Nsxpo 05 & 06'??

23 July 2003
Seattle, WA.
Hi, looks like I'm going to miss the biggest day again this year...

I know this is a little early but does anyone have any idea where will the nsxpo 05 and 06 take place?? I was so regreted that I missed the 03 and this year, and I would like to see if I can plan that for the coming two years.

For all of you going there this year, HAVE FUN!!! I'll be watching you :cool: thru RSO34 web site.

Thanks RSO34 in advance.
I hope it's back to the Midwest in 06.
What about Mid-Ohio, Virgina International or Mont Tremblant (for 2006)? Still a long way, it seems.. :D
NSXDreamer2 said:
I hope it's going to get close to the NW... like maybe Portland Int'l Raceway??

Nsx3.0 why don't you go the NY this year? it's not that far from you?

Had other plans... just wasn't in the cards this year.
TigerNSX said:
What about Mid-Ohio, Virgina International or Mont Tremblant (for 2006)? Still a long way, it seems.. :D

I like the Mid Ohio idea, and would LOVE to go to Canada as well!

It would be cool to have a regular rotaion NE, SW, SE, NW, S, N, E, W, with a few Centrals thrown in!!!!

I couldn't make it, cause I am on the west coast for work! :mad:

I am also going to throw this out to any NSXPrime Bankers out there. You should start a NSXPO Club (like a X-mas club) Where we could paypal a small amount away every month by getting an email reminder. You could set it aside, with some interest, and just pay for NSXPO when its time, and send us the packet in the mail. That we we can't use the "I'm broke" excuse each fall!!!!
We could always do a southeast one in Savannah! We have roebling! Or we could do Atlanta!
NSXDreamer2 said:
Hi, looks like I'm going to miss the biggest day again this year...

I know this is a little early but does anyone have any idea where will the nsxpo 05 and 06 take place?? I was so regreted that I missed the 03 and this year, and I would like to see if I can plan that for the coming two years.

For all of you going there this year, HAVE FUN!!! I'll be watching you :cool: thru RSO34 web site.

Thanks RSO34 in advance.
You should get a Caravan down to San Francisco/San Jose area to join up with the North Cal group which will drive down LA to meet up with the South Cal group. Then the entire gang will drive to Phoenix together. I can't wait to see this huge NSX fleet next year. :eek:
What about Tulsa in '06? :p Don't laugh just yet. By '06 we'll have two great road courses in the area. Hallett is 45 minutes away and Tulsa Raceway Park is no more than 15 minutes away. Hallett is about a 9 out of 10 in difficulty and TRP is being designed by the same buy that designed Barber in Alabama. There's a drag strip and enough room for an autocross course. Good hotels and restaurants, cheap gas, nice scenery, just won't have it in the summer. ;)
Ponyboy said:
What about Tulsa in '06? :p Don't laugh just yet. By '06 we'll have two great road courses in the area. Hallett is 45 minutes away and Tulsa Raceway Park is no more than 15 minutes away. Hallett is about a 9 out of 10 in difficulty and TRP is being designed by the same buy that designed Barber in Alabama. There's a drag strip and enough room for an autocross course. Good hotels and restaurants, cheap gas, nice scenery, just won't have it in the summer. ;)

Put together a committee and submit a bid proposal when it is time. :)
92NSX said:
I thought I heard that 05 was in Miami???
that's what I was told as well ?!? part of the reason us not coming up to the Glenn this year was that FL in 2005 was much more convenient to us... :(
apapada said:
that's what I was told as well ?!? part of the reason us not coming up to the Glenn this year was that FL in 2005 was much more convenient to us... :(

No one was actually "told" anything about Miami getting NSXPO 2005. Bids were solicited and all regions were advised of the deadline for submission of proposals. If any region wants to host, you need a dedicated committee to
submit a bid and be prepared to spend 12-15 months to pull it off. Sorry, but wishing for something just won't be enough.
RSO 34 said:
No one was actually "told" anything about Miami getting NSXPO 2005. [...]
Sorry, but wishing for something just won't be enough.

Dear Rob you are incorrect. As a matter of fact, some of us were told so. Wether the people who told us where misinformed or wishfull thinkers, they presented this information as a fact and a done deal.

w/ re: to wishing has nothing to do in this case. I'm not saying the people who helped propagate wrong information did it intentionally, but again it was presented as a done deal.
apapada said:
Dear Rob you are incorrect. As a matter of fact, some of us were told so. Wether the people who told us where misinformed or wishfull thinkers, they presented this information as a fact and a done deal.

w/ re: to wishing has nothing to do in this case. I'm not saying the people who helped propagate wrong information did it intentionally, but again it was presented as a done deal.

My recollection is that when the bid deadlines were announced there were several posts, including my own, that requested if not outright urged the Southeast contingent to put together a bid for a Southern Florida NSXPO. Aside from the logistical problem of scheduling a Floridian NSXPO during hurricane season, I don't think (and I may be wrong on this) that a bid was even submitted.

Here is the thread where it appears clear that the best Florida could do would be to try to get a committee organized for 2006: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28455

Also, the Phoenix winning bid was announced on April 8, 2004 and has been referred to several times since then: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31685
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apapada said:
Dear Rob you are incorrect. As a matter of fact, some of us were told so. Wether the people who told us where misinformed or wishfull thinkers, they presented this information as a fact and a done deal.

w/ re: to wishing has nothing to do in this case. I'm not saying the people who helped propagate wrong information did it intentionally, but again it was presented as a done deal.
Obviously the people who "told" you got it dead wrong. Phoenix has been clearly and officially announced as the place since many months ago.
nsx1164 said:
I say go for the big one: Barber in Alabama !!

That would be SWEET.

I think we should try and get some NSX's together for an event there, regardless of NSXPO!
whiteNSXs said:
Obviously the people who "told" you got it dead wrong. Phoenix has been clearly and officially announced as the place since many months ago.
yeah, obviously. I wonder what they have to say now. :mad: