Parking your Car


15 July 2009
Guys how many times to do look back at your car after parking it? this morning after looking around at other cars I found myself looking back atleast 7 times. Is it me or do all NSX owners do this? she's just so damn fine.
LBS (Look Back Syndrome) is a warning in the disclaimer when purchasing this vehicle. I would wager a guess that 100% of buyers suffer from this condition.
lol, I allow myself one glance when I get out to make sure I'm not cockeyed in the space. It's a conscious effort to not do it again though...kind of the "cool guys don't look at explosions" mentality I guess :biggrin::cool:
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Every so often I look back and reminded how pretty my mistress (as my wife calls her) really is. I am a bigger nerd though, I like to check up on her while parked. Its paid off a few times actually. It seems no matter where/how I park.. far away in a corner, some rust bucket always tends to park super close to her.

Do you guys get that too? Does your car attract other people to park super close to her?

I had a friend visiting from out of town this weekend and he mentioned that the NSX is just one of those cars that you "look back" at as you are walking away. I never really noticed it before, but I definitely look back at least 5 times. I might as well just start walking backwards and "look forward" every once in a while.
Do you guys get that too? Does your car attract other people to park super close to her?

Most of the people at my office deliberately avoid parking next to my car. Of course I work for an insurance company, so go figure. The exception is that by boss usually parks next to me on purpose because she knows I won't ding her car :rolleyes:.
Shawn you are a true enthusiast and I can tell you love your car. I am very fortunate to have the space I have at work - it's a covered garrage never gets below 55 or so, it's under my building, and I know the two that park next to me cause we all have reserved spaces. But every morning when I park my NSX, that is when I drive it in, when I get to the elevator which is only 40 feet from my car - I stand there looking at it while I wait on the elevator - nice view!!! :wink:
lol, I allow myself one glance when I get out to make sure I'm not cockeyed in the space. It's a conscious effort to not do it again though...kind of the "cool guys don't look at explosions" mentality I guess :biggrin::cool:

haha. this is usually how I try to start off. make sure i'm straight in.

but I just can't help myself! it's like walking by a gorgeous woman. try not to look back at that! =P
me also, I have the same disease as you them friendly :biggrin:, but, contrary has you, I do not look at to see its beauty (I know it already) I'm turned over and goes behind for monitoring, there are always people who turn around:eek:
Shawn - good thread and appreciated! Also guilty as charged here - have only owned her for 4 months, and was privately wondering how long I will be doing the "Look Back" :wink:. I even find myself taking a glass of wine out into the garage at night and just admiring the unbelievable lines on this car. My wife is about to have me committed.....:biggrin: Jay
Just as long as you get frisky with her after a few drinks, that would be WEirD !!!!!!!

Shawn - good thread and appreciated! Also guilty as charged here - have only owned her for 4 months, and was privately wondering how long I will be doing the "Look Back" :wink:. I even find myself taking a glass of wine out into the garage at night and just admiring the unbelievable lines on this car. My wife is about to have me committed.....:biggrin: Jay
Shawn - good thread and appreciated! Also guilty as charged here - have only owned her for 4 months, and was privately wondering how long I will be doing the "Look Back" :wink:. I even find myself taking a glass of wine out into the garage at night and just admiring the unbelievable lines on this car. My wife is about to have me committed.....:biggrin: Jay

I feel like I'm going to confessional :smile::smile: Admit to having GAS but not LBS. When I get out the car I do tend to make sure I parked correctly with respect to the nose being close to the bump stop, but more out of habit with my other cars. As for GAS, I wonder how many others on this site get gas from time to time?? I regularly have a bad case of gas. I've thought about going to the doctor to see if I can get help for my garage admiring syndrome. I mean I'll just go sit in the garage with a beer and enjoy the lines...and do one of those AWD....not all wheel drive but anal wipe downs, you know like the posh folks in England and the likes who wipe down the brass on their million dollar cars. Some say..."cars are almost like sex" emphasis on " almost" but you'd have to ask the STIG on that one to be sure. :eek::eek:
you guys can do what I do......bring a small hand mirror with you and you can gaze upon it while walking ahead,no need to turn to look back:tongue:

Too funny that your wife calls your NSX the "mistress", mine does as well :smile:

I am guilty of LBS. Like others, I park out in the middle of nowhere so that I can avoid people.
my wife is jealous of my car, and she makes it known but I too am LBS guilty
Help me doctor, I think I'm really sick! I not only have LBS, but GBS (Go Back Syndrome). Have you ever got up from dinner at a restaurant to check on your NSX? Perhaps it's time for LBA (Look Backers Anonymous). We could meet at my house. There, I feel better now!
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it is necessary to find a good psychiatrist and to obtain from him a special price for a group therapy :cool:, good idea for the members of NSX Prime:biggrin: