Pictures of New Concept Honda Sports Car

So this is the direction that Honda has chosen. And with it... it's fate. I am no longer a Honda lover. Goodbye forever dear Honda. :frown:
I dont' hate it. It just needs a slanted nose instead of the blunted one. It looks like a pug's nose.
Looks like.........
For what it's worth, it's better than the ASCC. Not sure what the hell the rear end is all about though. Plus doesn't Honda have their own design team separate from the Acura team? Or did they get consolidated toegether? :confused:

Because if they are still separate then there will always be hope. If they have been consolidated and we are left with the guys from the Acrua group, then there truly is little or no hope left.

Still. Chop off that growth on the back and it's not bad. Reminds me of the Lexus from Minority Report for some reason. Very futuristic and a good place to start considering it's just a concept. Keywords "to start".

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LOL Well you guys kept b*tching about wanting a mid engine car and again:biggrin:
Looks like somebody ran the front end into a brick wall and forgot to fix it when it went into the repair shop and what the hell is that thing hanging off the rear end? This has got to be the oddest looking concept vehicle I've ever seen.

I think the spokesman in the picture is counting on his fingers and saying "Hey, we had four chances to get this right and we blew every one of them."
There are some good aspects to the design, the 3/4 front view is good and I like the front fenders and air extractor. But the butt is like a monkey's butt. :frown: We really need Ken Okuyama to come back to Honda and save the day.


  • wtf.jpg
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F ugly

This is just getting stupid now. How is this even possible?

FC Sport = F'n Crap Sport
I like it. I like it a lot. 3 seat, mid engine, hydrogen powered fuel cell. Yeah!

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Maybe they have designed to sell as an Asimo accessory once Asimo goes for sale as house keeper robot ...
so weird ...
