NSX'es on EBAY

6 September 2002
Northern VA
Guys, have you seen ebay listings lately under "NSX"? 32 cars are being auction now. The most i've ever seen.YIKE!!!! or How about autotrader? YIKE!!! any relations to the floods we've been having in the middle of summer? why so many people are selling?
1. Overall slugish economy
2. Fragile world peace
3. Triple DMV Fees in CA
4. Insurance costs are increasing and will continue to do so
5. To give Calvin more to choose from!!! IMO Gil
hey Gil, i like #5 and DO NOT like #3 and #4

coolnsx said:
1. Overall slugish economy
2. Fragile world peace
3. Triple DMV Fees in CA
4. Insurance costs are increasing and will continue to do so
5. To give Calvin more to choose from!!! IMO Gil
6. People are unloading their automatics?

According to the listings, 8 of the cars (25% of the auctions) are automatics. That seems disproportionately high..

Remember the supply and demand curve? Gooood market for you.

About "#2 Triple DMV Fees in CA", hope I won't go through the roof when I open my DMV renewal next month.
talking about registration fee, didn't california reduced the fee a little while ago? i thought i saw and cashed a check from the dmv for that....hmmm....

simon, one bad deal after another...i am thinking about going out of the market. but i see one nice and the deal goes smoothly, you can besure to see me next to you again. say hi to your wife for me. in the mean time, i will stay on top of the market. :D
AndyH said:
i guess sell now before the new one come out and value drop more

do you think the values of the nsx's will drop significantly when the new ones debut??
or will the new nsx's be at a higher price in turn not greatly affection the older nsx's if at all??

Just my Two Pennies worth;I have been flying since the mid eighties and have owned a couple of Cessna`s ,both older planes but in top condition.When Cessna started reproducing small single-engine planes again after a decade of no production every Plane owner panicked that thier values would drop.Just the opposite happened,they were so much more money that it just secured the older planes value even more,I see the NSX in the same boat,especially because of the low #`s.Just my thoughts................
WoHo!!! :eek: When did CA tripple the DMV? :confused: I knew Davis was talking about trippling fees, but I didn't think the public would allow it to happen!

AndyH said:
lucky my reg for nsx won't hit me until July
but i just pay for my prelude from $55 -> $128
topgunn62 said:
Just my Two Pennies worth;I have been flying since the mid eighties and have owned a couple of Cessna`s ,both older planes but in top condition.When Cessna started reproducing small single-engine planes again after a decade of no production every Plane owner panicked that thier values would drop.Just the opposite happened,they were so much more money that it just secured the older planes value even more,I see the NSX in the same boat,especially because of the low #`s.Just my thoughts................

thats a very good analogy and a way that i haven't yet thought about...but don't you think that cars are kind of on a different boat?? i mean if the new nsx is going to have more power and more, new features and debuting at the same price as a new nsx today wouldn't you think that the value drop could be like a chain reaction?? (it debuting at a higher price could be a different story)i fully agree that the nsx is the first of its kind, but imo the only cars that i have actually seen increase in value were one of a kind of cars; depsite the nsx's low production rate i don't think it is few enough to become too rare that it will cause its value to actually go up....although by all means this is what i do hope for

Kaz said:
WoHo!!! :eek: When did CA tripple the DMV? :confused: I knew Davis was talking about trippling fees, but I didn't think the public would allow it to happen!

Davis illegally passed the raising of the car tax. The public had no choice in this, he signed a bill and now we have a to pay. :mad: Californians have some of the highest taxes in the nation!! :( :eek: :mad:
:o what a punk !!! maybe i should run for governor after Arnold :D i'll lower it back and and mandate 3 "nsx parking only" spots in every upscale places :D

ss_md said:
Davis illegally passed the raising of the car tax. The public had no choice in this, he signed a bill and now we have a to pay. :mad: Californians have some of the highest taxes in the nation!! :( :eek: :mad:
koreanmafia said:
thats a very good analogy and a way that i haven't yet thought about...but don't you think that cars are kind of on a different boat?? i mean if the new nsx is going to have more power and more, new features and debuting at the same price as a new nsx today wouldn't you think that the value drop could be like a chain reaction?? (it debuting at a higher price could be a different story)i fully agree that the nsx is the first of its kind, but imo the only cars that i have actually seen increase in value were one of a kind of cars; depsite the nsx's low production rate i don't think it is few enough to become too rare that it will cause its value to actually go up....although by all means this is what i do hope for

Koreanmafia;Yeah,i agree,if the new cars are better than the old ones for the same/similar price then resale values may suffer,but the older the model year,the more secure the price(?)I`m just thinking a car in the upper twenty`s/lower-to-mid 30`s will always have buyers.One thing`s for sure,I`ll find out sooner or later `cause i just purchased a nice lower miles `92! Thanks for your thoughts....Jim.
The car tax....

ss_md said:
Davis illegally passed the raising of the car tax. The public had no choice in this, he signed a bill and now we have a to pay. :mad: Californians have some of the highest taxes in the nation!! :( :eek: :mad:

Actually Davis didn't raise the car tax. We have been paying the same tax, but for several years we have been receiving a rebate at the time of payment, which has essentially lowered the tax during that time. The rebate was eliminated, and now we are paying at the same rate we were several years ago.

Joel 91 Black / Ivory