Nsxpo 2013

18 October 2006
Just trying to see who is confirmed to go down from the DC/MD/NoVA area and who is on the fence?

I'm currently on the fence...
The fence is not a good place

Don,t miss this opportunity. NSXPO may not be this close to you in quite some time. Some great events are planned and Ted Klaus will be the keynote speaker on Saturday night and joining us for the Porsche by Design tour.

John Komar - Co-Chair NSXPO 2013
I'm registered for the track days as well. This will be my third NSXPO. Recommend you not miss the opportunity for one this close.

Just trying to see who is confirmed to go down from the DC/MD/NoVA area and who is on the fence?

I'm currently on the fence...

Not from the NoVa/DC area but Jason, come on! Want to see that Berlina black there - you, too :biggrin:
Now get off that fence and get your room and event registrations in.

I need to convince my wife to either:

A. let me go by myself
B. come along with me and have my parents babysit the 5 month old.

Maybe attending NSXPO can be my birthday present every year...

I need to convince my wife to either:

A. let me go by myself
B. come along with me and have my parents babysit the 5 month old.

Maybe attending NSXPO can be my birthday present every year...

Aha! New information (to me, anyway) on the five month old - CONGRATULATIONS, Dad :smile: :biggrin: That's awesome! Now I understand why you are "on the fence." Well, hope we see you there.
I am definitely planning to go down and am trying to organize a caravan down from DC to Blacksburg to Raleigh so we can check out some of the roads in that area from the perspective of another NSX local. Day 1 of NSXPO is my birthday so the fiancee couldn't refuse!
I am going down with at least 1 other NSX so that's 2 more to the list
Anyone going down Monday-Wednesday for just the track portion?

I am. My brother lands at Dulles ~2pm Sunday, so I was considering driving down that evening or Monday during the day. My thought was to head West and go down somewhere over there, in order to avoid 95 and also to maybe explore some roads in the mountains. I do not have anything close to a well-formed plan as of yet.
