Organized NSX Meets

+Sean & Becky (girls are allowed right?)
So sorry Stu... But I'd rather have a "BIG woofer" than a "small tweeter".....any day ( hear say only of course )

Personally, I have ZERO knowledge of Stu's tweeter, and I want to keep it that way.

Guys, unlike you I don't use DOG or Bird analogies to refer to my equipment, IF I was to use an animal at all it would be more like a Horse or Elephant.

(It actually reminds me of a true story of when I ran a summer camp and the 7 year old boys were just not interested in showering. As a free time activity a few of the Sr. Staff (including me) took the boys to shower and stayed in the showers to make sure they did'nt fool around and actually got washed with soap! (DON'T THINK of starting up on this one, or no more jokes!) So some of these kids noticed grown men's equipment for the first time and had an opportunity to talk about it, questions like: Why do you have hair there? Will mine get that big one day? and, they foolishly asked one of my buddies, "how big does it get when it gets hard?" his equally foolish response was, "Big enough to make your mother cry!"

So visitor's day rolls around two weeks later and this kid, not really understanding what he heard, introduces his mom and dad to my buddie, "Here's the Head of Windsurfing - mom you wouldn't believe it but his dick is so big it would make you cry!"

I still laugh!)
So visitor's day rolls around two weeks later and this kid, not really understanding what he heard, introduces his mom and dad to my buddie, "Here's the Head of Windsurfing - mom you wouldn't believe it but his dick is so big it would make you cry!"
I still laugh!)

Just like Dave's wing!

sorry I'll be quiet now, but it was like a fresh berry waiting to be plucked from the tree!
+Sean & Becky (girls are allowed right?)
-Dave-99% there.

99% there eh Dave? That's a lot more than usual...
excellent response guys ! thanks
Since Stu veto'd Dave and I, I guess she can come Sean..... KIDDING !! Of course ( But the token lady position has been used up guys !! Sorry...Becky beat you all to the punch )
I will be there that weekend, and staying in Mississauga too, but I need to clear it with the missus before I commit.

So say...55%:redface: sure I'll be there

99% there eh Dave? That's a lot more than usual...

Yeah, it takes a genius to realize that he's not 100%!

BTW - that new battery charger is AMAZING. Its really fast. Does voltage (dont need my voltmeter anymore), %. Bunch of charge rates and then an 80A boost. Will also do alternator it says. I bet it brings my stock battery back from the dead too.

On 12A, it brings an 80% battery to 100% in about 3 minutes.
+Sean & Becky (girls are allowed right?)
-Dave-99% there.

99% there eh Dave? That's a lot more than usual...

I've always maintained that Dave isn't "all there" this thread will be used as a future point, we can just say refer to thread #752544.

And Dave's battery charger - 3 mins from 80 to 100% WOW, in four minutes the top blows off the battery and spews acid all over the NSX - take it back to the store!!!!
I cant - the charger is HUGE- think 500 lbs. I had to build a cooling unit into my garage. When it powers on, the neighborhood dims.....

AH, THATS WHY the cops thought your house was an Illegal grop opp!:tongue:

They discovered it was just a juice bar when they raided you?:biggrin:
+Sean & Becky (girls are allowed right?)
-Dave-99% there.
We can arrange a meeting spot at the beginning of the month. See how each spot is. Then make a final decision on where to have them all the time. We can for a little cruise (Bring radios) or a long one. Then arrange one big cruise for then end of the month.

We can meet up with the vette guys once a month as well and tag along with them or them with us.

Lemme know what you think?

I'm sure most of the Vette guys wouldn't mind having a joint meet/cruise ... Next time we arrange a 'Sherway Meet', I'll let you guys know about it, and if you want to attend, it shouldn't be a problem ... we generally meet on a Saturday morning around 10A ... go for a cruise, and end up at a restaraunt somewhere ... in most cases, it's the Hooters in Brampton :biggrin:

I'm sure most of the Vette guys wouldn't mind having a joint meet/cruise ... Next time we arrange a 'Sherway Meet', I'll let you guys know about it, and if you want to attend, it shouldn't be a problem ... we generally meet on a Saturday morning around 10A ... go for a cruise, and end up at a restaraunt somewhere ... in most cases, it's the Hooters in Brampton :biggrin:


Sounds great. Thanx Mark!

8am on a Sunday sounds early ... but the lack of traffic on the roads at that time makes it all worth while

Very true.
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Good god please dont do that!

Take it to the track!

Had you have been caught, that'd be the end of your driving for many years. Would it have been worth it? Plus, there are cameras all over that road - every on and off ramp. All it would take is someone complaining, and theyd average your speed from time on to time off, find out you averaged X and your done. Theyd know exactly how to figure out who that black NSX was.
Mods, please delete stuff like that off these boards. Illegal activities should be left to PMs or in-person talk, not on a public forum.

Just got word from the better half that we have plans onm Sat. Boo! Have a good meet, I should be witin spitting distance. If you guys are free in the evening I am still around! :tongue:
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+Sean & Becky (girls are allowed right?)
-Dave-99% there.
X John (Oyagi)

Too Bad John. Leave it to the wife to remember events that just happen to "slip" our minds..... What would we do with out them .....

Please keep populating the list Either way.

Thanks Riccardo.

Man, I should just unbolt my seats and bring them down with me for you!
Yeah I know....

I'm holding onto your Graphics . Don't worry. Another reason to come to the shop for our sprig fling :) ( and with the X ) !

Wish you could have made it for the 10th though....
+Sean & Becky (girls are allowed right?)
-Dave-99% there.
X Garrick (lithiumus)
X John (Oyagi)

Sorry guys, I forgot I'm in Tremblant that weekend trying to get as much boarding in this season as I can...