Pet Peeves

donwon said:
Dont you hate it when you are really craving something specific to eat, and when you finally get it, Its not up to par?

Back me up steveny :)

YES! Like this morning. I wanted an english muffin with butter and jelly, instead I got an english muffin with just jelly. Expectations and reality fail to properly mesh.

I think the problem is I spend a lot of time daydreaming about food and creating expectations before hand.

I am afraid if I don't stay active, I will get fat. The food channel is like porno to me.
Right Neo and Steveny! Well Today, the same thing happened today, but got what I wanted.

Crab season is in full swing here in MD. These measured 7.5-8 inches from shell point to point and were very heavy. Coke included for visual size reference.

Happy July 4th everyone!

i just discovered a pet peeve:

<B>People who post pictures of food...</B> :D
i'm working; still a couple of hours away from my next meal. :(

<B>MYNSX</B> : i never thought you'd complain about #2... is it that you dont complain when you get them drunk? ;) that's different. :p

<B>loNfastNSX</B> : ouch. :eek:
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92NSX said:
I'm sure I'll get hammered for this but here is one.

Up front parking spots for pregnant women at the mall. Think about it, you are going to the mall and have to walk around anyway so why should you have a special spot up front?:mad:

It's for new mothers too, not just expectant. I guess they figure going into labor on a mall floor is better than the parking lot. :D Actually, I think it is set up for the husbands. After nine months of emotiional torture, the sooner you can get out of the car and into the mall the better. :) (really I'm wasn't a full nine months of torture :D)

What really pisses me off especially now that we just had a baby is when some stupid lady pulls in that spot that has no kid, or if a ten year old gets out of the car. Makes me just as mad as someone double parking. :mad:
I know a lot of us get this one. A pet peeve for me since I have owned my NSX is that at stoplights the people who always want to race me are dumb people in stupid POS trucks. Just last night a guy in a huge, raised, huge tired, Dodge extended cab with a whole bunch a junk in the back revved on me (if you call revving to 1500RPM revving). I gave him the dumb ass look and he still proceeded to try to launch which then followed with his stuff in the bed of the truck to slide around and almost fly out. Some people....
I could post so many pet peeves right now, but you guys would think I'm anal! Haha :p But I'm with you guys on a lot of things. :) I was just reminded of a few this weekend.

One of my biggest peeves is people who repeat themselves and tell the same story to you 50 times over.

Bad grammar



People who begin to eat before everyone at the table gets their food.

When my pillows aren't fluffed. :p
My own pet peeve is bad short term memory.

Ever think about grabbing something you need only to walk in the room where it's located and completely forget what you went in there for? Only when you leave the house and you're miles down the road will you remember.
Joel said:
My own pet peeve is bad short term memory.

Ever think about grabbing something you need only to walk in the room where it's located and completely forget what you went in there for? Only when you leave the house and you're miles down the road will you remember.

My bad short term memory is only related to where I parked. I can never remember where my car is especially coming out of the grocery store. There is nothing more embarrassing than roaming the ailes with a grocery cart because you can't find your car. :) Airport parking lots? Forget about it, I might as well call a cab. :D

People who litter drive me nuts in general, most especially the smokers that throw their cigarette buts out the window of their car or drop them on the ground in front of stores. :mad:

If I were a cop, this would be the most written of my tickets!
Re: #1

JAM said:
People who litter drive me nuts in general, most especially the smokers that throw their cigarette buts out the window of their car or drop them on the ground in front of stores. :mad:

If I were a cop, this would be the most written of my tickets!

I second the jerks that flick their cig butts out their windows. As if it's not enough we have to breathe their second-hand smoke when we have our windows rolled down and stuck behind them, but have to dodge their hazardous waste as well.:mad: I now do everything I can to get out of their lane or just get ahead of them if possible to avoid this. There's a little tray in your car. It's called an "ASHTRAY"!:rolleyes:
People who:

* drive in the left lane holding everyone up while on the phone

* pull out in front of you only to turn 1 block later

* tailgate

* look like they're going to nail the rear of your car at a stoplight

* gradually ease over to the left side of their lane as you pass them on the left

* drive below the speed limit while in a 35 zone, but immediately hit 80mph once on the highway

* hang out in your blind spot

And these are just my driving pet peeves!
Bad spelling & grammar
Particularly things like breaks rather than brakes.
Tire rather than tyre - oh wait, that's a British thing :D

p.s. nice new avatar Ms. Kady
D'Ecosse said:
Bad spelling & grammar
Particularly things like breaks rather than brakes.
Tire rather than tyre - oh wait, that's a British thing :D

p.s. nice new avatar Ms. Kady

Thanks :)

Spelling and grammar are real big for me. Good manners are also another. I can't stand when people behave poorly or without tact. Cursing in public, especially around children and the elderly are pretty irksome.
Oh, and people who lack common sense...haha.
MsKadyB said:
... Cursing in public, especially around children and the elderly are pretty irksome....
Or cursing in front of ladies ....or ladies cursing for that matter.

Also, another personal peeve -as some may have observed over the weekend ;) - overuse of multiple exclamation points!!!!!!!!!
MsKadyB said:
Thanks :)

Spelling and grammar are real big for me. Good manners are also another. I can't stand when people behave poorly or without tact. Cursing in public, especially around children and the elderly are pretty irksome.
Oh, and people who lack common sense...haha.

Common sense isn't common.

You're begining to sound like my Scottish wife again. Is it chips or crisps?


P.S. We receintly moved to North Carolina, the home of the largest Highland Games in North America!!!
People who use the indicator after they have begun to move into a lane, its called an 'indicator' why?!!:mad:

Police saying they cannot do anything after you give them proof of known criminals/drug addicts breaking into your house numerous times! :mad:

p.s. nice new avatar Ms. Kady
Pet peeve:
When i have lots of work and need to procrastinate, but NSXprime goes offline. :p

D'Ecosse said:
overuse of multiple exclamation points!!!!!!!!!

That's hard to prevent on NSX prime... we're all very passionate people. :D I love the NSX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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i dont think this is really a pet peeve, but more a wierd habit i have.... but i cant EVER seem to give up a CRISP brand new bill. (anything money: 1's, 5's, 10's, 50's, 100's)... whenever they are crispy, brand new, no bends, and flat i tend to be very hesitent to want to spend it....

and if i HAVE to pay and give it up, i wrinkle it up or crunch is up and then undo it and give that i know that NO one else will have the satisfaction of having my once beloved NEW money.... sigh... :(

hahaha... pretty retarded huh? (please don't answer that) :p
JDMnsxR said:
.... but i cant EVER seem to give up a CRISP brand new bill...
Are we back to talking about Scottish traits again? ;)

Another peeve - people who think Scots are cheap ...... :D
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Negative people!

one of my biggest pet peeve is when some one walks around my NSX and points out any and all imperfections.

Like I don’t know about them! I use my NSX as a daily driver and wash it at least twice a week. Trust me, they aren’t telling me any thing I don’t know.
Re: Negative people!

vintagecarman said:
one of my biggest pet peeve is when some one walks around my NSX and points out any and all imperfections.

Like I don’t know about them! I use my NSX as a daily driver and wash it at least twice a week. Trust me, they aren’t telling me any thing I don’t know.

That is very true, and I saw quite a few people who do that to other cars as well. Although I do not care too much, I just do not see the point.
NeoNSX said:
i just discovered a pet peeve:

<B>People who post pictures of food...</B> :D
i'm working; still a couple of hours away from my next meal. :(

<B>MYNSX</B> : i never thought you'd complain about #2... is it that you dont complain when you get them drunk? ;) that's different. :p

<B>loNfastNSX</B> : ouch. :eek:

He He....I dont mean 1st date tipsy.(Thats fun)

I mean sloppy drunk and obnoxious.(Thats useless)

Oh yea ... forgot one a few .Snotty materialistic women.
Preppy types and strippers (they are good for one thing and deserve the trashy disease they spread).

Complacent people.


Get rich quick scammers.

The Arizona transient attitude as if people will never catch up w/ the scamming type people.

And last but NOT least people who dont take responsibility for their actions.(At least I admit when I've been an A$$)

Bad customer service. (This is the one I'm working on now)
Are you listening??? You know who you are.

People with bad breath.