Nsxpo 2008

The ALMS at Laguna Seca will be October, we are planning to not have a conflict:)


Thanks so much for the re-assurance. I spoke to TK Sat at a NSXCA meeting and he wasn't too sure. However, the good news is that IMSA at Laguna wanted us back again this year if possible. I hope we can do it again.

Sorry to get off topic of the NSXPO.
So, is the evening registration/small reception on the 25 of Sept, or on 24th of Sept?
Larry's previous post is still applicable:

We are still working in final arrangements. NOTHING is "official" at this time. Please allow us to finalize our plans and all will be notified.

Best Regards,
President NSX Club of America
Do not assume ANY dates until they are posted here by either titaniumdave (NSXPO 2008 Director) or Larry Bastanza (NSXCA President).
I'm the Sales Manager :biggrin:

You know bro...... I know another Michael that's a sales manager... And I remember getting a similar pep talk from you in Columbus :wink:

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Will Mr. Uehara be at NSXPO 2008?



Will Mr. Uehara be at NSXPO 2008?

Doubtful, since he is now retired but ya never know. Should have came to 06 in Florida. Sad more people dont attend from all over the county, my favorite XPO's have been the one's without my car. Phoenix 05 took the cake:biggrin:
Re: Get Parker

Got a list of potential speakers? I'd bet Parker Johnstone might be available. :wink: He'd be my first choice, bar none. He could entertain me for hours talking about his racing history, Comptech's heyday, insights into the pro racer culture, his take on "the merger," on and on. The man's not only intelligent but eloquent. If you got him for an after dinner talk (speeches are boring), I'd ride a skateboard to get to Portland.
Hi All,
NSXPO 2008

Portland OR

September 11-14th for Social events
September 15-16th for HPDE track event(Pacific Raceways)

All of you!

Go Karts
Good fun

Get there anyway you can!

At this time Parker Johnstone has offered to speak at the banquet, Acura or Portland will be one of our main sponsors and we are busting our butts to put together the best event we can!!!

Track event has been moved to Pacific raceways, Portland International Raceway was booked by Phillip Morris for 10 days in September and we can't match the $ power of big tobacco! I think Pacific Raceways is more fun anyway, we are teaming with there local school, ProFormance,(http://www.proformanceracingschool.com/) to help teach on this very entertaining track.

For those that want to drive PIR,(http://www.portlandraceway.com/default.asp) there are options with ProDrive Sept 10-11,(http://www.prodrive.net/) and the Porsche Club Sept. 18,(http://www.pnwr.org/)

Another PIR option: the plan is to do an NSXPO fund raiser in June at PIR! A track day where we can focus on our great cars, and depending on interest put together very exclusive day.
Congratulations to the 08 planning commitee for finalizing plans!
Thanks John,
See you then???
Gonna try!We'll see about what the NE crew has in mind for getting there.BTW I like the idea of a track day fundraiser,kinda like a bake sale,for hot laps!
And just where do you think you're getting the beer from?

That track (assuming that it is the one in the instructional video), does look like fun. BUT STAY ON THE PAVEMENT!!!!
Gonna try!We'll see about what the NE crew has in mind for getting there.BTW I like the idea of a track day fundraiser,kinda like a bake sale,for hot laps!

:wink: :biggrin: Oh Yah!
And just where do you think you're getting the beer from?

That track (assuming that it is the one in the instructional video), does look like fun. BUT STAY ON THE PAVEMENT!!!!

Beer: http://www.portlandbeer.org/

Pacific is a Blast!! Like all tracks, best to stay on the pavement...:rolleyes:
How and when to sign up and how much $$ ? Looks like it should be a great time. Not that NSXPO 08 was my second choice, but I was planning on going to Portland and Laguna Seca for Champ car and then over to OZ to watch them at Surfers Paradise. Now that Champ car has evaporated, I am left with some time to fill.
How and when to sign up and how much $$ ?

The pricing has not been finalized yet but should be in keeping with prior years. The Committee is doing a great job and they are waiting to finalize some contracts and firm up sponsorship funds to set the fees. Registration will be available online as soon as the pricing is finalized within approximately 8 weeks or so.
See you guys there! We are working hard getting everything planned out.:smile:
We (Synergy Autoworks) is new to Prime and became a one of the new vendor to this site.

Past few weeks been very hard but things are getting better each day.

We would like to support this event by offering few donations for NSXPO 2008.

One NRG Carbon Fiber Diffuser - for 02 +
One TopSpeed Headers - for 91 +
One DDM 55w HID kits - 91 +


Thank You Very Much for all the supports.

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Based on past experience, pricing information is usually available when registration opens, usually in early summer.
Geez, Louise...

The details regarding the hotel and signing up for the event, including prices, will be announced in early summer, in plenty of time to reserve your hotel room and sign up for the event!
Ken could you tell me what time my run group goes out!:tongue: