Official Announcement for NSXPO 2014!

Mid-Ohio is a fine track, but it's far from the best track in the country.
Absolutely NOT true. If it's not the best, it's pretty darn close. I haven't driven COTA but I've driven most of the big-name tracks around the country (34 tracks total) and Mid-Ohio is the most fun by far. And I'm not alone; most professional race car drivers consider Mid-Ohio the most technical and most challenging track in the country.

COTA is brand new and has yet to establish its reputation in the motorsports community. We'll have a better idea in a few years after a lot of folks have had a chance to drive there. If you like it, feel free to put together an organizing committee to bid on holding a future NSXPO there. Just don't be surprised if cost and/or availability rule it out.
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Would love to have Texas host another nsxpo especially including COTA. Haven't had an nsxpo in Texas since 2002. All it takes is a dedicated local organizing committee preparing and submitting a bid for approval. This includes putting together a sponsor package to offset the costs. And since things are bigger in Texas, we presume the sponsors are more generous and will be happy to contribute toward the $50k per day rental cost of CoTA. Feel free to submit a bid to the nsxca. Looking forward to hearing from our Texas contingent!
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Would love to have Texas host another nsxpo especially including COTA. Haven't had an nsxpo in Texas since 2002. All it takes is a dedicated local organizing committee preparing and submitting a bid for approval. This includes putting together a sponsor package to offset the costs. And since things are bigger in Texas, we presume the sponsors are more generous and will be happy to contribute toward the $50k per day rental cost of CoTA. Feel free to submit a bid to the nsxca. Looking forward to hearing from our Texas contingent!

+1 Texas would be great in my opinion!
Absolutely NOT true. If it's not the best, it's pretty darn close. I haven't driven COTA but I've driven most of the big-name tracks around the country (34 tracks total) and Mid-Ohio is the most fun by far. And I'm not alone; most professional race car drivers consider Mid-Ohio the most technical and most challenging track in the country.

COTA is brand new and has yet to establish its reputation in the motorsports community. We'll have a better idea in a few years after a lot of folks have had a chance to drive there. If you like it, feel free to put together an organizing committee to bid on holding a future NSXPO there. Just don't be surprised if cost and/or availability rule it out.

We will have to agree to disagree then, I've driven Mid-Ohio several times dating back to '68-'70 and have probably driven most of those same tracks you yourself have driven, along with some that no longer exist.

I would love to see Texas put on a NSXPO, in fact there has been some idle chatter about doing just that. COTA availability would be the main issue, especially with more and more race series being added yearly. But not to fear, there are several very good tracks within easy driving throughout Texas. The main issue
would be choosing a locale within the state given it's size and the fact the main NSX groups are pretty spread out. I'll be anxious to experience NSXPO so I can gauge this event and see what's expected and needed.

A Texas track listing, which doesn't include Texas Motor Speedway infield race course.
But not to fear, there are several very good tracks within easy driving throughout Texas. The main issue would be choosing a locale within the state given it's size and the fact the main NSX groups are pretty spread out.

In 2002, the track event included two days at Texas Motorsports Ranch and one day at Texas Motor Speedway (infield and oval combo).

And this is for the NSXPO "old timers" (like me and DocJohn): "can you pass the peach cobbler please........."

We NSXPO 2002 alums will understand. :wink:
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In 2002, the track event included two days at Texas Motorsports Ranch and one day at Texas Motor Speedway (infield and oval combo).
My understanding is that the track used, which was then known as Motorsport Ranch, is now known as Motorsport Ranch Cresson (Cresson is the name of a nearby town), so as to avoid confusion with another track near Houston which has recently opened under the Motorsport Ranch banner.
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Mosport - one of the best, if not the best IMO, Calabogie is unreal and rated high up there and Mt. Tremblant is very close to one of the best.............but, all tracks are great especially at the amateur level everyone is at no matter how many 'track" day hero's there are out there. You're only competing against yourself in any timed event (track days are never timed) and any club event is simply a way to give an adrenalin boost ( a big one at that) and a chance for the street driver to get some experience on a track.........all tracks are FUN given the comparison of the street or highway........the better tracks are those with elevation changes.
Track info page on the NSXPO14 website is a little confusing....

Track days are three days - Tue, Wen, Thur (6/14, 6/15. 6/16). Is this correct?


FYI Mid Ohio has been resurfaced since this old video and most of the "concrete patches" he referenced are gone.

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yes three half days.
Track info page on the NSXPO14 website is a little confusing....

Track days are three days - Tue, Wen, Thur (6/14, 6/15. 6/16). Is this correct?
I'm pretty sure the track days are in October, not June. Otherwise we already missed the event. :biggrin:
Track info page on the NSXPO14 website is a little confusing....

Track days are three days - Tue, Wen, Thur (6/14, 6/15. 6/16). Is this correct? QUOTE]

There is a website? Did I miss a post? Okay I've found it. Here's the link:

- - - Updated - - -

CL65 Captain Thanks for posting the video. Though, I've visited the track several times as a kid to see SCCA and GTP races, I'll be a newbie actually driving the track. The video is very helpful. I'll still be the slowest one out there as I'm not going to drive beyond my ability or anywhere near the car's capability. It'll be cool enough to just drive a track I use to visit as a kid. I have great memories of being with my dad there.
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I was at the 2002 NSXPO and the Motorsport Ranch now Cresson has changed a lot since we were there last, much larger facility and longer track. I have also run a COTA twice since it has opened, and unless we can get 120 track attendees and $1500.00 per man or COTA has a huge change of heart of their pricing structure it is going to be a tall order to make COTA work. Having driven there twice I can say it is one of the best facilities I have ever been at, the place is an amazing facility, but the track while new and smooth as can be is not a NSX friendly driving course, technical YES, but it is a HP track with all of the straights ending in nearly 180* turns. It is designed for F1 and while that alone may appeal to many of us it does not make for a great track in my opinion. I much prefer a track like Barber or Road Atlanta, something that flows and is easy to get a rhythm going, these types of tracks suit the NSX better.

Of all the times to have an NSXPO at MID Ohio and I have to be in CABO the same week, unbelievable bad luck for me. I wish all the best for those of you who attend, the NSXPO of past have always been a great time with good people and fun events.

Any particular hotel for those of us tracking? Kind of nice to stay at the same place
I'd love to attend the event but since my car will be in the speed shop for 60 days during this period shipping my car is not an option. How is this event for attendees that cannot bring their car? It sounds like the first few days are track only so it may be better off just to attend the last few days? I think it would be great to meet some of the unique personalities from the forum, check out the vendors and cars.
I'd love to attend the event but since my car will be in the speed shop for 60 days during this period shipping my car is not an option. How is this event for attendees that cannot bring their car? It sounds like the first few days are track only so it may be better off just to attend the last few days? I think it would be great to meet some of the unique personalities from the forum, check out the vendors and cars.

There are a lot of people who just come
Without their nsx. It's fun to rent a car and still be a part of the events. Hope you can make it!
I've been to about half of the NSXPO's without my car, and I've enjoyed all of them. Without a car, you can participate in virtually all of the activities other than driving on the track. I've never had any problem finding someone with a spare passenger seat for any of the group drives or for transportation to and from venues for the event activities. Granted, I already know a few of the folks at the events, but there have always been sufficient numbers of empty passenger seats that it wouldn't be a problem even for first-time attendees. Although I've heard of some people lining up a ride in advance of the event, it also works to just show up when everyone is about to leave the hotel parking lot, and asking around to see who has room.

As for the racetrack portion vs the social activities, without a car I only go to the latter. But if you think you would also enjoy spectating at the track, you can certainly go to the racetrack portion without an NSX, and there's no charge for doing so.
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