Nsxpo 2011?

I like the Denver idea. ;) They just built a brand new road course 30 miles east of the city:


This is my NSX's new home. :D

I'm always amused by how those on and near the West Coast consider everywhere else to be the "East Coast". There was even a reference during the NSXPO 2010 banquet to Denver as being in the East. :smile:

NSXPO '98 and NSXPO 2007 were both based in Columbus using Mid-Ohio as the track.

That was the rationale for having the first NSXPO, in 1997, in Denver. Not that it's equal distance - it's a bit further for folks on the East Coast (the real East Coast) but about equal distance between Chicago and San Francisco. At this point, though, since the event moves all around the country, that rationale is no longer needed (and we wouldn't want it in the same place every year).

The NSXCA Board of Directors is in receipt of a proposal for NSXPO2011. I was even sent a copy:):). This proposal will be reviewed and a final decision will be rendered as planned on 12/15/10.

The NSXCA Board of Directors will accept and review all proposals submitted. As has happened in the past, if multiple proposals are submitted, it is possible that multiple NSXPO event year can be awarded, that cover the immediate year and subsequent years that follow.

At point is, please do not hesitate to put together a proposal if you want an NSXPO in your area. We will look forward to your NSXPO submission.


And just as another redundant reminder, you can post all you want about "where you would like it to be" but if nobody takes the initiative to submit a proposal your wish will never even stand a chance of being granted. Quite simply, we make a decision based upon a review of submitted proposals and even will award multiple years at the same time if there is more than one meritorious bid. "Your city" will never even be considered absent the submission of a bid proposal in accordance with the guidelines.

The NSXCA Board of Directors works with the local organizing committee but does not act as a local organizing committee for NSXPO. We are all volunteers so if you want it, organize and present it. If you win the bid, do what they did in Vegas - - - work tirelessly with no compensation, deal with glitches and last minute issues, try to coordinate seamlessly several hundred people and over a hundred cars and then look at photos taken at the event to see what you missed while doing your assigned tasks.

It is a lot of work creating great memories for your community. Don't just wish for it.

Do it.
And just as another redundant reminder, you can post all you want about "where you would like it to be" but if nobody takes the initiative to submit a proposal your wish will never even stand a chance of being granted. Quite simply, we make a decision based upon a review of submitted proposals and even will award multiple years at the same time if there is more than one meritorious bid. "Your city" will never even be considered absent the submission of a bid proposal in accordance with the guidelines.

The NSXCA Board of Directors works with the local organizing committee but does not act as a local organizing committee for NSXPO. We are all volunteers so if you want it, organize and present it. If you win the bid, do what they did in Vegas - - - work tirelessly with no compensation, deal with glitches and last minute issues, try to coordinate seamlessly several hundred people and over a hundred cars and then look at photos taken at the event to see what you missed while doing your assigned tasks.

It is a lot of work creating great memories for your community. Don't just wish for it.

Do it.

+1 Well said.
Is it really possible that no one has submitted a proposal yet for NSXPO 2011. :frown:
Is it really possible that no one has submitted a proposal yet for NSXPO 2011. :frown:

No. See Larry's post above.

I take partial blame since I was in receipt of a proposal prior to NSXPO but mistakenly believed the entire Board was copied. All inquiries forwarded to the NSXCA's general email come solely to me and I then forward to the appropriate persons as needed. While heading to the airport for Vegas I saw the proposal hit my crackberry which converted the email "recipients" to simply "NSXCA Board of Directors" which caused me to presume that all Board members were copied. It was not until my return that I realized only I had received the timely bid.

Sorry for the confusion.
there's been a groundswell of support for chapel hill,nc, great college town,good mid east coast location,
hmm, wonder if there are any primers there?
If you win the bid, do what they did in Vegas - - - work tirelessly with no compensation, deal with glitches and last minute issues, try to coordinate seamlessly several hundred people and over a hundred cars and then look at photos taken at the event to see what you missed while doing your assigned tasks.

:biggrin: Hahaha, wow that just about summed it up perfectly! :biggrin:
That it does...

It will also be one of THE MOST SATISFYING EXPERIENCE you will ever have!

Fresh in our minds so anyone lucky enough to undertake NSXPO2011 can count on us for help/advice/assistance. Special thanks to Dave (Biobanker of NSXCC and NSXPO 2009) for all the advice and help!

Best Regards,

Has the board ever thought about creating an official position for a NSXPO organizer consult? One of the things that I have learned is that each year NSXPO is built from scratch and then a lot is learned, eventually leading to retrospective "changes". But those ideas don't get passed on or carried over. As Danny now realizes, he has a lot of knowledge to offer as a result of his efforts. I feel the same way. I would be interested in being in an advisory position in regards to NSXPO. You can never eliminate 100% of the learning curve, but we could certainly tame it a bit.
Well this is almost comparing apples to oranges. Every location is different. You also do not have the regular connections that locals know. I could give you advice on the logistics of how Vegas operated but if it's somewhere else I would have no clue on where or what would work best. For instance, "where would I go to get my car hand washed?", "is your local Acura dealership willing to put the time, money, and effort that Findlay did? I admit it's alot of work, but in the end WELL worth it!! I almost think we could host NSXPO again in 5 years and make it even better knowing what we know now. Also, we had a great group of NSXers in Vegas that were really dedicated and put alot of time And effort into this. Actually, that's the best advice for anyone thinking about hosting NSXPO, is to have a great group of people willing to put the time and effort and actually see it through.
Perhaps a "Hosting NSXPO for Dummies" should be put together:


Standardized budget (with scenarios for break even points) plus 15-20%.

Check list of items (ie. badge holders, badges, lanyards, info packet) with sources would come in handy.

Website (construction/hosting/registration) contacts and resources.

Sample contracts with hotel, track, restaurants, go karting, autocross.

Out of pocket (no receipts) expenses to expect.

Resources and suggestions for give away items such as shirts, mementos, etc.

Basic requirements of Host Dealership (Thanks Virgil!).

Sponsorships, Acura/ Honda NA contacts (Thanks Steve V.!)

Responsibilities of HPDE Director- budget, track requirements and negotiations, support staff (marshall, corner workers, ambulance,etc.), driver packet, instructor recruitment. (Thanks Tom!)


Best Regards,

Chief Dummy NSXPO 2010
I agree that the concept of TEAMWORK cannot be overemphasized. Fortunately, that teamwork came from many different individuals, both local and nationwide. We had help coming from many different sources in the NSX community, many of whom have not been duly acknowledged. At the local club level, I would say we overcame many challenges, despite the limitations brought on by a dwindling membership (people who sold their cars for various reasons and dropped out of the scene) as well as inconsistent contributions of time and effort from individuals within our group. Somehow the bulk of the tasks fell on the shoulders of a core group (they know who they are) who selflessly made the calls, texts, Emails, trips, meetings etc. However, none of those efforts would have come to fruition without the colossal surge of work performed by the whole club, some of whom gave the most when it really counted. In the end, it was all about learning to give up something for the benefit of the whole and hopefully creating tremendous memories for everyone in the process. If it takes a car club event to teach us about ourselves and build character, then more power to NSXPO and the NSX family!! :smile:

I think your "Hosting NSXPO for Dummies" idea is a good one and could be a big help to everyone involved in future NSXPO events, no matter what the venue. I'll help with this where I can.


That was an eloquent post, and rings true on every point. Perhaps we can rectify the fact that some people were overlooked when it came to recognition for their efforts.

Best Regards,

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I second all that was said.

It is an enormous amount of work but you cant replace the feeling that seeing your city full of out-of-town NSXs, along with all the smiling faces on the NSX owners, brings.

I would almost even do it again! Almost, but Im not crazy like Ken and Peter.
No. See Larry's post above.

I take partial blame since I was in receipt of a proposal prior to NSXPO but mistakenly believed the entire Board was copied. All inquiries forwarded to the NSXCA's general email come solely to me and I then forward to the appropriate persons as needed. While heading to the airport for Vegas I saw the proposal hit my crackberry which converted the email "recipients" to simply "NSXCA Board of Directors" which caused me to presume that all Board members were copied. It was not until my return that I realized only I had received the timely bid.

Sorry for the confusion.

Time to get Android. :) I hate my crackberry as it tends to do the same thing.

Glad to hear there was at least one bid though.
How about Montana? There is no speed limit there.

I totally forgot about that.

I heard that there wasn't and then there is, but it's like 100MPH~.

You guys are over a decade behind the times and incorrect. 1996-1999 there was never "no speed limit" - the limit was "reasonable and prudent" during daylight hours on many roads. MANY people got speeding tickets and I recall some fellow with lots of track experience (racer) getting the court to drop his ticket for 110 in a Porsche on straight empty Interstate (it was still A LOT of hassle). That you could drive however you wanted was an overplayed myth.

The NSXCA Board of Directors is in receipt of a proposal for NSXPO2011. I was even sent a copy:):). This proposal will be reviewed and a final decision will be rendered as planned on 12/15/10.

Good news. Looking forward to learning where it will be.

A group of us in CO are interested in submitting a proposal (not for 2011). A month ago I sent the NSXCA board an email asking for "the solicitations/proposals that were accepted and became previous NSXPOs" for our review, but have not heard back. Can you point me to the best specific person to ask for this information?

A group of us in CO are interested in submitting a proposal (not for 2011). A month ago I sent the NSXCA board an email asking for "the solicitations/proposals that were accepted and became previous NSXPOs" for our review, but have not heard back. Can you point me to the best specific person to ask for this information?


I am trying to locate my old files. My laptop crashed right after NSXPO and I am still trying to figure out which of my 15 external hard drives has the old proposals backed up.
I am trying to locate my old files. My laptop crashed right after NSXPO and I am still trying to figure out which of my 15 external hard drives has the old proposals backed up.

Ouch. Delay is well explained though. If you're looking for a simple way to backup your laptop (requires no effort, remembering, etc on your part) I've been very happy with Backblaze...and here is a happy photographer customer of theirs, just for you.