Plan to acquire...

14 December 2006
So, I'd like to share my crazy plan to acquire an NSX. You'll probably all make fun of me, but I don't mind =D

I'm 17 and driving an 08 GLI. I went 50/50 with my parents for the GLI. Roughly 12,000 down + 500/month for two years. I hate my parents owning half my car, so when I turn 18 in March I'm going to buy it out from them.

Then I'm going to sell my car and buy an NSX. With the money down from the GLI, I should be able to keep the payments reasonable to afford during college.

I'm an experienced web developer, and I'm doing fine money-wise in high school, so I don't think it will be too big of a deal in college.

What's the youngest age someone here has owned an NSX?
I'd be careful. I make a lot of money (enough to buy a 23000 car by myself) and I got pretty much shot down here by everyone that replied to my thread. What they said is true, do you really want to be buried in debt going to college? College is going to be expensive not to mention another new car payment coming into the mix. I'm going to repeat what another member said, unless your fam is crazy rich don't go for it. Just wait, which is what I'm giong to do unless I find the perfect deal again without the owner wanting me to add crazy money on top of my car.

I'm 18 and I was real close to buying a NSX but that fell through bc the owner was crazy.. So my suggestion to you again is to just wait unless you find a perfect deal that only comes by once.

Keep in mind insurance is going to be a bit high too bc of your age. For me, it was about the same for my car.. Maintenance won't be cheap either, esp if stuff is going out (ac, clutch, tb, pretty much all the tune ups). Plus from what I have read, fixing body stuff on this car is very expensive. I've heard that a guy had ran over a tire on the highway and he paid about 17,000 in repairs alone.. Thats almost about the price of your GLI. Just keep your new car that doesn't have a payment. It will also be very reliable for long distances and you won't have to pay an arm and a leg if you decide to run something over, or even any at all bc your car isn't that low.
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what's a lot of money? lol
I'd be careful. I make a lot of money (enough to buy a 23000 car by myself) and I got pretty much shot down here by everyone that replied to my thread. What they said is true, do you really want to be buried in debt going to college? College is going to be expensive not to mention another new car payment coming into the mix. I'm going to repeat what another member said, unless your fam is crazy rich don't go for it. Just wait, which is what I'm giong to do unless I find the perfect deal again without the owner wanting me to add crazy money on top of my car.

I'm 18 and I was real close to buying a NSX but that fell through bc the owner was crazy.. So my suggestion to you again is to just wait unless you find a perfect deal that only comes by once.

Keep in mind insurance is going to be a bit high too bc of your age. For me, it was about the same for my car.. Maintenance won't be cheap either, esp if stuff is going out (ac, clutch, tb, pretty much all the tune ups). Plus from what I have read, fixing body stuff on this car is very expensive. I've heard that a guy had ran over a tire on the highway and he paid about 17,000 in repairs alone.. Thats almost about the price of your GLI. Just keep your new car that doesn't have a payment. It will also be very reliable for long distances and you won't have to pay an arm and a leg if you decide to run something over, or even any at all bc your car isn't that low.
what's a lot of money? lol

Haha, I meant a lot of money for my age. I don't really know how much I make a month, but I make like 70-130 a day.. Sometimes more sometimes less but thats usually the avg.. Keep in mind I live at home atm and pay car pymt, insurance, food, gas, cable, cable inet pretty much everything but rent/electricity..
You are crazy.

You will be going into College which should be one of the best experiences of your life. Why would you want to own a exotic car that you'll worry about parking everywhere and spend $$$ on maintaining? Your insurance will be crazy expensive and once you own this car you'll quickly realize it doesn't carry friends and needs some care and attention to maintain its quality and condition.

What happens when mates want to go away for a ski/snowboard trip or some other bad ass school party like trip? Can you also afford that? What about binge drinking at the bar? Can you also afford that? What about paying for school? If your parents are paying why not show them some appreciation and show them your a smart and responsible student instead of some young punk that needs a cool ride.

Go to school, learn, have a great time, and get a good job afterwards; then own a NSX. They aren't going anywhere...

While you are at it you might want to read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"...
With all that money down, I would say it would still be very hard for you to find a financial institution that would be willing to lend you some principle, especially at your age, and your situation (the following are assumptinos) without an established time with a company you work with (normally two years or more plus) and proof that you are already responsibly either paying rent or mortgage (normally looking for stable residency of two years or more as well) you are more prone to disapproval for loan applications. I had a difficult time trying to find the right people to lend me the difference and I was going to make a $10500 downpayment towards a $29,500 NSX. It was still troublesome despite having worked for the Air Force for 2.5years and despite having lived on base for 2.5 years as well (and I should tell you that the members of the military are definitely not in any fear of job security issues). Like others have said, you should be taking in enough income monthly that you can be capable of taking care of the unforeseen, and that doesn't refer to just your NSX as well, because you are young and plenty of opportunities will be thrown your way, you will not want to miss out on these potentially once in a lifetime opportunities... especially when you can wait maybe 2 to 4 years later to own an NSX anyway. The military takes really good care of me in terms of benefits: healthcare, housing, my education (I am still a full-time student), and other basic amenities (food, water, electricity, etc.) so I feel very comfortable making my monthly $487.35 payment in addition to my $75 insurance payment (by the way that insurance payment is atypically low for NSX owners, but I am insured by USAA which is very friendly to members of the armed forces). Despite all this stability in my life, it was still pretty difficult to obtain my loan.

I would be very cautious in terms of being very liberal as to where you apply for a loan because the more times your credit report gets a hard look i.e. when you authorize a financial institution to pull your credit, it actually hurts your credit (trust me I learned the hard way). I would suggest applying for a credit card with a low spending limit, and making monthly payments responsibly in order to build some really good credit, that way when you get your credit pulled, by a financial institution, they will see a solid score above 700 or so.

If it makes any difference, I joined the Air Force when I was 18 (I'm 20 almost 21 now) and had a plan to own an NSX. That meant putting away money into my savings every month to build towards a sizeable downpayment two years down the line. Fast forward to the present, I am now an owner of a '92 which I purchased 5 months ago (still had a difficult time obtaining approval for a loan as previously mentioned), but it took patience and good amount of financial planning ahead of time (as well as delay of gratification). Seeing how you are about the age when I became determined to become an owner of an NSX you can still do the same.

Time Value of Money (It's a concept in terms of putting away money which grows at a steady percentage, aka your savings account), you have time and a monthly income, so keep saving, and when you trade in your own GLI, maybe you can even pay for the balance in full without even having to take out an auto loan. Some might even say to take the auto loan anyway, maybe with a very small monthly amount to also help build credit, but pros and cons can be argued with that. Anyway, I would be glad to help you out if you have any specific questions because I remember how frustrating it was to not be able to own the car I wanted. Let me know? Good luck buddy :)

Merry Christmas!!!!

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all I have to say is:

....>> Patience it's the secret for young people ... Patience it's the key, good things take time . as they should .. just be truth to yourself <<....

4 years ago I had a chance to buy one, even if i was 27 i thought i needed to @ least own an S2000 first, that was my best choice ever, nothing wrong to dream about and maybe do it, the question is:

Can you do it?
Can you handle?
Can you afford? (that even if you find a 20K 91, still an 18 years old car that requires maintenance care etc )
Is that really a priority?

There's tons of amazing cars out there
Great thought but you are out of your mind. I am 53, financially secure, waited 17 years to buy one and still don't like the idea of forking out $2K+ for a clutch. Keep the GLI, get laid a bunch and enjoy the last vestiges of no responsibility while you can because the real world sucks ass. If you really want an NSX when you get out of school, there'll be one around for you.
Go to college. Don't buy an NSX. Sell that Jetta. Buy a beater. Best thing I ever did in college. Try saving some money instead of spending all of it.
I am 17 too and here is my plan. I make alot of money, almost $14,000 a year and live in my Grandma's basement. So the only expenses I have are food and weed. Plus, Obama said he was going to send everyone a check, so I will have plenty of money. My baby's Moma is pregnant again and we are going to sell this one since we already have a baby. Who needs two? Plus, I am not really sure that I am the Baby's Daddy so no big whoop. So... I should get at least a couple of grand for the new baby and will use that for the down payment for an NSX. The rest the dealer said they can split up on 6 of my credit cards and 3 of my baby's Moma. The Finance Manager even told me what a great deal it was to add the sales tax and property tax directly to the loan. Wow, that's so cool - I don't have to come up with cash for that stuff.

I can't wait to get my 2005 NSX - I have been dreaming about it since I was a teenager (last year)! Does anyone know if Cody at LovFab takes Visa? And can he split it up onto multiple CC like the dealer too?

BTW: If I get the Type R ducted hood can I mount a baby seat up there? And where can I get baby size goggles?

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The first thing you should do is talk with your parents about it, and ignore us idiots on NSXPrime. It is your life and your decision. You never know when you are going to die. Would you want to get cancer in five years and say "all I did was cram books at college and drive a beater"?

Life is a machine and you can easily get sucked in and become another cog that keeps it going.

Here is some advice based on personal experience:

I had saved up money from 14-18 (about $7000) that I invested in stocks when I turned 18. By age 21 it was worth $30,000. By age 22 it was worth $7000 again when the tech market fell out. I barely had enough to make a down payment on my first home.:frown: I thought I would have enough to make a 10% down payment on a home and enough left over money for a nice down payment on an audi s4. That didn't happen.
I'm doing good now, but I've learned to never plan on having something "four years" from now because life throws to many curve balls.

Several friends and family members have spent $$$ on education in computer programming and engineering (since that was the trend in late 90s). Currently half of them are unemployeed or have been in the last six months.

Point is: live your life. Your dad can give you the best advice on what is good for you. Hell, maybe he will go in half on a NSX!:biggrin:
I will be one of the few here who disagree with everyone else.....

I say BUY the car... If you do make ok money and can make the payments then why not. The ladies will love it!!

We all had odd jobs in college, whether we used the money for beer or to take girls out, its the same idea. we work and spend our hard earned money on something that makes us happy.

so go buy the car if thats what you want, keep in mind it is not one of the cheaper things to own and if your ok with that and know all the things that are pricey and will have to do in the future the pull the trigger and get one....
I wouldn't recommend it just for the simple reason others have pointed out, and that is.. Where are you going to park it? It'd be a miracle if your car was still around or in one piece after sitting around at a college for several years. Would you want to do that to your dream car just because you're impatient?

I'd suggest to start saving your money so you can pay cash for one when you're done with school. Even just insurance + maintenance + gas is going to be pretty expensive. I have a great job with plenty of disposable income and even I don't want a payment like that.

Selling a car right after you pay it off is also a great way to throw away money. If you're good to that car it should last until you're done with school. If you're going to pay it off soon then you can start making payments to yourself toward the nsx.

I really want an nsx too but I'm not going to put myself into a stupid situation just to have one.
Hopefully you wont keep the NSX on campus. Im sure there will be plenty of haters who might do something.

I say forget the nsx and spend the money on booze and chicks in college. :cool:

08 GLI is still a very nice car for college. If you dump it then you will lose a good chunk of the value. They arent worth much used.
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my honest opinion, if you do not have the cash to buy it outright, then dont. this is the way i go about all my purchases. a house is more difficult to have cash back stopping it, but i have a different philosophy when it comes to buying a house.

but again there has to be a balance of happiness in the equation too.

Let me say one last comment that is different than my more mature philosophy above... I bought my Supra Twin Turbo when i was 22, I did not have the money in the bank, I had no savings, and yet i bought a $30k used car....i had no expenses, school was paid for, i lived at home, so all i had to worry about was my car payment and associated expenses. if i had the chance to do it all over again, i would not change a thing. I had the best memories with that Supra:)

then again, I buy the supra with 10k miles on it, and sold it when it had 120k miles on it for $20ish k...not a bad deal in hindsight haha!
Haha, I meant a lot of money for my age. I don't really know how much I make a month, but I make like 70-130 a day.. Sometimes more sometimes less but thats usually the avg.. Keep in mind I live at home atm and pay car pymt, insurance, food, gas, cable, cable inet pretty much everything but rent/electricity..

what do you do? was just curious because of the wide range of daily income....
Enjoy the GLI for now. It's got warranty, it's a nice car and if it's a 2.0 turbo then it can be blistering fast for little money. Nice wheels and a decent drop and your set. There are some good VW forums to join and you'll be suprised how fun your GLI can be. Remember, "Warranty" means alot.:wink:
Haha you guys are awesome just for replying, I was completely expecting this to get ignored.

IF I do buy an NSX (yes, that F is capital on purpose), I'll drive it for four-five months before I go to college than park it at my parents house or rent a garage near my school. I'm hoping to go to college in SoCal, and I'd say the NSX is a nice SoCal cruising car. The last thing I'll do is abuse the car, it's too nice =D

I'll be putting very minimal miles on the car, so the depreciation really shouldn't be too bad.

I'll also always have the option to sell it, as it's clearly a desirable car.

I'm gonna wait and see how much I can save over the next few months, if it's decent and theres nothing holding me back, I may just go for it. Otherwise, used s2000 is always an option, I hear it's got a nice gearbox.

Haha you guys are awesome just for replying, I was completely expecting this to get ignored.

IF I do buy an NSX (yes, that F is capital on purpose), I'll drive it for four-five months before I go to college than park it at my parents house or rent a garage near my school. I'm hoping to go to college in SoCal, and I'd say the NSX is a nice SoCal cruising car. The last thing I'll do is abuse the car, it's too nice =D

I'll be putting very minimal miles on the car, so the depreciation really shouldn't be too bad.

I'll also always have the option to sell it, as it's clearly a desirable car.

I'm gonna wait and see how much I can save over the next few months, if it's decent and theres nothing holding me back, I may just go for it. Otherwise, used s2000 is always an option, I hear it's got a nice gearbox.


if it is the choice of waiting or buying an nsx now, i say, wait. if it is the choice of settling for an s2000, i say, pay the incremental difference and get what you want...
It's ok to have a goal, but sometimes (especially with big ticket items) timing is everything. I would drive what you have while in school, then worry about the toys once you have more disposable income.
It's ok to have a goal, but sometimes (especially with big ticket items) timing is everything. I would drive what you have while in school, then worry about the toys once you have more disposable income.

in other words, dont spend money you dont have lol.
I meet a 16 NSX owner when i lived in Seattle in 1996. The kid had a Mid Night Pearl NSX with automatic transmission.

He was from Indonesia and his dad was loaded. The NSX was his daily driver when it's not snowing. When it snows, he drove a Range Rover.
Any chance you are gay? I only ask because it's a proven fact the Acura NSXs only attract dudes. Sucks, but that's the truth. If you want to get crazy ass in college (while having some $ to pay for dinner and booze) -- get the Wrangler or some other convertible.

My advice is to listen to your parents and just recognize that this isn't a financially responsible thing to do. As others said, it's not a good college car most places -- it's sure to be vandalized at some point. And don't expect to be making $50+k when you graduate. Those days are oooovvveerr.

But, I know where you're coming from and its a good goal to have but probably not right now, right before going to college.

(also, when you drive the nicest car amongst your buddies, you don't have any excuse for not paying for their beer and shit too. :wink:)
Why are you guys pussy footing around with this kid. If it was your 17 year old, what would you say?

We are entering the worst economy this country has seen since the Great Depression. We have no idea how bad or how long this may get. He is 17 years old and with little to no real income or education and he wants to buy a NSX? WTF? If it was my kid, I would tell him to go get a job and start saving because he may not have a place to live in a year as Mom & Dad's basement may be the Bank's basement next year.

On second thought. F the NSX.... go buy a Murcielago, a big bag of weed, Eliot Spitzer's ex whore and live it up... the world will be over next month anyway when Obama takes office and Pakistan and India nuke each other.
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