NSXSUPRA's selling his NSX ?

Jason, your NSX is one of the best NSX on Prime, wish I have the opportunity to see it first hand. Must admit I was pretty sad after I know that you're letting it go.
Regardless hope all turn out well for both buyer and seller. Best of luck for the future. Who knows might meet you guys in the future :biggrin:
Sorry Vance. My bad. I didnt think that it was you. I named you because i knew you would respond. You have not been actively posting on nsxprime lately and we all miss you. :biggrin: Hope you won't be selling your nsx anytime soon and abandon us like Jason.
You have not been actively posting on nsxprime lately and we all miss you. :biggrin: Hope you won't be selling your nsx anytime soon and abandon us like Jason.
My NSX is a keeper. I will never sell it even if Obama force me to. I will defend that car with my life! Well, can you blame me? There are way too much drama here. I even told my vender in Japan stop contacting me to sell parts, the time, effort, does not match the little profit I earned, and some times I lose money. Not to mention the censorship.

I do stop by from time to time just to see what's going on. I get enough NSX guys in the shop giving me the 411 on Prime.

I'm screwing around on Facebook now!:biggrin:

So seriously, were you referring to me? I'm the only rapper on Prime and a Laker fan...

How about this one. Hey Bradley, I heard you're middle name is "Truth." Is it "true?" I like to know the "Truth." So it would be nice to hear "Truth" from you. If you're not Mr. "Truth," just say so instead of asking question seeking the "Truth." Perhaps "Truth" shall set us free! After all, "Truth" is what we all seeks, because "Truth" matters.
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How about this one. Hey Bradley, I heard you're middle name is "Truth." Is it "true?" I like to know the "Truth." So it would be nice to hear "Truth" from you. If you're not Mr. "Truth," just say so instead of asking question seeking the "Truth." Perhaps "Truth" shall set us free! After all, "Truth" is what we all seeks, because "Truth" matters.

LMAO... I just want to know if Jason thinks it's me... sure sounds like it.
So I got this long PM...

Hi Bradley,

You have no idea how much I wish it is not you. I do however think it is indeed you. True honest opinion. Only way for me to change my mind would be if NSX-Truth show who he is.

I know you are super smart, I am no match on internet, you can taichi your way out of anything anyone throw at you and kick everyone's ass.

When I was dealing with Ton privately, I already decline selling to him once and prefer parting out anyway. Ton can vouch for me. I went into dealing with a knowledge that Ton already know everything about the car from Erick.

Erick did not do anything wrong however, because wasn't even his business. He went out of his way time after time again to help me out. If anything it was my fault, but at the time I thought he already know and I had no expectation of Ton following through on top of that I was in process of parting out already until Ton said "hold off man, I want your car, give me a couple days I will give you a deposit". I told Ton "Ton, you would be doing me a favor for allowing me to part out". I also stressed that he absolutely must have pre-purchase inspection done, and I stressed the point "you are buying the build or parts only and car as bonus" time after time again. Had I not have the text to show for it, I would had been so depressed, felt so unjust, it would not even be funny.

Ton told me that you told him about my nsx and I repaired the NSX via "CASH" as what NSX-truth indicated. Ironically you were not part of our group and who gave you the word of mouth information?

Also the incident with Hoa is incorrect too, I even have pics in my computer to prove it.

Regardless, NSX-Truth tried too hard to be a hero. He could had easily called me to clarify things or even voice his true honestly opinion or even lead me to do the right things. My point is reasonable right?

He should have guts to come forward, it is not even that a big deal. It is understandable because of misunderstanding. It wasn't cool, but his intent was good I hope assuming he did not had personal grudge against me. I will know for sure when he show his true identity.

Regardless if it is you, or anyone else. It doesn't matter for me any more. I felt very peaceful right now. Car should be gone by end of this week, if not, I will just have Ramon remove parts out of my NSX.

Can you please tell me if I am wrong or not?


Grab the popcorn folks...

Of course, you would be absolutely wrong. Do you think I would misspell the word magnitude??? I have no problem calling you out and don't need to hide behind any made up screen-names.

Yes, it was me who PM'd Ton after I found out he was buying the car. First, I met him some years ago at Hutch's restaruant. He's an honest person and as you know he's Thai and I feel that there's some integrity that needs to be had per his culture. My GF is Thai, my best friends are Thai, I spend a lot of time in Thailand and I understand the culture and because of their friendly and trusting culture I've watched some of my best friends get scammed (even other Primers). Second, my friend Hoa got in an accident with your car and vented his frustrations in dealing with you to conceal the accident so that it does not appear on Carfax. He was not at fault, a Suburban didn't see him when it was switching lanes and ran into him while he wasn't even moving. Insurance would have covered it but instead he was coaxed by you to pay out of pocket and even purchase a new fender. You obsessed over this incident immensely sending out ill-tempered and obnoxious e-mails blaming him for the accident and nickel and diming him for repair work that could have just been covered by insurance. If it was my car, I would have eaten the repair costs or taken what insurance would have given me. My word and honor are worth more than any car...

I feel bad for the guy. It seemed especially shady to try to conceal the accident history by doing all this, that's what I meant by paid cash to hide the history when I PM'd Ton.

I had heard about the accident during the video shoot through the grapevine. I had no knowledge that you actually hit another car or any more detail other than the car got wrecked. I didn't even know that there was frame damage. I urged Ton to get the car inspected at a reputable body shop just to make sure because I heard the accident was bad. There's nothing wrong with doing that or looking out for another Primer. I didn't want to call you out on your post or on this thread because I didn't know that there was any frame damage to begin with. It would simply be wrong.

Regardless of the screenshots and PMs you sent, whatever you are claiming to bolster your integrity, I have a PM from Ton which indicates that you did not disclose this information to him. "Hutch is a little upset that Jason didn't tell us, but I'm fine. No damage has been done. Jason is parting his car out now and selling the car stock." Sorry to drag you out into this Ton but he dragged me into this by mentioning that you mentioned me in a PM to him.

When this NSX-Truth person posted, it actually brought a smile to my face. I agree with the message in spirit and hope that it will help the truth come out. I swear that whomever posted this did not in any way coordinate this with me nor do I even know who it is. You have my word on that. But it is strange that at least myself and this person felt the same way about what was going on. So you have at least 2 people that question your integrity.

In the past, you mistakenly read some post I made as being directed at you. Then you PM'd me a soliloquy on how I'm always coming down on you or stepping on you when I pretty much ignore everything you post. Honestly, I don't like reading your winded posts and subjective rantings that try so hard to push your beliefs. I find you to be a bit of an oddball and oddballs are better left being odd by themselves. When I got that PM, I PM'd you back and told me that you were paranoid and that you're "freaking me out." Another long PM came back with an apology and attempt to patronize me but I just ignored it.

Personally, I don't care if all the SoCal Primers want to come to your defense and back up your honesty or integrity. I'm going to judge you by how I know you. I was Hoa's confidant during that fender bender and heard firsthand what he went through with you to conceal the accident and repair the damage. I believe his word far more than I will ever believe yours. I know how much you obsess over things and how self-centered you are. I clicked on some of those Youtube videos you posted here and found your little collection of travel videos trying to show off your materialism and lifestyle, the ones you removed (several of us watched them and had a good laugh). I read the posts about you selling your car at at the time that I read them, I saw no indication to would be buyers that the car was involved in at least 2 accidents. So, when I saw that Stick-e-Rice was going to buy the car I PM'd him just to help him out if I could. I hope that in the future if I were ever in the same position that a little birdie would come out and save me from getting ripped off.

Anyhow, kudos to NSX-Truth... Jason good luck on the sale of your car as I hope it works out for both parties. You wanted to call me out on this thread and you got it...
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So I got this long PM...

Grab the popcorn folks...

Of course, you would be absolutely wrong. Do you think I would misspell the word magnitude??? I have no problem calling you out and don't need to hide behind any made up screen-names.

Yes, it was me who PM'd Ton after I found out he was buying the car. First, I met him some years ago at Hutch's restaruant. He's an honest person and as you know he's Thai and I feel that there's some integrity that needs to be had per his culture. My GF is Thai, my best friends are Thai, I spend a lot of time in Thailand and I understand the culture and because of their friendly and trusting culture I've watched some of my best friends get scammed (even other Primers). Second, my friend Hoa got in an accident with your car and vented his frustrations in dealing with you to conceal the accident so that it does not appear on Carfax. He was not at fault, a Suburban didn't see him when it was switching lanes and ran into him while he wasn't even moving. Insurance would have covered it but instead he was coaxed by you to pay out of pocket and even purchase a new fender. You obsessed over this incident immensely sending out ill-tempered and obnoxious e-mails blaming him for the accident and nickel and diming him for repair work that could have just been covered by insurance. If it was my car, I would have eaten the repair costs or taken what insurance would have given me. My word and honor are worth more than any car...

I feel bad for the guy. It seemed especially shady to try to conceal the accident history by doing all this, that's what I meant by paid cash to hide the history when I PM'd Ton.

I had heard about the accident during the video shoot through the grapevine. I had no knowledge that you actually hit another car or any more detail other than the car got wrecked. I didn't even know that there was frame damage. I urged Ton to get the car inspected at a reputable body shop just to make sure because I heard the accident was bad. There's nothing wrong with doing that or looking out for another Primer. I didn't want to call you out on your post or on this thread because I didn't know that there was any frame damage to begin with. It would simply be wrong.

Regardless of the screenshots and PMs you sent, whatever you are claiming to bolster your integrity, I have a PM from Ton which indicates that you did not disclose this information to him. "Hutch is a little upset that Jason didn't tell us, but I'm fine. No damage has been done. Jason is parting his car out now and selling the car stock." Sorry to drag you out into this Ton but he dragged me into this by mentioning that you mentioned me in a PM to him.

When this NSX-Truth person posted, it actually brought a smile to my face. I agree with the message in spirit and hope that it will help the truth come out. I swear that whomever posted this did not in any way coordinate this with me nor do I even know who it is. You have my word on that. But it is strange that at least myself and this person felt the same way about what was going on. So you have at least 2 people that question your integrity.

In the past, you mistakenly read some post I made as being directed at you. Then you PM'd me a soliloquy on how I'm always coming down on you or stepping on you when I pretty much ignore everything you post. Honestly, I don't like reading your winded posts and subjective rantings that try so hard to push your beliefs. I find you to be a bit of an oddball and oddballs are better left being odd by themselves. When I got that PM, I PM'd you back and told me that you were paranoid and that you're "freaking me out." Another long PM came back with an apology and attempt to patronize me but I just ignored it.

Personally, I don't care if all the SoCal Primers want to come to your defense and back up your honesty or integrity. I'm going to judge you by how I know you. I was Hoa's confidant during that fender bender and heard firsthand what he went through with you to conceal the accident and repair the damage. I believe his word far more than I will ever believe yours. I know how much you obsess over things and how self-centered you are. I clicked on some of those Youtube videos you posted here and found your little collection of travel videos trying to show off your materialism and lifestyle, the ones you removed (several of us watched them and had a good laugh). I read the posts about you selling your car at at the time that I read them, I saw no indication to would be buyers that the car was involved in at least 2 accidents. So, when I saw that Stick-e-Rice was going to buy the car I PM'd him just to help him out if I could. I hope that in the future if I were ever in the same position that a little birdie would come out and save me from getting ripped off.

Anyhow, kudos to NSX-Truth... Jason good luck on the sale of your car as I hope it works out for both parties. You wanted to call me out on this thread and you got it...
This confirmed what I had always wondered. I apologized to you last time after hearing from your point of view, it was very reasonable. Yes, I gladly admit that I am quite self-centered, it is a flaw that a lot of people have. I used to see a car more than just a car, therefore, I was being too critical and enthusiastic about things more than I should had.

You mentioned Thai culture out of nowhere. My culture is known to be honorable just as Thai. No offense, but I thought your true culture is not Thai? but rather something quite a bit different. BTW, the story you got from Hoa is not 100% correct. He only paid for half of the new fender. He asked for money back, I did pay him back $400 per requested. Call him to confirm.

This time I think you are the one who is freaking me out. You way over reacted to my PM above, I tried to be as reasonable in my PM, I just wanted to hear from you as much as you wanted to hear from me. I would had easily retracted what I said.

My apologies to Ton and Hutch, I should had been more clear, at the time I really did expect that Ton already know about history of the car.

Regarding Hoa incident, yes, he took care of me. If it was me who wrecked his NSX. I would had felt so bad that I would had paid for everything out of my pocket and more probably no question asked. Asked your friends see if I am generous to others. My culture is not known to be cheapskate.

I do have PM to the other potential buyers that I dealt directly with date prior to NSX-Truth's post and I did mention the details, clarify or not clarify things doesn't matter for me, bad guy or good guy don't matter:

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You mentioned Thai culture out of nowhere. My culture is known to be honorable just as Thai. No offense, but I thought your true culture is not Thai? but rather something quite a bit different.

I never said anything about your culture. I was referring to the culture and how I am close to it and how it relates to me. No, I'm not Thai but I'm not far from it either...

This time I think you are the one who is freaking me out. You way over reacted to my PM above, I tried to be as reasonable in my PM, I just wanted to hear from you as much as you wanted to hear from me. I would had easily retracted what I said.

You called me out on here by insinuating that I was NSX-Truth but I gave my word that I am not. My word is worth a lot... You want to make that insinuation public then I'm going to respond publicly. So freak out all you want that I'm going to respond publicly to your public allegations...

I'm editing the post because you're adding more content to it...

Regarding Hoa incident, yes, he took care of me. If it was me who wrecked his NSX. I would had felt so bad that I would had paid for everything out of my pocket and more probably no question asked. Asked your friends see if I am generous to others. My culture is not known to be cheapskate.

He didn't wreck your car. It was an accident. Was it not you who that day asked if you guys could swap cars? Did he not get hit by a suburban that didn't see him? So how is that his fault? He's stopped in a lane and a suburban decides to move over into that lane and hits the car. I'm surprised that till this day you still blame him...

Wasn't insurance going to cover it? But you didn't want that right? Because you wanted to conceal that information from ever being disclosed to a would be buyer later on. So Hoa paid out of pocket for it just because you gave him such a headache and sometimes it's better to buy a pill that gets rid of the headache no matter how much it costs...
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He didn't wreck your car. It was an accident. Was it not you who that day asked if you guys could swap cars? Did he not get hit by a suburban that didn't see him? So how is that his fault? He's stopped in a lane and a suburban decides to move over into that lane and hits the car. I'm surprised that till this day you still blame him...

Wasn't insurance going to cover it? But you didn't want that right? Because you wanted to conceal that information from ever being disclosed to a would be buyer later on. So Hoa paid out of pocket for it just because you gave him such a headache and sometimes it's better to buy a pill that gets rid of the headache no matter how much it costs...
NSX-Truth metioned the fender incident briefly, that is why I responded and brought back the super old topic. I have nothing against Hoa, and I agree I over reacted, you also only heard from his side of story. I was the witness, he was a bit careless that day and the car wasn't parked, he gunned it the tunnel in heavy traffic I saw it with my own eyes. The other party was at fault, but Hoa could had been a little bit more careful and keep some distance from other cars and avoid this mishap. Hoa is a great guy, I agree I did bug him way too much back then for something so minor. Sorry Hoa.

Yes, I was the one who asked to swap cars. That was because I felt that he pressured me at SCA meet prior to let him drive it and I said no and felt bad about it, so I wanted to make it up for him.

You, me, Eric, Hoa, Calvin used to hang out on Sundays for a few times, you know my NSX was gem mint, a car is a car only applies to you. At the time, too me the amount of pain I endured and additional trouble I had to gone through was enormous. Hoa paid me $400 to compensate my pain, but I would had gladly paid $4000 just to back in time. Moreover, the incident was small fender bender, of course I would had prefer not having it show up on carfax, wouldn't you?. I was completely freaked out back then, it was my first experience handling accident. Sometimes you just got to think I am human as well. Weather if I wanted to conceal that information from ever being disclosed to a would be buyer later on. Not guilty until proven otherwise, therefore, it is very hard for me to answer. My self-consciousness without giving much thought would say yes. But I believe in karma and for something that minor, no reason not too disclose it.

I never said anything about your culture. I was referring to the culture and how I am close to it and how it relates to me. No, I'm not Thai but I'm not far from it either...

You called me out on here by insinuating that I was NSX-Truth but I gave my word that I am not. My word is worth a lot... You want to make that insinuation public then I'm going to respond publicly. So freak out all you want that I'm going to respond publicly to your public allegations...

I'm editing the post because you're adding more content to it...

That is why I sent you a pm to seek the truth and you asked me if I were refering you. I would had easily apologized to if you had just gave me a simple "NO, it was't me" answer. I honestly was expecting a brilliant responds to perfection from you. You know that I can't express as well as you do in my non-native language. Sometimes the reader is just not going to get what I am genuinely trying to convey.

You told me last time that you had nothing against me when I asked, is your capacity really that small? my apology was sincere. I never did asked you to click on my posts nor go to my youtube channel to look at my personal traveling videos. It was none of your business, not to mention those were from years ago. It is amazing that you could list all these events from the past, I have not even post much during past year.

I can discount Hoa incident, and take 100% fault, but other stuff you said was unnecessarly and uncalled for. Judging me however you want, it is mostly based on personal prejudice, you don't know me well at all. The question mark I had about you for always having negative feeling toward me is now confirmed and I finally know the reasons behind it. That alone was well worth it. I have no regrets. "NSX-Truth" actually helped me ultimately.

"Do you think I would misspell the word magnitude???" comment was more then enough to prove your case.
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Dude, this is great, I can't believe Bradley and Jason is collaborating to write lyrics for a new rap song! :biggrin:
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Glad you all made up. :smile: