Ok, the attention is a bit ridiculous....

I've noticed a lot of people in front of me almost run off the road looking in their rear-view. :smile: It's going to suck when someone does and I run into them... :confused:

Thats the reason i sold my Bike. I had an 05 American Iron Horse Outlaw in black with the spade cut rims and the last ride before i sold it i am at a stop light behind some guy in a truck and i can see him staring holes through me in his rear view mirror, then traffic starts moving and he gasses it, then looks immediately back at me and then rear ends the lady in front of him who had stopped because of traffic flow. I had to jam on my brakes to keep from hitting the guy in front of me who rammed the lady in front of him.

Sometimes too much attention is a VERY bad thing.
Another funny encounter happend today at brunch.

Today my wife and I went to Monterey Plaza for Mother's day brunch. I was running a little behind, so I did the valet parking deal. As soon as I drove up to the front entrance in my NSX, a group of people started gathering around my car checking it out and commenting as if it was a F-Car or Lambo. Keep in mind, I have never valet my NSX before, so I was a little parnoid about it. I told the guy, "be careful with the car and no curb rash". He said, "don't worry, well take good car of your car". Anyway, the manager ended up parking my car right in front of the plaza as if it was some showcase. I have never had so much attention with this car and treated with V.I.P. status.

I thought to myself, it's just a Honda:confused:
I think you get immune to the attention after a while. When I first got my NSX, I felt like I was being stared at all the time. In fact, it made me uncomfortable at times- and of course, I felt like a rockstar at other times.

Over time, you just start to become immune to it.
I think you get immune to the attention after a while. When I first got my NSX, I felt like I was being stared at all the time. In fact, it made me uncomfortable at times- and of course, I felt like a rockstar at other times.

Over time, you just start to become immune to it.

Wow! well said bro, thats pretty much the same way I feel. :redface:
Haha I've only got that sort of attention three times while in my mr2.

First time some guy in an accord was like driving 100mph to catch up to my car. He then immediately slowed down to my speed and slowly just paced me for like a mile and during that time him and his girlfriend were staring at me (I have to say I felt a bit weird with two people just staring at me like that) then he took off again at like 80mph...

The second time I was waxing my car and some guy was asking me about that car, he liked it alot (that time it was a bit more comfortable and not so weird)

Third time I was driving by the frat house near my college and some of the frat guys were sitting on a couch outside in the park and they started chanting something and yelling at me to honk and I did :D lol

I can only imagine how much more attention you guys get with the NSX...I hope to experience it too in the near future (I want to buy a NSX after I graduate)
Get the NSX and that will be just your average day.

BTW, I had to check to make sure you weren't in my state. Driving 100 just to eyeball an MR2 sounds like something I'd do. Love 'em!
I'm resurecting this one because two recent back to back encounters made me think of this thread.A few days ago I'm gassing up.I hear this voice behind me say.."Hey man I've driven that car." I'm like ok ,meds need changing:confused: But this young guy who works in the quick mart insists he has driven my car.Before I started to become a little crazed he offered that he used to work at the dealer where I get all my work done ,he was an official car mover:redface:Needless to say I did not want to know anymore:eek: Next day Sunday I'm driving to work and I pass a honda civic R the driver young male ,alone ,has the typical fanboy exopthalmos that is made more intense by my cars loud ehxaust and dubious bumblebee mods.Well I think nothing of it and as I'm pulling into my building there he is right behind me,he turned around to follow me.I'm in a hurry on call got lots to do but I kindly answered some ?s :redface:
It's the yellow!


I love the look of the those wheels with that color; I personally think the yellow calipers take away from the wheels. I would have done them in black or maybe silver. Beautiful looking car.
I know this is kinda an old thread but figured I'd chime in now that I've had my NSX for a few months and put some miles on her.........

Maybe it's cuz I live in NORCAL where exotics are more common than a Honda Civic but NO ONE LOOKS AT ME OR EVEN GAZES IN MY DIRECTION for thet most part.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the car but except for the occasional glance it's a pretty low key car anywhere I take it.....:biggrin:

It's certainly not the NORCAL thing because original thread owner lives in california also. I'm perplexed as to how he gets this "attention" since the car rarely leaves his garage :rolleyes:
LOL funny thread! i got way more attention in my s2000 than my nsx pic below explain why.



I get a lot of attention. I have gotten used to it and try to be obliging when someone wants a picture, etc. I live in Silicon Valley, Ca and drive mine to work every day. My NSX is in a lot of family photo albums since its purchase. You always want to be polite, since they are so rare that if you piss someone off, and they see your car again, the odds are that it is the same one and you never know what they will do. I enjoy mine, drive mine, and insure it.


I get a lot of attention. I have gotten used to it and try to be obliging when someone wants a picture, etc. I live in Silicon Valley, Ca and drive mine to work every day. My NSX is in a lot of family photo albums since its purchase. You always want to be polite, since they are so rare that if you piss someone off, and they see your car again, the odds are that it is the same one and you never know what they will do. I enjoy mine, drive mine, and insure it.


That seems strange. In the Silicon Valley there are tons of F-cars, Lambos, etc. I would assume cars like our's wouldn't get that much attention. On the other hand, I live in San Francisco and you very rarely see a F-car, Lambo, NSX, etc. just because it's a pain to drive/park/own, etc. When I take my car out, I very rarely get a glance. The exception might be on Friday night on Filmore Street when people come into the City, I might turn some heads, but even that is an exception.:confused:
I drove the car twice over the weekend, and both times I had people coming up to me offering to buy the car! One guy said he'd pay cash but he wanted the car - didn't even know what the car was, hahaha!

Hilarious sometimes!
I know this is kinda an old thread but figured I'd chime in now that I've had my NSX for a few months and put some miles on her.........

Maybe it's cuz I live in NORCAL where exotics are more common than a Honda Civic but NO ONE LOOKS AT ME OR EVEN GAZES IN MY DIRECTION for thet most part.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the car but except for the occasional glance it's a pretty low key car anywhere I take it.....:biggrin:


Really? That's very surprising. My girlfriend ahem fiancee sometimes complains that my car attracts too much attention and she wonders why I would paint it yellow because that will just attract more. Everywhere I go people are taking 2nd looks (she spots them, I'm too focus on the road haha), lots of taking pictures in the freeway, lots of thumbs-up. Any my car is not even that clean.

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Really? That's very surprising. My girlfriend ahem fiancee sometimes complains that my car attracts too much attention and she wonders why I would paint it yellow because that will just attract more. Everywhere I go people are taking 2nd looks (she spots them, I'm too focus on the road haha), lots of taking pictures in the freeway, lots of thumbs-up. Any my car is not even that clean.


Maybe it's your g/f that is attracting the attention! :biggrin:

I'm usually solo by myself and the car does not turn any heads EXCEPT maybe on a Friday at Santana Row....(mostly kids that point)

Anyways I bought this car for myself so could careless but seriously I have to agree with jeffchai that I get more attention in my s2000! However mine is not as cool as it's a left and drive and the engine sounds like a slipping belt as one guy keeps telling me :)
