Pet Peeves

people always trying to race me in the X!! leave me alone!!

Bodykits on cars not painted!! superwings on sedans..superwings in general!!

Corollas or any old car with 13 inch spinners from pep boys!

Pro athletes b*tchin bout money! I'm like damn can i have just 1 million!!

people staring at your lady and talkin!! dont let the baby face fool you, ill still knock you on that a**! ;)

when someone says they're coming over coming "now." you call them in 30 min and they still havent left. :mad: DONT MAKE ME WAIT!!

WAITING, in traffic, in line at the store, on the phone!

No cell phone service...

Dieting!! why cant i eat everything like my brother and not look soft..aarrrggghhh!!! :confused: :mad:
ERICKGS3 said:
when someone says they're coming over coming "now." you call them in 30 min and they still havent left. :mad: DONT MAKE ME WAIT!!

WAITING, in traffic, in line at the store, on the phone!

No cell phone service...

Filipino time! Haha...I HATE that! Waiting is probably my biggest peeve.
the fact that each year we have to endure several hours of bludgeoning enlightenment on various aspects of business ethics in dealing with the government (i work for a government contractor), when it's the big cheeses that are the ones with the unethical behavior (ref. recent Boeing scandal involving phil conditt and darlene druyun. second ref. General Dynamics CEO charging the government to kennel his dog while on a business trip)

the fact that each year we have to endure further said enlightenment concerning security of classified information, when in fact it is largely government employees who are doing the spying (ref. john walker, aldrich ames)


cops' driving habits while in their patrol vehicles

that coffee never tastes as good as it smells

burned popcorn in an office environment

people who can't use "comprise" correctly

or who use the nondefinite pronoun "an" in front of "historic" (peter jennings, for one)

or say "nukular" instead of "nuclear"

those who would use me as bait for smokie on the highway. if you don't have what it takes to speed on your own, then don't do it.

and people who don't capitalize anything in their online communications :cool:
Working for the Boss’s son

Working for a private owned company when the owner gives his son who is a complete imbecile the manager’s position.

When you have lost more knowledge about the industry than he will ever know. Watching him screw the place up and f/p your deals.

Going home at night searching to find a way to not go back to work and go POSTAL!

One thing i cant stand is when a busboy wants to clear plates off a table before EVERYONE is done with their course... even at nice restaurants! Shouldn't they wait?

Also... I hate it when dining with a group of people and a man orders first. Proper etiquette is to allow ladies to order first, unless ordering for them. Guess i'm just anal about these things.
One thing i cant stand is when a busboy wants to clear plates off a table before EVERYONE is done with their course... even at nice restaurants! Shouldn't they wait?

Also... I hate it when dining with a group of people and a man orders first. Proper etiquette is to allow ladies to order first, unless ordering for them. Guess i'm just anal about these things.

Speaking of which, it seems improper to me when one person begins to eat before everyone at the table receives their meal.
When I'm forced to drive with people who insist on using the brake and gas as on-off switches instead of the linear devices they were meant to be. :mad:

As far as the people who park in the handicap spot with no obvious impairment, I usually mutter something like "... mental handicap ?"
Filipino time! Haha...I HATE that! Waiting is probably my biggest peeve.

All my friends, ex girlfriend and flatmate were pinoy, so setting a time at 2pm usually meant 5ish so i'd plan for that! :D
Don’t make assumptions.

NSXF1 said:
When I'm forced to drive with people who insist on using the brake and gas as on-off switches instead of the linear devices they were meant to be. :mad:

As far as the people who park in the handicap spot with no obvious impairment, I usually mutter something like "... mental handicap ?"


I was paralyzed in a motorcycle accident in 95 and spent two years in a wheelchair. Through determination, tons of re-hab and good Karma, I am now walking again with a slight limp. I have two titanium rods in my back one in my right leg and a brace on my left leg.

I have a Handicap Sticker however; I very rarely use it. People “assume” because I am young and driving a Sport car there is no way I am disabled. I respect the fact they contemplate I’m cheating the system and I comprehend their dirty looks, fingers and rude comments. However, it's not worth the up front spot.

Now I just appreciate the fact I can walk and don’t worry about the convenience of closer parking.:)
MsKadyB said:
Speaking of which, it seems improper to me when one person begins to eat before everyone at the table receives their meal.

Doesn't seem improper... It is improper! Even when casual dining no one should eat until the host has received his/her meal. Again i'm just being anal but its proper.
92NSX said:
I'm sure I'll get hammered for this but here is one.

Up front parking spots for pregnant women at the mall. Think about it, you are going to the mall and have to walk around anyway so why should you have a special spot up front?:mad:

So if they don't feel well and possibly go into labor while they can get back to their vehicles in a hurry!
Doesn't seem improper... It is improper! Even when casual dining no one should eat until the host has received his/her meal. Again i'm just being anal but its proper.

Although it is technically improper to eat before everyone has their meal, IMO when casual dining it is just as well for people to start chowing down rather than waiting for the foodto get cold. With close friends and family, etiquette is highly adjustable!
1. I HATE indoor smoking. This should be banned without exception!
I rarely go to places like this. It just pi$$e$ me off when I have to put up with it.

2. Tree huggers. Get a life.

3. Oxygenated fuel. I literally get 100 miles per tank** more in the summer, than in the winter, because the environmentalists think, for some reason, we need to reduce carbon monoxide (in winter time)in vehicles with already low emissions (somewhere ~1000-3000ppm* CO), when ski boats put out over 24,000ppm CO.

4. The oil problem.. tap Alaska for goodness sakes! Stop worrying so damn much about the environment (contrary to #5, I know). It's not like we can't be clean about it, though.

5. Litter. Put your frickin garbage in the trash can!

*edit: ppm, not ppi^2
**edit: in reference to #3, I originally wrote 100mpg, which is terribly wrong. This is most likely the reason for SCS2K's response to #3. Sorry guys!:o
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tochigidream said:
1. I HATE indoor smoking. This should be banned without exception!
I rarely go to places like this. It just pi$$e$ me off when I have to put up with it.

2. Tree huggers. Get a life.

3. Oxygenated fuel. I literally get 100mpg more in the summer, than in the winter, because the environmentalists think, for some reason, we need to reduce carbon monoxide (in winter time)in vehicles with already low emissions (somewhere ~1000-3000ppm CO), when ski boats put out over 24,000ppm CO.

4. The oil problem.. tap Alaska for goodness sakes! Stop worrying so damn much about the environment (contrary to #5, I know). It's not like we can't be clean about it, though.

5. Litter. Put your frickin garbage in the trash can!

edit: ppm, not ppi^2

1. I agree with you.

2. I get annoyed with anyone who thinks a person trying to protect our planet is a "tree hugger".

3. People who exaggerate horribly to try to make a point.

4 People who think the solution to the oil shortage is to dig up more oil.

5. I agree again.
SCS2k said:
1. I agree with you.

2. I get annoyed with anyone who thinks a person trying to protect our planet is a "tree hugger".

3. People who exaggerate horribly to try to make a point.

4 People who think the solution to the oil shortage is to dig up more oil.

5. I agree again.

1. Great.

2. Not all people protecting our planet are tree huggers. I'm all for protecting the planet and all, but I'm talking about actual tree huggers, who think the world is going to go to the dogs, just because of some practical logging and clear-cutting. Some environmentalists go over the edge. There are more trees now, than 5 years ago, even, because of environmentalists, I'm sure. The real tree huggers are those who step in the way of progress.

3. The threat CO from automobiles poses to the environment is the exaggeration. I'm just saying CO pollution is not that bad in the quantities generated by everyday commute; and certainly not bad enough to justify the expense to businesses and consumers by oxygenating our fuel supply.

4. I think the US should not have to depend on other countries for oil. I also believe there are alternative sources of fuel, which should be researched/ federally funded in order to stray away from our dependence on countries that hurt us. Hydrogen fuel cells, for instance. ..or tapping Alaska. If I had my choice, it would be hydrogen.

5. Great.

Anyways, that's all I'm saying. To each his own. This is just my opinion.


edit: expanded on #2, 3, & 4
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I hate it when people bring in their children's or churchs' fund raising crap into work. Candy bars, candles, raffle tickets. It never ends. There's one lady who goes around from cube to cube trying to sell this stuff at least once every few months. we obviously can't say no... she's upper management.
tochigidream said:
1. I HATE indoor smoking. This should be banned without exception!
I rarely go to places like this. It just pi$$e$ me off when I have to put up with it.

I am with you 100% here. I HATE IT. Why should my meal be ruined by someone who has to smoke at the next table.

The idea of a non-smoking section in a lot of savannah is some imaginary line. It does not really help. Smokes stinks. Smoke outside.

They banned smoking inside in toronto unless it is in a seperate room with its own ventilation. It rocks.
nicholas421 said:
I hate it when people bring in their children's or churchs' fund raising crap into work. Candy bars, candles, raffle tickets. It never ends. There's one lady who goes around from cube to cube trying to sell this stuff at least once every few months. we obviously can't say no... she's upper management.

Get yourself some cheap dollar store items, keep them in your desk. Next time she comes to you wanting you to buy her candy bars, sell her some of your stuff. If she knows everytime she comes to see you she has to deal with the way you are now feeling, she may just stop coming around.