Phoenix NSX drive down to the Pima Air Museum

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Thanks to all for letting me a part of the FANTASTIC :biggrin: drive to Tucson on Sat.
It was a pleasure meeting all of you and I hope to be able to post in the OWNERS section soon. I am working on the pics and video. I do have the pics and I can email them if anyone's interested. OJ
It was great meeting you OJ!! I'm glad you made our drive, and we sure enjoyed having you along!

Get your NSX and get in on the next drive! :)

Thanks EVERYONE for coming. I am sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to all of you, as we came out of the museum a bit later. Mark/Barabara thanks for staying for dinner, I had a great time!

Chris - good to see ya buddy! It's been a while since you went on a drive with us.

Dean/Pam - always a pleasure to see you guys.

I really enjoyed meeting all the new (& soon to be) owners as well as getting re-acquainted with the existing owners.

This was a fantastic drive and I really appreciate Dean taking us down to Tucson, and Heather for taking us to the great local restaurants for some good chow!!

Man I was so beat after such a great drive, that when I got home last night I just collapsed on my sofa and fell asleep with my cellphone in my hand. :)

Can't wait to do it again!!!
This was a blast! Thanks again to the folks who arranged it all: Frank/Dean/Heather. I especially liked the "go fast" sections :biggrin:

Sonia and I had a great time meeting you all and look forward to the next drive, lets do it soon!
Loved the trip! Meeting up with old and new friends and enjoying the driving experience. Does it get much better? Sorry we couldn't stay for dinner in Tucson. We eventually over indulged food at our neighborhood dinner party.

We need to meet soon right after New Years to bid 12AMNSX a fond farewell as he heads to Sante Fe. I also made contact with the manager at Tempe Acura and he is certain for an NSX car show open for January. Why don't we combine the two and show our cars and then have dinner afterwards? I'll can make arrangements for second or third week-end in January.

Thanks to each of you for making it a safe and fun trip to Tucson. The Air Museum was great.

I tried to post some pictures for a thread here but I can't seem to make it work. Either my computer or I seem to be techno-challenged. Any advice?

Awesome drive! Kim and I had a great time..

Dean : That sounds great. It was a pleasure to finally meet you, your wife, and your car. Would love to talk to you more sometime about Russia. :)

OJ : Your enthusiasm is contagious, man... Best of luck on your journey to ownership. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help out. Love the shirt!

Bill : Tell April we said hi and are looking forward to the big day.

Heather : Glad you could take time away from your many commitments to join us... Wouldn't be the same without the JGTC :) Hopefully next time Stephen can make it also.

Frank / Kelvin : When we pulled off to get gas on the way back, we put in 14.5 gallons... how big are our tanks? :D Thanks so much for the loaner radio.. it adds so much to the experience.

Joseph : Was great to see you again and Kim really enjoyed getting to know Sonia. Judging from the permanent grin on your face the whole day, I trust Phoenix is treating you well? :)

Terry : Good to see you again... car was beautiful and that color stunning as always.

Chris : A pleasure as always... I'll let you know how scheduling my checkup goes. How was Tucson that night after we left?

Mark / Barbara : Good to see you two... Let me know if you want to do some motorcycle riding once the weather warms up a bit or if you want to meet and switch NSX's to try out the supercharger / exhaust setup I have.

Don / Karen : Glad to meet you both! Would've been a lonely wait at Desert Ridge without ya. ;)

I'll post my pics as soon as I finish porting my old linux gallery scripts over to this new macbook pro. Shouldn't take too long.
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Hi to all
WOW what a great trip! :biggrin: Karen and I really enjoyed ourselves..(We liked the fast parts as well) :wink: We cant wait until the next time. I have a few pics, PM me with your e-mail address if you want them. O.J. check your PM. Tempe Acura sounds good for me in January.

Dean and Pam: Lead anytime..It was great!

Frank/Kelvin: Great meeting you and I look forward to our next drive (P.S. was the fish any taco good?)

Bill: Like your car:wink:

Heather: Good to finally meet you

Chris: Good to see you again.

Waldorf and Kim: It was a bit cool waiting, but the company was great! Hopefully we can get together soon.

Joseph and Sonia: Thumbs up for red NSXs

Terry: I like that color too!

Mark and Barbara: If I ever need a chiropractor again, I know who to call. Barbara, now Karen wants to go up to Jerome to get a necklace like yours. :)
