Paypal fees

Re: Paypal fees*

If SOS decided to start charging paypal fees, I assure you they'd lose a ton of business. I also bet that you'd be complaining abotu it also. I take every major credit card at my office because I don't care how much of a percentage is taken out. I get my money at the time services are rendered and it's always better to have money in the bank.

It's a little different for a vendor or merchant to charge a credit card or Paypal fee as opposed to a casual seller. Your office takes credit cards because it is a business, and most people don't carry around $300 or whatever in cash for a root canal. Therefore, your business has to accept credit cards. Most of us Primers are not in the NSX part selling business and don't do it often enough to warrant getting a credit card machine.

If I'm selling something on Prime, my inclination is to NOT use Paypal. But it seems that many buyers want to use it for various reasons. So I figure I'll give those buyers the option. I'm not forcing it on anyone. If it's the buyer's preference to use Paypal, then they can pay for it if they feel it's worth it to them.
Re: Paypal fees*

how about: asking $3100 for the set of wheels???

If I specify my price as $3000 plus 3.5% if using PP, then the buyer knows exactly what the total is depending on how they want to pay. Maybe the buyer won't want to use PP, should they have to pay an extra $100 if they are going to send a cashier's check? Separating it gives the buyer the option to choose if using PP is worth it to them.
Re: Paypal fees*

Your office takes credit cards because it is a business, and most people don't carry around $300 or whatever in cash for a root canal. Therefore, your business has to accept credit cards...

First of all, I'd never do a root canal for $300. Maybe $1,000. :biggrin: Second of all, I know a few doctors who don't take any credit cards because of the merchant fee.

Just a little FYI, these days a lot of people are paying with cash and I give a 5-10% cash discount. It would probably be better for me to say no cash allowed and make more money taking the credit card.
Re: Paypal fees*

If I specify my price as $3000 plus 3.5% if using PP, then the buyer knows exactly what the total is depending on how they want to pay. Maybe the buyer won't want to use PP, should they have to pay an extra $100 if they are going to send a cashier's check? Separating it gives the buyer the option to choose if using PP is worth it to them.

Charging a 3.5% fee is a violaton of the PayPal agreement, pure and simple.
Re: Paypal fees*

First of all, I'd never do a root canal for $300. Maybe $1,000. :biggrin: Second of all, I know a few doctors who don't take any credit cards because of the merchant fee.

Just a little FYI, these days a lot of people are paying with cash and I give a 5-10% cash discount. It would probably be better for me to say no cash allowed and make more money taking the credit card.

Whew! I'm glad I had dental insurance when I had my root canal done. :biggrin: While on the subject, I didn't think the root canal was that bad compared to having all my wisdom teeth pulled. That procedure SUCKED! :frown:

If you're willing to give a 5-10% "discount" for cash, that really means to me that you're charging a 5-10% premium to credit card payers, rather than what you feel the service is actually worth. I mean, you're selling the exact same service, yet the credit card payer has to pay a higher price. Really, it just shows that the "fees" are built into the selling price, whether the buyer knows it or not.

I think that's fine for businesses, as people know there are overhead costs of doing business. But for everyday schmucks like me, I'd rather the buyer know straight up how much I expect to receive from the transaction, and then let them choose the variables (fees and shipping costs) based on the terms they want (Paypal vs. cashier's check / cheapo USPS vs FedEx Overnight, etc.).
Re: Paypal fees*

Charging a 3.5% fee is a violaton of the PayPal agreement, pure and simple.

I acknowledge you are right about that (sincerely I do).

Now somebody call the Paypal PoPo and let's shut this mofo classified forum down!
Re: Paypal fees*

What if you're selling a $3,000 set of Volk wheels? That's a $100+ paypal fee - more than just a few extra bucks.

That's wonderful - then ask for $3100.

Businesses pay for credit card fees, when is the last time you walked into WalMart (or anywhere else) and saw the price of $15.99 + CC fees + tax.
Re: Paypal fees*

If you're willing to give a 5-10% "discount" for cash, that really means to me that you're charging a 5-10% premium to credit card payers, rather than what you feel the service is actually worth. I mean, you're selling the exact same service, yet the credit card payer has to pay a higher price.

Actually, the reason for the cash discount is because there is less book keeping and billing work. Sometimes if someone wants to pay in full with a credit card for a big case I give them a discount too. It's all a matter of getting the funds into my account. The same discount does not apply to payment by check because I've been burned too many times by insufficient funds.

I'm going to look into accepting Paypal for my office. Reason being the funds can be directly deposited into a debit card account and I think there is a tax loophole. Hmmm......I think I'll give my accountant a call on Monday.
Charging for paypal fees is so wrong IMO, is like kinda coward, I HATE THEM, I sold myself more than 100 times on ebay/s2ki/prime, NEVER charged them, that's part of selling been a business person and MAN, not kid.

Many times didn't buy after asking the price shipped and the seller told me, oh, add 3.1% on paypal fees ... sometimes I pay them, but Jesus, it pisses me off so bad.




There are lots of interesting points in the discussion, but I don't see any reason to take action on this as far as site policy goes.

If someone doesn't like a seller's policy, don't buy from that seller.

If there is an issue with violating the PayPal agreement, that is between them and PayPal. IMO it is really semantic because it can just be reworded as a "cash/money order discount" for people who don't use paypal.

That being said I personally don't charge paypal fees to buyers, and have even eaten the paypal fees myself when dealing with some charitable collections via paypal.
Charging for paypal fees is so wrong IMO, is like kinda coward, I HATE THEM, I sold myself more than 100 times on ebay/s2ki/prime, NEVER charged them, that's part of selling been a business person and MAN, not kid.

Many times didn't buy after asking the price shipped and the seller told me, oh, add 3.1% on paypal fees ... sometimes I pay them, but Jesus, it pisses me off so bad.


How about this situation. We just had a contractor do a job for a client. The contractor had his identity stolen and someone cleaned out his accounts. The cost of the job was $8500 but he needed payment right away, usually he offers 30 day net terms. So he offered us a discount of 3k to pay right away. I called the client and let him know the situation. The client said he could pay with paypal. Am I suppose to just absorb the fees? I didn't I added the fees to the payment. It was ~200 in fees. Who ever stole his identity also should go to jail. He is a really nice guy. I feel bad for him. I suspect it was someone in his office. The worst part is he is right in the middle of building a new house for himself too and he had to stop work on his house. :(
How about this situation. We just had a contractor do a job for a client. The contractor had his identity stolen and someone cleaned out his accounts. The cost of the job was $8500 but he needed payment right away, usually he offers 30 day net terms. So he offered us a discount of 3k to pay right away. I called the client and let him know the situation. The client said he could pay with paypal. Am I suppose to just absorb the fees? I didn't I added the fees to the payment. It was ~200 in fees. Who ever stole his identity also should go to jail. He is a really nice guy. I feel bad for him. I suspect it was someone in his office. The worst part is he is right in the middle of building a new house for himself too and he had to stop work on his house. :(

and if someone elected to pay with a credit card, he would still eat roughly a 3% fee. Welcome to the cost of business and the things that we call overhead.

On a sidenote - you're using a very unique and rare experience which should be handled on a case by case scenario.
Charging Paypal fee is not a violation of Paypal policy. The so called policy is only applying to eBay sales when the seller agrees on Paypal as a form of payment.
I don't charge Paypal for the sales of my HID kits. In fact, I often give free shipping if the buyers want to pay by a check and they end up getting a discount by avoiding a third party.

However when I sell my own used parts, I prefer checks just like what people do for years. There is no reason to let Paypal make money off a transaction between the buyer and me. If the buyer does not trust me over an internet sale, he/she can opt for Paypal and pay for the 3% as an insurance for himself. There is no set rule for how the transaction should be handled other than what the seller and buyer agree on.
I don't see any "cowardness" for any seller to want to avoid the Paypal penalty. By the same token, why can't one say the same thing about the BUYER 'nickling and diming" when he wants paypal as a convenience and insurance but is too "cheap" to pay that extra? How about the buyer hackles to death for the part just to save $5? I have bought and sold many parts on Prime and internet and all were done with mutual agreements. Sometimes I pay the Paypal fees and sometimes I don't. If I see a part that I deem not worth that extra Paypal fees or I cannot mutually agree on a final price with the seller, there is just no deal.
Why is it all of a sudden that people are all banged up about this Paypal thing when the bottomline is what people finally agree on? Paypal fee or not, it is the agreed price that both parties can live with so I don't see anything wrong with it.
Open question still in keeping with the OP:
If you were to agree with a seller on a negotiated price for an item, then seller responded that your cost would be that cost then an additional $50.00 shipping/ insurance/ packaging fee AND 3% PayPal penalty. For something the size of let's say, the leather door inserts. Not a hood, spoiler, valence, wheels, etc?
Would that be acceptable to anyone?
Open question still in keeping with the OP:
If you were to agree with a seller on a negotiated price for an item, then seller responded that your cost would be that cost then an additional $50.00 shipping/ insurance/ packaging fee AND 3% PayPal penalty. For something the size of let's say, the leather door inserts. Not a hood, spoiler, valence, wheels, etc?
Would that be acceptable to anyone?

The leather triangles can be separated and packaged in an envelope; a carbon fiber part needs to be bubble wrapped, protected, and encased in a box. Two such parts will produce a substantial box, similar in dimensions to a box for a spoiler or valance - about the size of two 17" rims side by side.

This is an accurate estimate based on dimensions, for packing, insurance, and shipping.

Paypal fees are shipper's preference... nobody likes to spend more than the price they see on an item, but the seller also doesn't like to see their cash disappear in paypal fees and shipping costs.

If I have an item for sale, and have the option of selling it to a local person for $250 cash, or a person on the East Coast using paypal and FedEx, the person on the East Coast will need to cover paypal fees and shipping/packing or I will not get the same $250 cash in my pocket.

It is not about nickle and diming the customer, it is about the customer choosing to pay for the convenience of paypal; I would gladly accept a personal check, so longer as the customer understands it needs to clear prior to shipping, and eliminate paypal fees from the total. Just as if a customer doesn't like the quoted shipping, I will offer to drop it off at a UPS store or FedEx office, and allow them to cover shipping and packing costs personally - the point of me selling an item at a minimal price is to get that amount for the item, if I get less than that amount it hurts me as a seller.

These additional charges are not cash in my pocket, they simply detail the breakdown of a final total - if expenses end up being less, I refund the difference. If they are more than my estimate, it is my fault, and I eat the difference. I don't see how the procedure could be done with any additional fairness - if I marked up my items substantially I would have a margin to play with which would allow me to cover shipping and paypal fees inclusive, but the buyer would end up paying more, and people would question the markup.
Open question still in keeping with the OP:
If you were to agree with a seller on a negotiated price for an item, then seller responded that your cost would be that cost then an additional $50.00 shipping/ insurance/ packaging fee AND 3% PayPal penalty. For something the size of let's say, the leather door inserts. Not a hood, spoiler, valence, wheels, etc?
Would that be acceptable to anyone?

The leather triangles can be separated and packaged in an envelope; a carbon fiber part needs to be bubble wrapped, protected, and encased in a box. Two such parts will produce a substantial box, similar in dimensions to a box for a spoiler or valance - about the size of two 17" rims side by side.

This is an accurate estimate based on dimensions, for packing, insurance, and shipping.

Paypal fees are shipper's preference... nobody likes to spend more than the price they see on an item, but the seller also doesn't like to see their cash disappear in paypal fees and shipping costs.

If I have an item for sale, and have the option of selling it to a local person for $250 cash, or a person on the East Coast using paypal and FedEx, the person on the East Coast will need to cover paypal fees and shipping/packing or I will not get the same $250 cash in my pocket.

It is not about nickle and diming the customer, it is about the customer choosing to pay for the convenience of paypal; I would gladly accept a personal check, so longer as the customer understands it needs to clear prior to shipping, and eliminate paypal fees from the total. Just as if a customer doesn't like the quoted shipping, I will offer to drop it off at a UPS store or FedEx office, and allow them to cover shipping and packing costs personally - the point of me selling an item at a minimal price is to get that amount for the item, if I get less than that amount it hurts me as a seller.

These additional charges are not cash in my pocket, they simply detail the breakdown of a final total - if expenses end up being less, I refund the difference. If they are more than my estimate, it is my fault, and I eat the difference. I don't see how the procedure could be done with any additional fairness - if I marked up my items substantially I would have a margin to play with which would allow me to cover shipping and paypal fees inclusive, but the buyer would end up paying more, and people would question the markup.

Glad I'm not gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with that...:biggrin:)

So that's kinda what being outed feels like? I posed an open question, not specific to you.

Not looking to get into a flame war but to avoid appearing as Jack Benny reincarnate, I'll elaborate as well to fill in some of the shades of gray. I did tell you twice that we can agree to disagree and that there is no harm in having philosophical differences- that I have built my successful business on tranparency. I still feel that way.

To the point, IMHO when you say "I want $450" and I say "to me a fair price is $400" and you say "that's acceptable to me, your total is $463.75 including $50.00 ship/packaging (?)/ insurance plus $13.75 paypal fee" to me that just doesn't feel right. And unless I'm just way off, there's no way that 2 door inserts will wind up dimensionally similar to a spoiler. I sign checks to UPS in the amount of over a million dollars a year and work really hard (and smart) to make this a smaller number. I think that I have a good handle on shipping and dimensional impact.

If a seller lists an item at a price, in fairness they should identify any additional accessorial charges up front- not after negotiating a price on the item. Indeed, it is understood that shipping is a separate expense, but to roll into that those substantial additional charges caught me very much by surprise. There was no caveat that prices were pick-up only prices and that there would be additional expense to take the package somewhere and pay them to package and ship it and no other form of payment offered.

I assumed that packaging was a condition of simply performing on the sale. If there are PayPal fees to be added that I could probably get with that but to say that I would bear a $50.00 S&H cost felt like you were recouping the discount that I had negotiated. Simply that.

I do like to manage my own personal freight as I do my corporate. I do like to do deals and send call tags or use my UPS shipper # to ship third party and enjoy the benefit of a UPS discount that I have negotiated. I think that's just smart. So when I in my mind an item's acquisition cost to me is X and it turns out to be X + 16%, then it is not the same value.

I said that I wasn't hating on you and I still am not. Either: a) we do business differently here in the Midwest or, b) there are in STEVENY's parlance, "unique" practices here on Prime that I have to get with the learning curve on. That doesn't make you a bad guy and I hope that it doesn't make me one either, that's just not how I operate.

This will prove an interesting case study for some Primer so please have at it in a good natured spirit. At the end of the day Scorp, literally and figuratively, I wish you well in 2010 and that you have a safe and happy New Year's.
Okay prime, Shouldn't this be enough? Paypal fee or not, let it be the seller and buyer to deceide! This post starts to feel like a bunch of under age teens arguing about their better looking girlfriend, KIDS! We're all adults here and let's start acting like adult!:cool:
Okay prime, Shouldn't this be enough? Paypal fee or not, let it be the seller and buyer to deceide! This post starts to feel like a bunch of under age teens arguing about their better looking girlfriend, KIDS! We're all adults here and let's start acting like adult!:cool:

unfortunatly prime is also a market place,and imo most of these ridiculous he said bla bla arguments/flame wars are created behind the scenes with transactions gone awry,How often are we reading a thread about x and after awhile two or three guys start hating on each other,,the rest of us scratch heads,finaly it comes out that the topic has shifted to how one guy got screwed.Now to curtsr's post,at least it is inteligable,relatively civil,and he spared us any venom,but many of these verbal tennis matches become the rantings of cuckus:rolleyes: