Party Affiliation Poll

Political Party affiliation

  • Republican

    Votes: 29 61.7%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 10 21.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 17.0%

  • Total voters


Contributing Member
26 May 2003
After reading many of the posts in this "off topic" area, I am just curious if there are more Republicans or Democrats on this forum. I've never posted a Poll before so I hope this works.
What, no Libertarian?

I would assume that a larger number of NSX owners are Republican. Without offending any democratic members, your average Republican tends to have a bit more money, as several are business owners or prefer the business model of the Republican party. Those who are Democrats are slightly above average I would assume. Just my observation. Nothing meant by personal attacks.
Brian2by2 said:
I would assume that a larger number of NSX owners are Republican. Without offending any democratic members, your average Republican tends to have a bit more money, as several are business owners or prefer the business model of the Republican party. Those who are Democrats are slightly above average I would assume.

Well, that is true to a certain point. I am certainly well above the average income and I am a business owner. While I do recognize that Republican policies are better for me personally and my business has been doing better than ever since GWB has been in office, I also recognize that what is good for me, is bad for most Americans as most people are not business owners and are not of above average means.

I would guess that when most people go to the polls, they vote for the candidate who is best for themselves. Some people vote for the candidate who they think is best for the majority of people and not necessarily themselves. Sometimes both of those options are different, while other times they are the same -- I guess it depends on who you are and how selfish you are.
The demographics of NSX ownership are high income, and almost exclusively (98 percent) male. Both factors correlate significantly higher with the Republican Party than with the Democratic Party. That doesn't mean that all owners are Republicans, just as it doesn't mean that all owners are male - only that the percentages are higher than the population at large.

According to the Harris Poll taken at the start of this year, 34 percent of the population think of themselves as Democrats, 31 percent as Republicans, 24 percent as independent, and the rest as not sure (6%) or something else (5%). And the same poll notes that "party identification is not a very good predictor of how people will vote".
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nsxtasy said:
And the same poll notes that "party identification is not a very good predictor of how people will vote".

Very true. Most people register to vote at age 18 and usually never change their party affiliation after that even if they change their beliefs. I'm a registered democrat, but I've never voted democrat in any presidential election. Although there has been an occasional candidate that I've liked, they have never survived the primary season.
Through personal experience, one thing i've learned about most democrats is they don't even know what their stand on politics is.

My parents, for example, agreed with one or two policies of Al Gore (one being medicare). They disagreed with every other point including abortion, international policies, the homeless, education reform and several other issues. None-the-less they voted for Bush when the polls opened.

It always makes me wonder how the less-educated people (i will not name races and stereotype) in this world they actually KNOW what they're voting for? :rolleyes: drives me nuts sometimes!
I was waiting to see how quickly this topic would turn into a diatribe on behalf of one party and/or an attack on the other. Not long - less than a day. It's ironic that it should have come from the person who posted "no personal attacks" and came complete with an implied racist slur to it... :rolleyes:
Brian2by2 said:
do they actually KNOW what they're voting for? :rolleyes: drives me nuts sometimes!

This applies to most people. If it weren't the case, then how much money a candidate raises would not be an issue, but it is. The candidate who raises the most money almost always wins. People vote for the person who's face they see on the TV the most. If people really voted for issues, then some of the 3rd parties would receive much more votes than they do. I suspect both Libertarian and the Greens would get a large part of the vote. Money wins elections. This is where you try to draw the fine line between democracy and facism (if there is a fine line to be drawn)
Eric5273 said:
I guess it depends on who you are and how selfish you are.

I always wondered where my selfishness came from. Little did I know that I was destined to get infected with it sooner or later as a result of my republican party identification :)

Now that I think of it, my selfish nature is the system's fault! I've had enough, I'm going to file suit. Wait, that would make me a democrat. :)
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nsxtasy said:
Some are stranger than others.

Ain't that the d*#n truth:rolleyes: (sorry for the butchering of the language)
Sig said:
Now that I think of it, my selfish nature is the system's fault!
To the contrary, your selfish nature is what is required to make the system (i.e., the economy) efficient. Or you could join the "each according to their needs" camp - although it's quite noble, it's actually pretty hard to fund, in theory and apparently, in practice.
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Number9 said:
To the contrary, your selfish nature is what is required to make the sytem (i.e., the economy) efficient.

I know, I know.... that statement was acutally just a poor attempt exclaiming something contrary to personal accountability ideals I support.
Man -- every man -- is an end in himself, not the means to the ends of others. He must exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself. The pursuit of his own rational self-interest and of his own happiness is the highest moral purpose of his life.

-Ayn Rand
My personal attack was exampled by my family...i think its acceptable for me to "attack" them...which its not really attacking, but rather stating a fact that they accept. Do alot of democrats not know what they're actually voting for? Of course. Do alot of Republicans not know? Of course. Is it traditionally accepted that the Republican party typically has more of an educational background? As much as I hate to say it, yes. I don't mean to offend anyone. When talking about the "awareness" of voters, it can be split 50/50. It's my fault for not admitting the same for the 'other' parties (including my own).
Minorities obviously tend to vote democrat by an overwhelming majority. But this has nothing to do with their level of education. This has to do with the fact that in the 1960s, the democrats under LBJ's administration were the one's fighting for civil rights while the republicans were the ones who supported segregation and fought against much of the civil rights legislation. During this period, a few democrats who were against civil rights legislation actually changed parties and became republicans -- people such as Strom Thurmand and Jessie Helms come to mind.

Many people still remember that and have continued to vote democrat because of this. Even younger people who weren't alive back then are influenced by their parents so they too tend to vote democrat.

The only exception to this seems to be the Cubans in Florida who vote Republican and this is because republicans have always been in favor of an aggressive anti-Castro policy while many democrats have always opposed any kind of military action against Cuba and more recently have been in favor of dropping the sanctions alltogether.
Originally posted by Tom Larkins
Nazi, when you post "remember your friend the search" You have forgotten the Baywatch guy and the little short black fellow pix. I think its bias on your part isn't it b/c one of them is running for CA. governer isn't he?;)

While the link in my sig does indeed display a picture of one of the ~200 candidates for Governor of California, I don't think he is a member of my political party.