NSXPO Caravan 10/7-10/13

DaveG said:
Chris: An early start is probably inevitable since there's no such thing as "waiting for LA traffic to clear", but it won't be so early that we can't have breakfast first. As far as our friends in San Diego, it's only an hour to the OC departure point. Or, come up the night before which is what Lieber is doing and he's coming from Phoenix. Granted he'll be sleeping in his car, but it's still the night before.

Eric: You almost sound committed. Go on, book the hotel for Tuesday night, you know you want to.

As far as the return trip, Lieber and I are committed to returning on Monday since we're doing the track event on Sunday, but I know that Riter and at least Chris so far want to come back on Sunday, so let's keep the return dates open - looks like there will be at least two groups.


Actually, I'll be sleeping in Dave's car. I can't stand the urine smell in mine.
>>Just a suggestion here. How about if the OC group takes off early to avoid the LA traffic and get to some where between Camarillo and Santa Barbara around 9'ish and have breakfast there. We can then either wait for the SD group to come or take off slowly and let them catch up to us.<<

Steve / Chris: Sounds like a good idea to me.

Add another name to the SoCal caravan list. I received a PM from Michael Ring who has caravaned with us in the past. He doesn't visit this site (has a life or something I guess) but says he and Patti are definitely in.

>>Actually, I'll be sleeping in Dave's car. I can't stand the urine smell in mine.<<

Urine? You told me that was Mountain Dew!

Next I suppose you're going to tell me that really wasn't a Clark Bar on the seat.

DaveG said:
>>Actually, I'll be sleeping in Dave's car. I can't stand the urine smell in mine.<<

Urine? You told me that was Mountain Dew!

Next I suppose you're going to tell me that really wasn't a Clark Bar on the seat.


At one point it WAS Mountain Dew, but no longer. It looked more like a Baby Ruth than a clark bar. I had corn the other night.
With about 7 weeks to go (can you believe it?) here's what the SoCal caravan list looks like today:


Dave Goward (me)
Steve & Sandi Riter
Jim Lieber
Gil Leach
Chris Wong
Michael Ring & Patti

On the fence (expressed interest, but not confirmed)

Randy C.
tbNSX (whoever you are)

The clock is ticking folks. Time for the fence sitters to poop or get off the pot, and for everyone else on the sidelines watching, time to check in if you're thining about joining the SoCal caravan.

I will be joining you guys on the way up. Looking forward to the coastal drive. I have always wanted to take the coast way from LA up to Nor Cal, but never had a chance. I get to do it in my NSX for the first time, this is going to be great.
Just budding in on your forum ............

You may want to check with Alex Vizcarra re some scenic back roads to take coming from LA ......... in 99 for NSXPO 99, Alex led a similar caravan and apparently they had a blast based on the posts afterwards ..........


this is David Lin, we met last year sometime when I was looking for my SilverOne :)

I will have Nora as my passenger. PM me if you need more info.


Mitch Dolezal (not on this forum) will also be joining me from Phoenix for the trip up but likely will return early. Also, Bill Z. will likely not be going.
DaveG said:

I was on the caravan to NSXPO in 99'. It was a blast, but Alex never led it - he was too slow and got lost.

Or at least that's how I remember it.


Good one ...... , so Alex was slow and he got lost too ........ LOL!

But this is great; you can come up with yet another memorable drive for all and setting the stage for NSXPO 2003 ......

Welcome David (nice to hear from you) and message received Jim. The revised list looks like this:


Dave Goward (me)
Steve & Sandi Riter
Jim Lieber
Gil Leach
Chris Wong
Michael Ring & Patti
David Lin & Nora
Mitch Dolezal

On the fence (expressed interest, but not confirmed)

Randy C.
tbNSX (whoever you are)

Looking good folks. Keep those cards and letters coming...

Leave Friday a.m./Return Sunday or Monday

If all goes well with the receipt of my car, I intend to drive up on Friday (10/10) from S. Cal. (Redlands, east of LA) and return late Sunday (10/12) or early Monday (10/13). If anyone else has similar travel plans I would be interested in caravaning. Let me know.
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The current SoCal caravan to NSXPO now looks like this:

Dave Goward (me)
Steve & Sandi Riter
Jim Lieber
Gil Leach & Donna
Chris Wong
Michael Ring & Patti
David Lin & Nora
Mitch Dolezal
Peter Yee

At some point in the coming weeks, we'll take this thread offline to work out logistics, so please email me with your preferred email address. You can use the Private Mail function on this forum to keep your addy private.

On the other hand, if you're lonely and don't get enough junk email, go ahead and post it here.

I'm interested in joining up with you guys, but not the entire drive up the coast. Since I'm coming up from San Diego, hopefully you guys taking a nice, leisurely pace will allow me to catch up to you at some point by using the freeway.

I'll need to coordinate the logistics for that with you guys, so include me in on your plans so I can know the path that you guys take and intercept you at some in between point.
