Organizers, sponsers and supporters of NSXPO "Thank You Thread"

19 February 2001
Southern California
Figured I would start one thread to thank the organizers, sponsers and supporters of NSXPO. This would also include all who made it happen behind the scenes.
I'm scripting out my response after I get back from work :biggrin:
Take care,
John, I'm very glad you and your wife made it home safe. I'm very thankful for our time over dinner Friday night. It was nice to spend quality time together with one of the most generous and kind-hearted NSX owners I have met.

I just got a call this morning from an LA customer that needed some help. If I end up flying there this week I may call you to get together for dinner.

I too also would like to thank Stephen & Heather, Mark & Jane, Chris Willson, Jeff Franks, and all the rest of the incredible NSXPO volunteers who put their time, money, and sweat into making the event so far such an incredible event. We are truly blessed to have so many generous and wonderful people in the NSX community.
Id like to thank everyone for showing me such a great time! Chris and the gang from SOS, Heather and Steve, Mark and Jane Basch, and everyone else that im sure Im forgetting. For future reference to all those who wonder; "will I have fun without my car?" The answer is absolutly.
Awesome event!!! Obviously there was a lot of planning involved and very hard work. This was my first NSXPO, so I have nothing to compare it with. I just know it will be tough for it to get better next year. I'd like to thank all the sponsors of the event as well. I have been a die hard Zaino fan. I have a lot of new Zymol product to put to use now. I will certainly support the people who made this possible. I blew out a tire on the way home. I will certainly consider Yokohama tires because of their help with this event. Sometimes people who are experts in their field are complete jackasses. Mark Basche, Chris from SOS, Comptech reps, etc. were very approachable, friendly and extremely helpful. Oh, and the bags were awesome!! Those things are NICE!! As I said in another post, I learned a lot about the NSX, but I learned more about what kind of people own the NSX. Thanks for making the trip worthwhile and enjoyable!!!
My thanks goes to (in no particular order)
Chris at SOS, Stephen and Heather, Mark and Jane, Kelvin and Frank, Waldorf and the NSXCA board members.

What a great event! At least until lunch at Prescott, which is when we had to leave :mad: . If there were any issues with stuff, it was invisible to the attendies. The food, get togethers, carting, scenery and the drives were are very well planned. It was refreshing to be able to actually show up and not have to worry about much in regards to helping out. I was constantly asking if I could help with anything :biggrin:

I finally got to meet Neo (Mike), LarryB, WhiteNSX (Steve), NSXBOX (Niko), BridgeWaterAcura (Sushi is your friend), Jade (Seths Widebody alter ego) and a host of others that I am no remembering.

I hope to see you all someday soon!

Take care,
John and Tina

BTW, Spending time with Lud was a treat :wink:
Shoot! I forgot about American Honda, SOS, Cantrell Concepts, Comptech, Zymöl, Power Acura Southbay, Yokohama, Carbotech, Cobalt, Basch Accurate and others that I am not remembering.
Thanks, events like this would not happen without support like this.
Take care,
John and Tina
My better 1/2 and I are still in shock as to how well organized and friendly this event was! This was by far the best car related event we have ever attended. Never a dull moment. Cool people & Cool cars everywhere.
Put faces with names & cars, made many new friends & learned a great deal about my car.
From the (30+) NSX Caravan from CA., to the (3) NSX mini Caravan home.
It was an absolute blast. Everyone involved in putting this together should really be proud. It was a real accomplishment, and a huge success.
Cant thank you enough. :biggrin:

MCM / (Mark & Ann)
I also forgot about John from Power Acura for my new favorite track shirt. I snagged some extra shirts from our east coast events for ya. I also need your rim reburshing dude's telephone number. :biggrin:

and seth roman for constant ride's all over and showing me how Phoenix throws down. :wink:
This was my first NSXPO and I must say that I was very impressed with every aspect of the event. The welcome package was well prepared, the event went very smoothly (from my perspective) and everyone I met was friendly and helpful. Special thanks to all of the sponsors and especially to all of the volunteers that made it happen. It was impressive to see the dedication of those who put in so much time and work to make the event a success, right down to Mark Basch waiting on tables at the restaurant! I had a great time and made a bunch of new acquaintances. Thanks again!
To everyone involved in the planning, and execution- thank you for a great time, and that Sunday drive was the best I have ever been on!

Thanks to the sponsors- Basch Accurate Service (alignment- short shift kit install the day before the event- ya'll rock!) SOS (provided the short shift kit- ya'll rock too!), Cantrell Concepts, Comptech, and Zymöl- thank all of you for the services, products, and seminars. I will be using your services and products when I have a need in the future

To everyone I met, and old aquaintances I saw again- I raise my glass for the next time we cross paths- Great people own NSX's!

:biggrin: <-- That's what I looked like throughout the entire event, except when I looked like :eek:, or :tongue:, or any other silly face for the cameras. :wink:

A big thank you to all the organizers, sponsors, and everyone else who made it all possible!

A special thank you goes to:

Randy, FurryNSX (it's not Fury, it's furry, like a hamster) for keeping track of everything. Without you, I wouldn't wake up, I wouldn't be able to find the event locations, and more importantly, I wouldn't have had as much fun. We had some great times! Making stupid faces at cameras, talking smack about Kenny (K2), etc. :D

Stephen and Heather Woodall, Frank and Kelvin Chang, Mark and Jane Basch, Chris@SoS, and the rest of the NSXPO crew for all the work you guys have done planning the event, and making sure it goes smoothly. Thank you to Frank for calling me to make sure the San Diego caravan made it home safely. That was just too cool!

Jeff (Subayai) for welcoming us San Diegans to Phoenix with the awesome escort into town! That was kick ass! You made me crack up so much, especially during the individual photo shoots!

keN SaX for all your work with the NSXCA/NSXPO since day one. It was good to see you again and I am looking forward to seeing you again soon! Thank you so much for being an awesome instructor on the track. I hope you didn't shake your head in disappointment too much! :D

The Aussie Boys, Mike (NeoNSX) and Nico (NSXBOX) for making the huge plan to travel overseas to visit us crazy people in the US. You two have been awesome to hang out with. We had so much fun with the cameras. It was great getting to know you guys. I will miss you guys!!! Thanks Mike for the kick ass momento. IT IS AWESOME!!!!

Lud for your contributions to the NSX Family. First the FAQ, then NSXPrime. Thanks for giving me some good laughs, blinding camera flashes, and thanks for putting up with Randy's sillyness. I'm glad you are alive and well after riding with Heather in the canyons. :eek:

NSXPrime community for helping bring my friend Mike (NeoNSX) to NSXPO!

Frank H (velo-ct) for attempting to give me a ride in NSXTAG. It's too bad time ran out. I will definitely take you up on the offer for a few laps next time.

Mark Allan for the 3 (!) track sessions in the AWESOME Acura RL. The SH-AWD system is amazing. That entire car is amazing. WOW. Also, thanks for volunteering to be the guinea pig on the way home!

All Attendees for attending and making the event highly enjoyable! Thanks for putting up with Randy's craziness. (Because I'm a saint.)

The unknown highway patrol officer in Arizona who was cool and let --censored-- <blank> go with a no points, no $ ticket.

I know I missed so many people, but you are all very much appreciated! Thank you again for making it such an enjoyable NSXperience!

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We just got in,and I of course went right to prime!Very smooth event!Great to see our regulars,and new friends.To the local organizers cudos!I especialy enjoyed watching Mark and Jane practicly cooking and serving food at our various restaurant venues :tongue: Our ultimate golf outing was a huge success :tongue: all two of us! The track school stayed on time and we had no major incidents,unless Lud or Neo got fried from sun exposer taking fotos. :wink: Thanks to the nice folks who graciously allowed me to drive their cars on track,Steve and Heather,and Mark B.Alex had fun meeting everyone as well.We did miss not seeing Don N and Mark and Maria H at the track.Anyway we will all enjoy the photo and video afterglow for years to come.
docjohn said:
To the local organizers cudos!I especialy enjoyed watching Mark and Jane practicly cooking and serving food at our various restaurant venues :tongue: .

If I had cooked, you would have ran to McDonalds, but I did enjoy playing busboy for 200 of my closest friends :eek:

I really enjoyed handing out training chopsticks to the dexterity challenged diners at Shogun. It was fascinating to see how how quickly some in this clever group found alternative uses for them. "Snore No More" for example. :biggrin:

It was great seeing you again John. I forgot to ask, hows the Lawn Doctor bussiness doing?

It was great seeing you again John. I forgot to ask, hows the Lawn Doctor bussiness doing?
well,the gr a$$ is always greener(inside joke ,right Kenny)lol.Mark,really fun spending some quality yuck yuck time with you at track side.BTW the hotel was a great choice,I could'nt get enough of that great(free) breakfast buffet.Pool,driving range,and every room a suite! :biggrin: May you have a prosperous year with your new B&B!Larry tells me pets are allowed :tongue:
Huge thanks to Stephen & Heather, and all the NSXPO Staff that made this event run as smoothly as it did. Thanks to the sponsers for being there.

But mostly i'd like to thank everyone who attended NSXPO. Even with great organizers, it's the people who attended that made the expo a huge success. I count it a huge privilege to have met so many great NSX owners ...although I still have a beef with Randy for posting that photo of me. :D :D :D j/k

Mark and Jane, I'll agree, it was nice to have you guys jump in as waiters/waitresses at the restaurant.

Mark said he was the "bus boy" and not a waiter. Did he receive a promotion after his hard work Monday night? ;)
Many thanks to everyone who organized, planned and made this meet (my first one, BTW!) an absolutely fabulous event!!

Many thanks too to Mark & Jane, for all their help in helping us with getting the cars to PHX and back, and also for helping me with the track event! I really treasured all the conversations we had during the event .. thanks, guys .. y'all are the best!! (like the texans will say it!! :biggrin:)

Also thanks to Kenji for all your instructions during the track event .. It sure was a whole lot of fun there .. and also thanks for the awesome ride!!

Lastly .. as they said in the ads ....
NSXCA annual fee - $40
NSXPO reg fee - close to $300
NSXPO 2005 events * - Priceless!!
*(Meeting so many nice ppl during the event, great get together, great drives, good food, track events ... and ... last but not least ... PREPAID!!! :wink: - sorry .. can't resist!!)

Cheers ... Gus
Big thanks to all the organizers, who I've seen working day and night to ensure this event went smoothly. Also to Frank and Kevin who have shown us their great hospitality and making sure that we got to airport ontime. :biggrin:

PS: to all fellow nsx'ers who I met, it was great meeting y'all, hope to see you again next year.


Ever since the announcement NSXPO was going to Phoenix, we were mapping out our strategy 1st) to get there 2nd) with the car 3rd) and what to do with the baby... so this year we had a little honeymoon just the two of us and it was free flying all the way!!! The whole trip was a whirlwind of great times spent with new and old friends, faces put together with names and all kinds of devilish unadulterated FUN! It was certainly a perfect weekend, even though some were wusies complaining about the "dry heat." It seems appropriate to say all our expectations were met and beyond, thanks to the hard work the committee dedicated itself to put on this very special event for the owners of the NSX. We are looking forward to a trip to FLA next year, probably without the car, but we'll turn it into a great family vacation so my girls don't get bored out of their minds with all the car talk and testosterone pumping.
Tina :smile:

to be continued tommorrow.........
Thank you to all the organizers and sponsors of NSXPO 2005. Our gifts and mementos are great ... I will use all of them. Our gracious hosts Jane and Mark made every meal a special treat :tongue: The photo drive was beautiful with the spectacular boulders. I'm not much of a karter, but these are the best I've driven, especially #12.

Oh yes and that DRY HEAT was wonderful :smile:
A huge thanks to everybody who made the NSXPO 2005 happen!!!

We were only able to attend from friday night until sunday afternoon due to work constraints ( new job - can't get time off yet - so bummed to have missed the karting, dinner at Pinnacle Peak, and everything else for that matter ) - but in that short time we had a blast. The great hotel ( with F1 on the TVs in the bar - when will you see that again ), dinner at Macayo, hanging on Mill Ave., the tech. seminar with John and Mark, the vendor displays, the car show at the Pavillions, the banquet, and of course the drive to and lunch at Watson Lake - it just doesn't get any better than that.

Best of all of course, is meeting up with everyone again or for the first time - what a great group of people!!!
I wanted to thank the AZ crew for all the hard work they put into this NSXPO. I had a great time and still smiling about all the great moments during the NSXPO.

I want to thank Mark B. and Jane B. for working on my car at the track.
Had many great laughs at the track. Thanks Doc john!
I also want to thank Mark Allen for being a awesome instructor! you the man!!!!

Overall I am glad that I got to meet new friends and catch up with old ones.

Thanks guys.

See you soon.

Many Thanks to every one who worked so hard to put this NSXPO together. We had a great time. Met up with some old friends and made some new ones. This club has some of the nicest people, I don't remember any problems or issues where some one was upset. I thought everything went very smooth and everyone had a smile on there face. I think it was the water...I look forward to the next one. :biggrin:

Why did it take so long for me to post?....we had to finish our vacation and just got home.