Online Registration Open for NSXPO 2008!!

nsxxtreme, hope you decide to join the event! Even if you choose not to come along please stop by Acura of Portland on Saturday, Sept. 13th and check out the cars show and vendors!

Dave Levy
NSXPO 2008, Chairman

Any chance in getting a timeline for some of those events? Particularily the karting event? I will be working Friday and wouldn't mind attending that. Thursday would probably be a no go unless it extends late in the evening.

Any word on which vendors will be there?

Decisions, decisions.....wakeboarding or nsxpo.........we just have so few sunny days in Oregon :(

Come to think of it I would need to go buy a trip permit and wash the dust off my car. Tags expired last November
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Think of the fees this way: The cost is $250 for the social activities, $495 for those doing the drivers school only, or if you sign up for both the social activities and the drivers school, you get a $100 "package discount" for a total of $645 instead of $745.

NSXPO was always intended to be a complete event, including social activities and the drivers school. The purpose of the extra $100 is to encourage people doing the track event to do the social part as well. (After all, if you're just signing up for the track event, there are lots of track events you can sign up for.)

I can't imagine why anyone would want to only drive in the track event, and not do all the great social activities over the weekend, but I guess that's just me. And 100-200 of my fellow NSX owners. :wink:

I would like to do the track time with a bunch of NSXs :cool: taking the same line running close but I'm not too into the "social events" and after reading this post it's been reaffirmed. Good thing "there are lots of track events you can sign up for" I'll take that advise you must be in Marketing.

Looks like registration has closed. A tip for future events break fees up a little further. While I am sure a lot of people take vacation there are some who don't and would still probably attend. I could see myself going on Saturday and Sunday but the rest I would not be able to attend because of work. $295 per person is rather spendy for 2 days. I would have liked to take my significant other but $600 to see "portland" ......been there done that :confused:

Anyways registration is closed so have fun guys!! maybe I'll see you on the road.

I think he's just asking for a dollar amount (tickets) for dinner for him and his GF? Would be nice to meet everyone but if you live in Portland a drive would be a wast of $600 :confused:
Wow, I just can't believe how much resistance there is to pay a few bucks for a weekend of great events. It doesn't matter how far or close you live to an NSXPO event, and it's not a waste of time or money to be a part of one the best NSX events that is only given once a year. Having been on a planning committee myself, I just can't understand the hesitation to participate in all of the social events. The track event is a different story and that portion of NSXPO is not intended for everyone. NSXPO is not about how much it costs to only attend one dinner or excursion, it's about meeting a fellow NSX owner who shares your same passion. I remember the NW crowd giving excuses on why they couldn't attend NSXPO 2006 in Florida. I just can't see why there is an excuse when this one is in your backyard. Unfortunately I signed up for an important continuing education course that fills up 12 months in advance, and just happens to be the same weekend of this NSXPO. Otherwise I'd make the trek up to Portland.

I'm sorry for the rant, but if you have to ask why it costs so much, maybe you are better off just staying home and looking at the pictures that RSO34 will be posting.
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I'm sorry for the rant, but if you have to ask why it costs so much, maybe you are better off just staying home and looking at the pictures that RSO34 will be posting.

Sorry DocL not picking on you but THIS arrogant/attitude comment is why many people I've talked to are turned off by NSXPO money a question or not.
The last owner of my car had the same feelings about Prime.........great info but an attitude to go with it :redface:
Sorry DocL not picking on you but THIS arrogant/attitude comment is why many people I've talked to are turned off by NSXPO money a question or not.
The last owner of my car had the same feelings about Prime.........great info but an attitude to go with it :redface:

This couldn't be further from the truth. As aforementioned, if you've never been a part of the planning committee for NSXPO, you just don't understand what NSXPO is about. It has nothing to do with attitude or arrogance. However I do highly suggest that everyone who has the time and funds attend NSXPO to do so. I meet many great people and made friendships that I hope will last a very long time. I'm sorry you don't see the value in that.
Sorry, but I will not be posting photos this time. I have heard comments recently that people have said why should they join the club if they can see my photos of the events "for free" on Prime. Considering about half of the content and photos in the recent issues of NSX Driver came from me, I am giving the "exclusive" for my NSXPO photos to NSX Driver and club members.

I guess that is the reason why I always renew my NSXCA membership every three years. That being said, I will now bow out of this thread.

And to those still on the fence; "Just do it." :smile:
I think he's just asking for a dollar amount (tickets) for dinner for him and his GF? Would be nice to meet everyone but if you live in Portland a drive would be a wast of $600 :confused:
Let me be clear here so there is no confusion.

I live in portland already seen everything to see.
Group rate for the air musuem and space museum is $20 each person.
Scenic drive is free.
$12 license
$40 Karting (guessing group rates are cheaper)
BBQ-> What's on the menu? pork and beans? Cost something but no clue on how much.

Thusday event is no a go I'll be working.
I'm guessing we don't need to pay to see vendors?
Technical seminars I have no clue on how to judge worth, is it a sales pitch along with a seminar? If so should be free.

$72 total +BBQ.

Karting i'm not even sure I could do that. I'm not saying we aren't getting a good deal but it really is hard to judge the value in what's being sold here. With the track event people generally have an idea of what those costs are. Which is why people choose to do just that event. If the track event had been in Portland I probably would have chosen just to do that. I understand the reason for the switch.

If it was just me going I probably wouldn't care so much. But I tend to like to involve the girlfriend in the things I do. We've been together 13 years maybe that's part of the reason why :biggrin:
If you can only show up for 2 of those days Sat and Sun costs begin not to make sense.
I'll be paying $500 to go to an air musuem I have already been to, I can go to Morgans house to get advice(really good guy if anyone wants work done),lunch and meet fellow NSXers. I like you guys just not sure I like you that much ;)

I'm sorry for the rant, but if you have to ask why it costs so much, maybe you are better off just staying home and looking at the pictures that RSO34 will be posting.
Seems silly the organizers are questioning the people who are asking what they are getting for there money. I don't really browse prime much anymore. If I don't go I'll be using that money to fill my boat to go wakeboarding. Costs me $150 a day in gas to do that OUCH...

In any event hope everyone has fun.
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The problem is if you never go to an NSXPO you will never understand whether it is "a good deal" for you. I will ask you the same question I asked Jeff - are you a member and have you ever been to an NSXPO? It is understood that not everyone will be able to travel or take time off but for locals it would involve only taking one day, Friday, off from work to attend the social portion of the event.

The value of attending is not just in the dollars and cents cost of the food and activities but also in the friendships gained. But it would be impossible to quantify such intangible benefits
I'm a designer for Intel we dont get days off. :biggrin: Seriously though I am working on something that I dont have time to take days off. I have never been to an NSXPO, and not a member either haven't seen that value in that yet either.

There is nothing wrong with asking what the registration fees cover. Generally, these items are listed on the website registration page. However, it is clear that you have made up your mind that because you live in Portland the itinerary that was set up to be of interest to persons all across the country does not give you value for your money. That certainly is your prerogative but there should be no need for you to continue being "negative" about the event in this thread when it is clear you have your reasons for not going.
Who is being negative? I haven't said one bad thing about the event. Just questioned what I am getting for my $500. There aren't even any times posted for the events, I can't even judge what I would be able to attend. What's on the BBQ menu? What time will it be held at? If I show up late am I stuck with leftovers or are you gauranteed a plate.

Scenic drives don't cost anything (unless gas is included) so my questions are relavant for anyone attending. Would I go to the air Musuem again? Sure its relatively cheap ($11 just for the air musuem). Would I pay $500 to go to the musuem?.........not so sure on that one.

Obviously this is a logistical nightmare anyone can see that. But you also probably knew that going in, and with a succesful event you get to have the satisfaction that you pulled that off.
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Then, no offense, but if you are not a member and you have never attended an NSXPO then why bother posting in this thread? As Docjohn points out, many members spend an incredible amount of their too few free moments devoted to organizing such activities for NSXCA members. All of this work is done by volunteers and the club makes no money from any its activities since we are a non-profit corporation. Sorry if my "feathers are a bit ruffled" but quite honestly each year the same issues come up and they are posed by persons who are not club members and who have no knowledge of what goes on and yet they never hesitate criticizing the hard work of others.

If you would like to join, we would love to have you. If you feel you would not get value from your membership, then that is your choice but please don't spend your energy trying to dissuade others from experiencing what you are unwilling to try.

Well Put!
Then, no offense, but if you are not a member and you have never attended an NSXPO then why bother posting in this thread?
To find out more information and determine if I want to go.

Sorry if my "feathers are a bit ruffled" but quite honestly each year the same issues come up and they are posed by persons who are not club members and who have no knowledge of what goes on
hmm...good way to attract new members, if the question comes up every year don't you think there is probably a good reason why? Someone is probably trying to determine if they want to join the club just to go to NSXPO ya think?

If you feel you would not get value from your membership, then that is your choice but please don't spend your energy trying to dissuade others from experiencing what you are unwilling to try.
I assume other readers have there own brains cells and can think on there own. I don't see anywhere I have said other people should not go. My questions have soley been to determine if its a worthwile event for me to attend.

Now I remember why I stopped comming to prime. geeesh!!!
This club might just be to good for me. If it's late enough I might be at the Nudy bar right down the street from Acura of Portland. Have fun guys!
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Looks like registration has closed. A tip for future events break fees up a little further. While I am sure a lot of people take vacation there are some who don't and would still probably attend. I could see myself going on Saturday and Sunday but the rest I would not be able to attend because of work. $295 per person is rather spendy for 2 days. I would have liked to take my significant other but $600 to see "portland" ......been there done that :confused:

Anyways registration is closed so have fun guys!! maybe I'll see you on the road.

HUH? I just registered about 5 mins ago. I too really DONT want to pay $700bucks! (had to reup my membership, since my old 99-03 one expired...but now back with an NSX) but i had to bite my tongue, honestly i cant make thurs or friday due to work, but wanna hang out sat and show off my nsx, see the others, then sunday do the drive with my fiance' then motor up to Pacific Raceways to drive the car...i have been at PR for over 15 years (m/c racing) and curious how the NSX does (although PR is a POS track in the NW..WHY ON EARTH ARE WE NOT USING PIR in PORTLAND????) So i basically paid the $400 for 2 day track time, and another $200 to "hang out" which is hard to swallow but i didn't have a choice...

It would be cool IMO if you could do the trackdays and pay for them. Then pay smaller fees to say, join the ride, or attend the car show...i dont plan on hanging out for HOURS on end, nor eating the food....but i just am going along with rules...
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WOW...just read some of the previous posting BS....bunch of panty pinchers! jesus guys, relax! The dude had some good questions...i was a Member from 99-05 when i had an NSX, but sold it (M3) now back and i had to re up i have been HUGE NSX fan/loyalist and yet never made a NSXPO due to distance and my work (owning a race business where im always needed/or at a track) and this is MY FIRST if anyone wants to act like a jerk to me for being "new" to an so in PERSON..dont be an internet jerk!

I for one, know when i attended a NSX gathering back in 01 i was SOOO upset....the guys were all about "NSX IS THE BEST EVER" while i agree...i also love Lambo's, BMW's, Bikes, even respect a nicely built custom chopper...but these guys were SOOO STUFFY and pompous. I was like "um..i like the NSX cause to me its SO beautiful, sounds awesome, handles amazing and most importantly makes me smile!" that seemed not enough for them. Dont even get me started when guys started talking engine tech...OYE...

ANyways, im hoping my $700 didnt just buy me into a group of guys that give another fan of the car we all love a hard time...cause i aint one to act like that in person! Its just a REALLY BAD thread for something that should be POSITIVE and attract fellow owners, knowledgeable or not, new or old, 91 or 2005, GPW or BB, 5spd or 6spd, no hair or point is why not OFFER SUGGESTIONS AND IDEAS instead of talking smack?

See you guys there...i REALLY hope some of you have your screen names on you/your car so we can meet and TALK IN PERSON.... :biggrin:

now, happy thoughts and PRAY FOR SUNSHINE! Sat in PDX was 101degrees, today only 2 days later, 63 degs and POURING! This ain't Cali guys! lol

Off soap box.
I just sent an updated and more complete schedule to the webmaster who is updating the NSXPO website. You will get a better idea what is being offered and when.

RSO 34, back off, you are sounding like a jerk! If nsxxtreme does not see value in what is offered, the experience or hanging with a great batch of folks then he will decide not to come and go wakeboarding. He has as much right to 'share' his thoughts as you, and the process countering his presentation seems ridiculous in this forum. After your rant, RSO 34, I am thinking about not coming, and I am the director of NSXPO 2008!

Jeff Shoots, I know you're just hunting for an infraction point...

Let's all shake hands...and play ball!

NSXPO 2008, Chairman

P.S. Thursday is Pub night...Acropolis maybe???

WELL PUT (i just pm'd you back)

RSO 34 please make sure you have your RSO 34 on a name tag and come say "hi" to me! :)

onto fun stuff...

NO ACROP! THe food is ok, but parking is BAD!!!! Want "that" kind of pub

-Starz in Beaverton, MUCH BETTER parking/neighborhood
-D2 " " as well.
-Dolphin 1 down from Acrop, much better parking lot.

YES even when going to a strip club, i worry about parking my NSX! (actually i would never take my nsx to one.....again :rolleyes:)

Personally i'd love the PUB NIGHT to be somewhere well lite and such since ill be there late...hey maybe down in the Pearl District like Bridge Port Brewery? sorry...but my shop is about 75feet from biased.

thanks guys!
NO ACROP! THe food is ok, but parking is BAD!!!! Want "that" kind of pub's only for the 'out of towners' experience...:wink:
Hi Eric,

Do you not recognize your old driveway? My trucks parked in it :biggrin:
Don't live there anymore but still own the NSX. Replaced the truck with a Range Rover. Hasn't that girl been your fiance for a while now :wink:

205 is right down the street from Acura of portland
Cant stand stars they run it like a vegas attraction.
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Hi Eric,

Do you not recognize your old driveway? My trucks parked in it :biggrin:
Don't live there anymore but still own the NSX. Hasn't that girl been your fiance for a while now :wink:

205 is right down the street from Acura of portland

WOW! That is WAY OLD SCHOOL! I miss that town house....umm....NO i got engaged back then when both too young (21/23) and we are still great friends, but no, my Fiance' is not same....3 years of putting up with race fumes, race schedules, and too many toys..she earned it. Funny thing is when we drive the NSX, she actually enjoys it more than me! She'll be there...maybe signing her latest calendar cover for you sapless JK.

PM me when ya get a chance.
Anyone look into doing DYNO stuff?? While i would MORE than willingly do it for free..doubt you want a ONE TIRE I know a few auto dyno's in town also, i think it might be cool. I know when we host DYno shoot outs/days the turn out is HUGEEEEEE even the non NSX guys show up to see...very cool. Sorry if covered/dumb idea..
WOW! That is WAY OLD SCHOOL! I miss that town house....umm....NO i got engaged back then when both too young (21/23) and we are still great friends, but no, my Fiance' is not same....3 years of putting up with race fumes, race schedules, and too many toys..she earned it. Funny thing is when we drive the NSX, she actually enjoys it more than me! She'll be there...maybe signing her latest calendar cover for you sapless JK.

PM me when ya get a chance.

Hahaha...I haven't update my pic since 2001. I moved out probably a month after you. Got tired of getting towed. Know anyone that can dyno a 4x4. I bought jacked up truck to take 4 wheeling and take the dirt bikes out, I rebuilt the motor but for some reason I don't think I'm getting all the power. Wouldn't mind getting it on a dyno, its got 35" tires and a 4 inch lift.
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Hahaha...I haven't update my pic since 2001. I moved out probably a month after you. Got tired of getting towed.

ME TOO! Swing by the shop, we moved to the Pearl District last year...about 7,000 sqft and 7 employees...bit bigger than the townhouse garage back then! ahaha... check it out...

Come to the NSXPO with me..we'll make it fun...and lets hope RSO 34 shows up...i know i will have fun :)
Just out of curiousity, are you a member of the NSXCA and have you ever attended an NSXPO? And have any of the "many people" you have talked to about NSXPO ever attended one?

Yes, I'm a member of NSXCA and so was the former owner of my car :tongue:
Yes, I have talked to "many" people that have attended also Vendors and many have mentioned the attitude. I'm an easy going guy and love the commandery of the Track Club guys no matter what they drive or ride :smile:

I know you argue for a living that's why I asked about the Marketing. You might leave this to someone else.

Peace :wink: and have a great meet.

RSO 34, back off, you are sounding like a jerk!.............Jeff Shoots, I know you're just hunting for an infraction point.....

Dave, your being the diplomat here :wink:
You should have read my unrated reply. I had to edit it 3 times as I'm always the Gentleman.
Peace :wink: and have a great meet.

You do know that the hotel, parking lot, karting place, and scenic drive are all on public property. There really isn't anything that can stop you from being there and even going on the scenic drive of your own just a few feet behind the last car. There really isn't any reason for you not to go on your own and hang out with your friends and talk track stuff.

"fantasy experience"
Now thats why I'm driving so far for!
JeffShoots - I need you there to cover my back man. I'm bringing a spare baseball bat just for you.
I will bring extra USA cash, just for those that are a little short.
Your pal, friend and bestest buddy, Trev.
Other than the public roads used for the scenic drive, all the places you mentioned are private property. Those not registered for NSXPO 2008 are invited to attend the car show and vendor booths at Acura of Portland (which is also private property). Members of the NSX Club of America are also invited to attend the track event at Pacific Raceways as spectators at no charge, no advance registration required.

But isn't an innocent passerby allowed to stop and gawk at the car and at the models who are there from the magazine? Oh wait, that was at NSXPO 2006. :biggrin:
But isn't an innocent passerby allowed to stop and gawk at the car and at the models who are there from the magazine? Oh wait, that was at NSXPO 2006. :biggrin:

We need another picture of "the string":biggrin: