirely devoid of senses and probably had a lot of time to think before actually considering the NSX. Just because I recently joined doesn't mean I have been on this forum for quite a while. You don't have to join in order to be a complete noob to this forum, I have jsut been lurking and reading up here and there before I joined here.

Exactly...from what you've read and not experienced. We are owners of NSX's that have been there done that. Listen to what most of us are saying...I'm sure your Prof's would appreciate the ability to listen and understand.

Exactly, we READ up on your experiences. We read what has happened to majority of owners so when shit happens we won't be surprised. Just because I haven't been shot yet doesn't mean I don't know the consequences of being shot. You don't have to experience things to be wise, just reading and listening makes you smarter right there. I am listening to what you guys have to say. That is why I'm going to wait 3-5 years to save up. I am going to take a look at my financial situation IN COLLEGE then before I jump into buying a 10+ y/o exotic. I am going to see if I do have leftover income after each month to prepare for the worse. I'm not talking about 100 bucks left over either..

You are correct. I do not know you personally, however Ifrom your tone and outlook on what it would be like to take proper care of this vehicle backs up my opinion. However you sound like a future college student, and by that I mean one that truly does not understand the true meaning of responsibilty for the car of a vehicle of this magnitude. "yeah, well it is just an acura, and it's cheaper to maintain" is what I would call truly HILARIOUS.

I was once 18 and believed I could handle this car (or any other cars) responsibility. Get your life set and straight before you even try to come here and defend "ken block" b/c guess what...I'm willing to bet the OP is in fact, NOT ken block. You want to know what the difference between you and Ken Block is?? MONEY + TIME! But wait, let me guess, you're gonna comeback with a "well I dont know you, or how much money you have" Willing to bet, it's not what Ken Block has in his. And I would put my life savings on Jim over your "what if it's..." type of mentality anyday of the week.

Let me know which one of your roommates will split that clutch/timing belt service...I mean, you all do just split stuff like that right

Wow, the whole beer thing has nothing to even do with cars.. Anyways I do know how to treat a car. I treat all my things carefully. Why? BC I bought it, I wasn't born with a gold spoon in my mouth.

I'm pretty sure I do know how to handle a car pretty well. I mean I'm not saying I could outclass CLcaptain, but I do have my fair share of track time not to mention the cars I have driven. But I'm not going to get into naming all the cars I have driven bc thats essentially just name dropping and I don't have proof of that right? Except I do have pics.. OK so lets all assume I'm just a 18 y/o with no exp and talking shit out of my asshole.

where is he getting bashed??

Go back and read some of the posts.. I am pretty much getting shot down for stating my opinion and telling some of the more older members to get to know someone before you judge them..
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You are not getting the big picture, and with that, I'll leave it to this.

Go buy an NSX during college and I will put a Shamwow guarantee that you will regret it
I never once said I'm going to buy it in college no matter what. Go read what I said. I said I am going to take a look at my financial situation before considering buying one in college. Thats not to say I'm not willing to wait till im out. As I see things now, I think I could buy one in 3-5 years.. I get what everyone is trying to say, live college for what you guys think it is. Partying, girls, etc.. College isn't gonna be the same experience for everyone. I prefer working at this point in my life over going out with friends to a party. Maybe you should take back that Shamwow guarantee before YOU GET TO KNOW ME.. or the OP

You are not getting the big picture, and with that, I'll leave it to this.

Go buy an NSX during college and I will put a Shamwow guarantee that you will regret it
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You are not getting the big picture, and with that, I'll leave it to this.

Go buy an NSX during college and I will put a Shamwow guarantee that you will regret it


You will regret buying a NSX once I Shamwow your ass at the new course in northen KY this spring. lol - bwahahah.
green ftw. :tongue:

Of course, I need Jim to show me how to drive first...
Maybe you should take back that Shamwow guarantee before YOU GET TO KNOW ME.. or the OP

Is this your answer to everything in your life? :rolleyes:

Honestly, when you are out of school, and it's time for a job, I WANT to be there at your job interview, just to hear if you'd actually use this line

You will regret buying a NSX once I Shamwow your ass at the new course in northen KY this spring. lol - bwahahah.
green ftw. :tongue:

Of course, I need Jim to show me how to drive first...

I'll be WATCHING! (this coming from a guy who actually owns an NSX :tongue:)

and I want to hear more of jim wild and crazy stories from piloting
Hey there,

to e39m5: I know that you said you can afford it, but take the time and do the math and research for what is reasonably expectable (can't always plan for the unexpected) and see if you can feasibly support such a car based on the "best case scenario"

Before I purchased my own car, I researched what a good interest rate was for the time to include economic/political (etc.) circumstances happening in the contemporary situation, determined various amounts of money I was willing to put down, and determined what kind of monthlies you can expect based on several variables. Let's just say that right now at this exact moment, you may not get the best interest rate because of economic circumstances, and take into account that the interest rate you'll get now will lock you in for 36 months, 50 months, or however many months you end up taking out a loan for. Also realize that most institutions are highly hesitant to create a line of credit for a car more than 8-10 years old (or whatever your exact vehicle age is for the NSX) and this in itself could end up in disapproval or even more elevated interest rates. Shop around for a fair one, and try to do so without hurting your credit.

Coming from an Operations Research background, and being very good at calculating things using spreadsheets, etc. I programmed my very own spreadsheet(s) to accurately calculate monthly payments and other things like that (won't factor in other fees which you do not know the exact monetary value of to include registration, paperwork, etc.).If you want the monthly payment estimator spreadsheet just send me a PM. I will gladly email you the simplest easiest version to use to you. Not that these resources aren't available to you online, but you can save various versions of the spreadsheet to refer to in the future, so this makes it convenient.

Also, shop around for insurance while you don't own the NSX. Look at the VIN#(s) of vehicles currently for sale close to the condition you are shooting for (year, mileage, etc.) and see what kinds of rates you can get. Might as well find the best rate for the coverage provided (granted you should be getting full coverage anyway) while you're at it.

Look at how much you'll be planning to pay for in terms of parking fees (if applicable) because I know certain colleges make you pay for a space per semester, etc. and look into any other sort of expenses related to the monthly upkeep of the car.

Calculate how all these items in the best case will affect your "Net income". Realize that this requires you to know what your Gross Income is along with other expenses you can expect to be paying while in college, so go research tuition (if applicable because I know your parents might be paying for you as is the case with many college students) otherwise you'll be paying for your own student loan, and research any other expenses you might expect to have, so calculate the worst case scenario for that as well. When you find out how much elbow room you have in terms of disposable income, then determine if the choice to own an NSX is right to make right now. Personally, this took me a couple months of research to do on my very spare amounts of free time, job and school, so you should know that this is a very involved process. Sometimes in a month, you might end up having an expense, let's say buying books (which can easily reach $800 in august), that makes it very difficult to make ends meet for just that month. This can make you delinquent on a car payment, and cause you to default in the long run = repo, hurt credit score, etc.)

Please by all means do your research, and see if your current job can foreseeably support your for 5 years, or be easily replaced by other jobs which you can take in lieu of school later on down the line because taking out a line of credit is a HUGE commitment. PLease please please do your research before diving in. It is an involved process, but if you are committed enough to your actual dream and long term benefit, it shouldn't be difficult to do. I basically spent my free time from my job and school doing this and it paid of in the end for me (at least after my very own cost benefit analysis) however, I feel stable enough with how much funds I have in "emergency" (more than $35K which could actually pay off my car if i really wanted to right now) and monthly disposable income to take on such a risk, and it is a risk, trust us all on this one.

Please do your very own personal research and let us know what you find. This is probably where you'll have the most progress (as opposed to spending time here in the forums), but by all means come back here if you need help with the details of the research as well :)

good luck with this adventure, and happy holidays!


feel free to PM me if you still need some personal help, I'm willing to help if you're willing to take in all of our advice.