Old timer saying hi to friends 8)

2 March 2002
Las Vegas
Just wanted to drop a note and say hello to many of the long time owners that know me.

Jackie (er Jaqie? :P) - Hello hello!!

Vytas - Memories, sweet arn't they?

Gary Berger - You still around my friend?

Harry - What new japanese parts do you have these days?

Alex V - I remember when you had no mods on yer car, now look at it .. its hardly an NSX!

Mike N - Got Chrome?

I could sit here all day saying hi to folks, so I'll stop now.

For those that don't know me, Im one of the original NSX club members.. way before NSXCA even existed.

Gary Berger and I along with several others put a big push into utilizing the Internet to meet fellow NSX'ers. I ran one of the original NSX mailing lists (anyone remember [email protected]?).

Just wanted to say hi to everyone, let you all know Im still alive... and yes I still have my car (98,213 miles later).

Im undergoing a major project with the car as I write this .. lots of new toys that I will post pictures for in a month or so when its all said and done.

Hopefully soon I will find time to make it to an event and see all you guys again
.. had lots of good times, and hopefully will have some more in the near future.

Take care...

-Brent aka BoneZ
1992 Black/Black
Hi Brent!

Many of the old-timers are still on the e-mail lists but they're not all here on NSXprime.

I remember for a while, you were having some bad luck with your car - people throwing things at it and such. I hope that's settled down and you are leading a more normal existence.

Nice to hear from you.
Yah, its settled down bigtime. In fact I only put 2100 miles on my car in the last year.

And only 7k the year before. Decided to get my speed rushes out of my motorcycle instead of my car

However, thats changing now... and the thirst for more power is growing... but mostly for that occasional Sunday drive.

Good to see the old folks around
