Out of Curiosity, Whats your job?

well, thats kind of like asking who you should date. all comes down to preferences and likes/dislikes. but i know you know this so i'll take a stab at dispensing advice.

there are no sure things anymore. even attorneys and doctors average much less than you might think. of course the very very specialized and/or really good ones in the right area still can make really great money.

so, from a money perspective the only other area which is going to give you the OPPORTUNITY to make big money is....sales. finance sales of some sort is the most lucrative typically, unless you can pull a tony robbins.

good luck. ps. my company offers training program and placement if the fit is good--you may have to do a 40k job for a year or two before you get the opportunity. page me next friday 800 678 6310 if you want to rap....