Paypal fees

Okay prime, Shouldn't this be enough? Paypal fee or not, let it be the seller and buyer to deceide! This post starts to feel like a bunch of under age teens arguing about their better looking girlfriend, KIDS! We're all adults here and let's start acting like adult!:cool:

Sorry that you saw my post as vitriolic. To the contrary, I felt that it was exactly on point, timely, non-personal and highly germane to the topic.

Doc was on the right track. I did not post to flame Scorp- anyone who listens to UFO and drives a Red/Tan is OK in my book. We appear to operate differently and I thought this thread was a discussion of fees.

I did say "please have at it in a good natured spirit", didn't I?
Since I just posted a GB thread and specifically pointed out the addition of Paypal fees, I'd like to offer my opinion on the matter. I work in logistics as a freight forwarder, we make our money on marking up transportation/shipping costs for clients. As a small business owner making parts for cars I love, I like to be as transparent as possible - that means showing the cost of goods as its own item, and offering options passed through at cost for the form of payment and shipping methods. I wouldn't divulge my markup for my carreer to a client any faster than I'd divulge the markup for an engine damper kit...but what I won't do is take a markup on the damper kit, and an additional markup for Paypal/shipping. I'd rather know that the part I sold was paid x amount for, and then I can worry about that by itself without clouding margins with shipping/materials/fees costs.

May not be the smartest business decision I've ever made, and to some potential buyers, they may be put off by the additional costs, but I think it's a more honest approach to doing business on small market, specialty items sold on internet forums.

And his use of the comma was AWESOME.

I'm commatose!:tongue:

Sing it! Comma comma comma comma...
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