Petition and letter to car magazines pleading for a new NSX

9 August 2002
Hi every body!

It is time to be united and to work together for the new NSX.

We must elaborate a petition, an article to be submitted to car magazine in the goal to make noise and to put pressure on Honda to not let down the NSX.

This fantastic and one of a kind car deserves a real successor and every real sports car enthousiast in this world is looking for it.

We must show that there is a lot of people waiting and disappointed and the automotive world without an NSX would be incomplete.

I think that this campaign should also be promoted in other exotic car forums like, Automotive Forum ( Lamborghini ), because I believe they will support us as real exotic enthousiasts.

Would you like to see Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche and BMW disappear?

The same does apply to Honda high end sports cars...

I liked very much the opinion posted by TC in the New NSX a go-Down the Road thread.

Concerning the car magazine article we could surely build something strong with all the competent people here in Prime.

We could bring strong arguments and opinions from owners,

nice pictures,

pertinent data...

I would like to put in evidence that Honda is actually able to bring something far better and powerful than the current NSX.

140 hp/L , over 9,5K rpm, under 1275 kg total weight, 7 speed paddle shift operated gearbox, intelligent engine computer management system like in F1 to tame big rwhp during launch, bends and straight line...

We must show how rich and dedicated is our NSX owners community

So this way we will put faces, facts and emotions in this debate...

The NSX is a soul car, we are soul and inspired people...

This is a call for all the optimistic people here, let's do something!

Pessimistic people, please don't post counter arguments here, this the place for those on the solution side about actively promoting and lobbying for a new NSX. ( If you're not on the solution side, so you are on the problem's side! )

With all my respects,

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I'm pretty sure honda views this site. But I do like your idea. Maybe another idea is to contact the sales people at acura and show a strong demand for a new nsx.
Welp... I've only owned an NSX, my first NSX for a couple weeks now and can finally understand why the car has been in production for 15 years now.
The car still drops jaws. It's truely in a class of its own. It's high-tech japanese beauty like something right out of a feature length anime film. It's from the company leading the way in bipedal robotic technlogy! These guys inspire me.

The NSX is the car that i've dreamed of owning since the mid 90s when I first saw one. It's the car that gave me somewhat a sense of pride driving around my 91 integra, knowing that it was from the same family. Its the car that has always made me pay closer attention to the rest of Honda's line of cars with the idea that owning one of them would be a bit like owning part of an NSX.

With that said, I think its in Honda's best interest - when they've got it right, to release the car. If the sales aren't a significant motivation, consider the people they'll inspire, and in turn who will dream as I did and consequently tend to buy honda products because of that hard earned respect they've built by doing something extrodinary again.

A lot of people here are demanding more speed/power. That's fine and dandy, but as far as I'm concerned, thats never been what the car is about. Sure, more power will be nice and you know they'll deliver more in the next revision - but I'm not certain they'll need to crush the competition with numbers to have another extrodinary car on their hands. It's about the whole package that only Honda apparently knows how to build.

I definitely plan on owning the next Gen - So please honda, bring it on!

No matter how delusion you think honda is...they are in the biz of $$$$$

HP sells cars (in the USA)

look at porsche - those guys went off track many years ago. The purists howled...look what they got - a boxster which totally cheapened the brand.

The purist howled more...

look what they got - an SUV.

So yeah, the porsche purists run their old 911 at PCA events but dont buy the new cars....the soccermoms/dads and yuppies do that.

So you think honda will do what exactly?

the HSX/NSX is dead.

Sportscars/supercars are having a glorious golden age - if honda doesnt want to join the BIGPOWER bandwagon like all the rest - they'll continue to sell crap numbers.

lookit how HUGE a hit the 350Z, G35, FX are..why? they offer domestic levels of power. If the NSX had 320hp since 97...they would prolly sell a ton more. Same w/ the S2000.

Fine honda, go be that way then....
In my opinion, as a long-time Honda devotee and former NSX owner,
Honda has turned its back on the true enthusiast. I think the HSC was intended to test the waters for a second generation NSX and it recieved
mixed reviews even among hard-core enthusiasts (ie, this website) and was
almost universally dismissed as "too little, too late" by the automotive press.
I think that the HSC's failure to gain momentum is what killed the NSX.
Honda made a critical error in bally-hooing an underpowered, over-engineered prototype back in '03 and then failing to follow-up with a either a V8 or
supercharged V6 within 6 months. It sends the message "Oh, we were just
f-ing with you" to the automotive enthusiast. Don't get me wrong, effer,
I would be glad to sign my name to any such letter or petition and would
plunk down my hard-earned $ for a worthy successor to the NSX. (Obviously, as I keep visiting Prime hoping for the Great Pumpkin to show up) :smile:
IMO, Honda needs to adopt the strategy used by porsche for years now. A base model and a turbo.

Here is my thought:

Base NSX2
2800 lbs
3.5 V6 380HP
0-60: 4.5 1/4: 115MPH
6-speed or paddle
$65K (No options)

NSX2 Turbo
2900 lbs
3.5L V6 Turbo 450 HP
0-60: 3.9 1/4: 120MPH
6-speed or paddle
$85K (No options)

NSX2 R Turbo
2700 lbs
3.5L V6 475HP.
0-60: 3.7 1/4: 125MPH
For the truly insane only :)

Seems to work for Porsche. Why not for Honda?
I agree with you Dave. Alas, we are voices in the wilderness.
NetViper said:
IMO, Honda needs to adopt the strategy used by porsche for years now. A base model and a turbo.

Here is my thought:

Base NSX2
2800 lbs
3.5 V6 380HP
0-60: 4.5 1/4: 115MPH
6-speed or paddle
$65K (No options)

NSX2 Turbo
2900 lbs
3.5L V6 Turbo 450 HP
0-60: 3.9 1/4: 120MPH
6-speed or paddle
$85K (No options)

NSX2 R Turbo
2700 lbs
3.5L V6 475HP.
0-60: 3.7 1/4: 125MPH
For the truly insane only :)

Seems to work for Porsche. Why not for Honda?


the base one is mass produced in alabama by family sharing a single pair of dentures, while the R/turbo are based off a real race-proven engine and chassis.

Oh yeah, b./c this honda/acura we speak of, the base one should be no more than $50k. To essentially offset the increased cossts of the higher end (low volume) volumes.

Obviously, the turbos should be instantly and visually apparent as such *special* models.

Thats too complicated for honda however - seeing as how they cant even restyle/refresh an *interior* (a la infiniti) on a yealy basis if need be.

Let em go...I'm buying a 996TT in the next month. :biggrin:
NetViper said:
NSX2 R Turbo
2700 lbs
3.5L V6 475HP.
0-60: 3.7 1/4: 125MPH

This uber model is pretty darned appealing to me, but unfortunately it's out of my (and most enthusiasts') price range. If that base car (with hp #s in high 300s) is do-able for under $60k I would buy within 2 years from now.
Maybe along with signed petitions we should send in our "earnest money" :biggrin:
Just curious but so don't flame me. Did any of you NSX owners purchase it new? I think that is the major hurdle for Honda at the moment. In Australia a new NSX cost about A$250,000(US$190,000) which is why I have not seen one to date. I don't know why we pay double in Australia?

Also there is not much of a constincy in resale value from A$50,000 for a 91 to A$87,000 for a 96 for the same car.
A small percentage of members of this board purchased their cars new. NSXtasy for one. You can do a search and find the number of new NSX's sold in the US last year, maybe 200-300? Most of those cars probably went of the door at
slightly less than MSRP. Alot were probably leased at about $799/ month,
which was a helluva deal actually. Prices in Australia seem exorbinant.
my .02

Honda is in this to make money....however most high end cars are made to make a statement...not profit.

The NSX is the top of the line car for Honda.... It's something civic owners aspire to own. However with the low sales it's got to be hard for Honda executives to say, "Yeah, let's spend $100,000,000 to redesign the NSX"

Of course, I would love to have one. But I cannot afford a new NSX I'd be waiting a few years for the price of a used one to go down. I'm assuming that's the position most of us are in... So it's hard for me to get on the bandwagon and say "Honda make us proud and build a new NSX". Of course I do hope it happens, but I cannot back it up with a check!!

Don't forget that Honda leads the class in performance motorcycles. So they are not slacking in all areas :smile:
JimK said:
A small percentage of members of this board purchased their cars new.

I absolutely don't buy that argument. Every NSX sold on this planet has been, for once at least, purchased new, so 100% of NSX sold were bought new by people who could afford it new...

What's the problem?

Because not every first NSX buyers aren't still owners?

This only IMO proves that not only actual owners have right to say something about the new NSX but also all previous first owners!!!

And more, with the right competitive product, Honda could even sell cars to P and F cars owners...

IMO almost every second hand 97+ NSX buyers could afford a new NSX and a lot of them decided to use saved money for mods.

A trade off that would happen less often if Honda would have been smart enough to offer a 400+ HP stock car...if only Honda would have make the NSX evolved at the same rythm of Ferrari and Porsche...

I could buy a new NSX and would be able to afford a 100K $ US HSC. I repeat it, if Honda doesn't offer me a 2nd gen gorgeous NSX, I will spend my money on Diablo SE30 ...

In short, don't be alarmed, we are legitimately able to give a relevant opinion about the new NSX...


NetViper said:
IMO, Honda needs to adopt the strategy used by porsche for years now. A base model and a turbo.

Here is my thought:

Base NSX2
2800 lbs
3.5 V6 380HP
0-60: 4.5 1/4: 115MPH
6-speed or paddle
$65K (No options)

NSX2 Turbo
2900 lbs
3.5L V6 Turbo 450 HP
0-60: 3.9 1/4: 120MPH
6-speed or paddle
$85K (No options)

NSX2 R Turbo
2700 lbs
3.5L V6 475HP.
0-60: 3.7 1/4: 125MPH
For the truly insane only :)

Seems to work for Porsche. Why not for Honda?


This is the way!

I would not offer, for the truly insane, a turbo version but an

2700 lbs
4,0L V6 or V8 590 hp

7 speed shift paddle

with pre designed carbon body options and competition suspension, ...even the possibility to switch for a full carbon body!


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neurobound said:
A lot of people here are demanding more speed/power. That's fine and dandy, but as far as I'm concerned, thats never been what the car is about.

Not exactly, when the NSX was released in 1990, this car was showing a better power to weight ratio than the current Ferrari model ( and even almost better than the Testarossa !!! ) , only about 10% power difference in a lighter package...

do the same considering the actual entry level Ferrari and you will see how far and too less is 290 hp in a 3000+ lbs package...

neurobound said:
Sure, more power will be nice and you know they'll deliver more in the next revision - but I'm not certain they'll need to crush the competition with numbers to have another extrodinary car on their hands. It's about the whole package that only Honda apparently knows how to build.

I definitely plan on owning the next Gen - So please honda, bring it on!


Right, but as far as magic doesn't exist, some numbers have to crush competition's ones...

like power to weight ratio and also NA engine output.

These are Honda best wild cards IMO.

V6 or V8 4,0L @ 145hp/L in a less than 1270kg package ( less than 2800 lbs )

Remember again in 1990; 90 hp/L, 1365 kg, 8300 rpm redline, ...

compared to the F 348 and Testarossa...

As in F1, staying at the same level is the same as regressing...


So, do you want me to write down that petition?

I gladly will, but unfortunately, as I am far far far less litterally fluent than I would be in french, will there be a generous mind to help me and finalize it nicely?

God bless all of you!


nsxtacey: I also like your idea about contacting sales people.

This could be a first step for this next two weeks...

I engage myself to call three dealers ...
NetViper said:
Seems to work for Porsche. Why not for Honda?

Because Porsche is a luxury/sporty brand and Honda is a family, quite cheap and reliable vehicle builder? ;)

In my opinion there is no wise way for Honda to build us (except to do us a favor) a new NSX...

Everything above 70-75k won't sell. Of course just my opinion...
gheba_nsx said:
Because Porsche is a luxury/sporty brand and Honda is a family, quite cheap and reliable vehicle builder? ;)

In my opinion there is no wise way for Honda to build us (except to do us a favor) a new NSX...

Everything above 70-75k won't sell. Of course just my opinion...
See, Honda now has a perception of a family, cheap, and reliable vehicle builder. If they had gone more upscale with the Acura brand, and a new NSX earlier, this perception would be different.

This proves our point that Honda is headed downhill without a premium vehicle like the NSX.
NsXMas said:
See, Honda now has a perception of a family, cheap, and reliable vehicle builder. If they had gone more upscale with the Acura brand, and a new NSX earlier, this perception would be different.

This proves our point that Honda is headed downhill without a premium vehicle like the NSX.

Acutally, I think Honda is trying hard to make the Acura line more upscale. Ie the TL and RL. They are very competitive against the competition, and FAR more competitive than they have ever been in the past.

The Acura brand once again needs a new flagship though. One that is state-of-the-art and grab attention from the world once again. Kind of what the NSX did 15 years go. :biggrin:

The NSX is mostly forgotten in both magazines and by the general public. Probably the comment i hear the most from people about my car is "Do they still make that?"
acura has a long way to go to touch lexus and less so infiniti.

IMO acura's prob is simply lack of content, rsx(yay!), TSX (yay!) RL (yay! snore), while lexus is pretty boring too, they give em whaty they want - big V8s, big power, complete lux. infiniti, once left for dead is on a rampage, first the g35, then the fx, now the new M....the GTR is coming and will be ~$60K. Yeah, if acura *got serious* ppl would buy - but their products are simply too "low end".

Its embarrasing - trying to sell an nsx new for $85k....who in their right mind would do that. Its pitiful that honda cant even freshen the interior...
Sorry Fukui-san but I can't wait that long, even though I used to be a die-in-the-wool fan of your products. I took that $$ I saved for your next gen. NSX and gave it to Lotus instead. :(

I wish you success nevertheless.

Best Regards,
I agree, its pretty pathetic that this car, which was hailed as a marvel in technology and building processes, cant even have a speedo upgrade. The current NSX is way overpriced and thats the reason why low sales. People that can afford it, can afford better and more exotic cars, and the people that actually want them can't afford them. This car should have been priced in the mid to high 60s.

Now with the coming of the new Z06 with better performance and a lower price, if you buy a new NSX make sure you just use it for the restaruant night out :tongue: .

I love this car and hopefully can enjoy one in the near future, for performance I will keep my STi. :wink:
Zanardi 50 said:
Sorry Fukui-san but I can't wait that long, even though I used to be a die-in-the-wool fan of your products. I took that $$ I saved for your next gen. NSX and gave it to Lotus instead. :(

I wish you success nevertheless.

Best Regards,

Elise, I presume? You won't be disappointed! :biggrin: I too borrowed from the HSC fund to get mine.
why would honda put money into F1 if they wernt going to make a NSX?

i think honda might be waiting for a championship in F1 to release there new NSX

as far as what engine to put into the nsx i would be disapointed if they didn't make it 500hp +
4.0L 500hp sounds good

and as far as making a 60k car they would need to redesign a whole new car becuase the one they would make for 100k would be make out of composite materials and aluminum which are expensive and wouldn't allow them to sell a car at 60k