Pet Peeves

9 February 2004
Orange County
I dunno if this is part of the cell phone culture but...

It bugs me when my friends come over and when they are outside call my cell phone to say that they are here. I'm like, " to the door!" Duh :rolleyes: :p
When people eat with their mouths open... yuck.

That's just one of mine, I have too many things that irritate me in life. I'm trying to work on it.:p
hlweyl said:
That's just one of mine, I have too many things that irritate me in life. I'm trying to work on it.:p

Haha...yeah...same here. :o Good table manners is a BIG thing with me. When I go out on a date with a guy, I watch to see if he puts his napkin on his lap.
In my year book I put "seats that don't recline" :D

it seems to be the little things that annoy me the most.
here is a short list
having to repeat myself because someone is not listening

People who try to speak louder than others after interrupting them in the first place.

My knees pressed into the dash board of most cars available because of the lack of leg room

Market makers!

The constant maintenance of owning a home.

People who buy cheap merchandise and then complain when it breaks after a month of use.

Leaves in the swimming pool

Someone hanging up the phone during a heated conversation.

Chronic accidents in front of my house which are never fully cleaned up, leaving me to clean up the broken glass and random car parts.

Golfers with a slice which puts their ball in MY yard. I have buckets full of these damn things in the garage.

lazy people.

cell phone drop out

Super charger belt slippage.
People are highly over rated.:D


Baseball hats being worn by males in restaurants, churches etc..

Addressing me as "yo" or being called "sweetheart" by a man.

Not holding doors for women, children or people that are having a hard time getting it themselves.

Going over 15mph in parking lots.

Healthy strong men who do not offer their seats to women or the elderly on crowded buses, subways, in church etc..
pbassjo said:
People are highly over rated.:D


Baseball hats being worn by males in restaurants, churches etc..

Addressing me as "yo" or being called "sweetheart" by a man.

Not holding doors for women, children or people that are having a hard time getting it themselves.

Going over 15mph in parking lots.

Healthy strong men who do not offer their seats to women or the elderly on crowded buses, subways, in church etc..

i spose this is a "too each his own" thread, but why should a healthy female have preferance over anyone for a seat? I can understand someone who's pregnant, sick, elderly, etc...females want equality, don't whine about not getting a seat on the bus! WHine about not getting paid the same or not getting the job promotion because of your sex...
Passingers who play with your car instruments.

IE: People who kick on the AC right when they get in YOUR car before the engine warms up

People who leave your car visor down after using the mirror.
pbassjo said:
People are highly over rated.:D


Baseball hats being worn by males in restaurants, churches etc..

Addressing me as "yo" or being called "sweetheart" by a man.

Not holding doors for women, children or people that are having a hard time getting it themselves.

Going over 15mph in parking lots.

Healthy strong men who do not offer their seats to women or the elderly on crowded buses, subways, in church etc..

I agree and want to add my biggest:

Ill-behaved children in public places and their parents that refuse to discipline them.
peiserg said:
i spose this is a "too each his own" thread, but why should a healthy female have preferance over anyone for a seat? I can understand someone who's pregnant, sick, elderly, etc...females want equality, don't whine about not getting a seat on the bus! WHine about not getting paid the same or not getting the job promotion because of your sex...

I don't whine about not getting a seat. I GIVE my seat.
Why should a healthy female be given preference over a man for a seat? Because they are special. They are our mothers, sisters, daughters and deserve special consideration.
Just because woman deserve,demand and expect a level playing field in the workplace doesn't mean we should be less than well mannered and gracious gentlemen. They should be shown respect regardless if they are above or below us in pay scale or rank. They are the key to our future and will get my seat if they are left standing in my presence. I'll offer it and if they defer for whatever reason then someone else will sit. Just not me, I wouldn't feel right.
For me the phrase "Women and children first" is a affirmation of the importance of these people.

Gosh, I'm some gasbag today. Too much coffee!
nicholas421 said:
i agree... and our fathers, brothers and sons deserve much less:D

Well my Daddy taught me "ladies first" but if your list includes the fellas that ok's with me. It's a big world and there's room under the rainbow for all, just not enough seats.

Add to my list of Pet Peeves:

NSX PRIME weenies.:D
Able human beings who improperly use some type of medical excuse to park in a handicap spot. Of the people I know, I have one friend who lost his leg to cancer. He refuses to use that excuse for a handicap sticker. Another aquaintence has sore knees from too much sports, and he uses that excuse for a handicap sticker. I have seen him use it as he pulls up to the ice rick to play hockey. I feel like back-handing him. Recently I went to the grocery store and watched a lady pay for groceries with food stamps, take the gorceries outside (walking with no problem whatsoever), and place the groceries into a Cadilac that was no more then a year old, which happened to be parked in a handicap spot. I felt like puking.

I wish the handicap placard crap could be cleaned up, but I don't see it happening. While there are surely people who require such help in terms of a parking space, the bulk majority I see don't. I also think that mothers with infant children, and expectant mothers, deserve special parking treatment, and it sickens me to watch them park far away while some clown pulls up in a car with a handicap sticker, hops out and jogs up to the store.

I'm sure I'll get hammered for this but here is one.

Up front parking spots for pregnant women at the mall. Think about it, you are going to the mall and have to walk around anyway so why should you have a special spot up front?:mad:
Pet peeves - how much time do we have?

like the comic says - don't even get me started...

Cell phones are a big one - most of my neighbors seem to be on their cell phone within seconds of leaving their house - who the heck are they talking to so urgently?
Cell phone conversations in public places - hello? I don't really need to know about your last visit to the clinic and what Aunt Gladys said about Uncle Herbie's drinking problem and the restraining order.:o

Left lane drivers - no explanation needed.

People who drift aimlessly around the grocery story stopping to chat or read the package while conveniently completely blocking the aisle with their wide-load behinds and their abandoned cart complete with dirty-faced child aboard.

People who take a life-times worth of transactions to the bank or post office in one visit.

People who blow the horn when pulling up in front of the neighbor's house to announce their arrival then again 30 seconds later when their friend has not come rushing out -and again two minutes later - and then toot again to announce their departure later on.:mad:
92NSX said:
I'm sure I'll get hammered for this but here is one.

Up front parking spots for pregnant women at the mall. Think about it, you are going to the mall and have to walk around anyway so why should you have a special spot up front?:mad:

^^^^I agree 100%.

My pet peeve is when people stare at you or someone else looks diff, walks diff., etc. I have a slight limp when I walk and look really young for my age. I get stared at constantly and have been getting this for a long time and you really start to get tired of it. If I go to the mall or take my Mom shopping she has to go in a wheel chair b/c of a medical problem. My pet peeve w/ that also is that people stare @ her and talk down at her like she is deaf.

I feel like saying and have said a # of times "why don't you take a picture, it last longer." and "she is not deaf, she just is in a wheelchair."

I guess people just can't resist to stare at things that look diff. to them. It drives me crazy. If I see somthing diff. I course I will glance just b/c it caught my eye, but I never stare. It is just plain rude and a LOT of people on this planet are RUDE and have no respect for other people.

Rant over...................:mad:
Re: Pet peeves - how much time do we have?

lemansnsx said:
People who drift aimlessly around the grocery story stopping to chat or read the package while conveniently completely blocking the aisle with their wide-load behinds and their abandoned cart complete with dirty-faced child aboard.

Don't even get me started with this one. I hate going to the grocery store so much. I thought I would solve the time wasting of the trips to the store after buying a second refrigerator and getting a BJ's membership. Unfortunatly I can not get everything I need at BJ's. About two months ago I had to wait for almost 30 minutes at the deli in the super Wal-Mart just to get some cold cuts. That was the last straw. Total waste of time. I figured out in the end it is cheaper for me to pay the lady who cleans an extra 30 bucks and have her do all the shopping. Best way to spend 30 bucks IMO. Zero stress and I don't have to waste 2 hours in the damn store.
pbassjo said:
I don't whine about not getting a seat. I GIVE my seat.
Why should a healthy female be given preference over a man for a seat? Because they are special. They are our mothers, sisters, daughters and deserve special consideration.
Just because woman deserve,demand and expect a level playing field in the workplace doesn't mean we should be less than well mannered and gracious gentlemen. They should be shown respect regardless if they are above or below us in pay scale or rank. They are the key to our future and will get my seat if they are left standing in my presence. I'll offer it and if they defer for whatever reason then someone else will sit. Just not me, I wouldn't feel right.
For me the phrase "Women and children first" is a affirmation of the importance of these people.

Gosh, I'm some gasbag today. Too much coffee!
A real Gentleman would just offer to let her sit on his lap.:p :p :D

just kidding
I was raised to give up my seat when there is a lady or senior, and do so without exception. It usually draws a some stares and whispers out here in California, so I guess this is getting to be a thing of the past, unfortunantly. If and when I have children, I will teach them to do the same.
rowr said:
I was raised to give up my seat when there is a lady or senior

Same here. Fortunately, the virtue of yielding one's seat is still alive and well in calgary(AB, canada).

My pet peeve would be .. people defacing public properties.

Sometimes it really gets on my nerves.. and this thought pops into my mind everytime I see people breaking/defacing public properties.. "Gotta KICK some serious A$$"..

take care.
donwon said:
Dont you hate it when you are really craving something specific to eat, and when you finally get it, Its not up to par?
Back me up steveny :)

is that why you photograph your meals and turn them into mouthwatering avatars? :D
Interesting and a bit contriversal!

Pet Peeve # 1
People who make noise and chew w/ mouth open.

Drunken women

People who have pet peeves ( JUST KIDDING)

As for opening the door for my girl.
I do it because I want to,and she appreciates
this type of old fashioned respect and recipricates,
she never expects it.Besides I always admired the way my father treated women and praised them.

I hold the door for all people male or female.

As for the womans lib thing.
I have to agree this type of chivalry should NEVER be expected.

Everyone has a choice.

