NSX vs STI vs Evo ???

Thats not it at all, I assure you :wink:

What I can't stand is when someone joins Prime, thinks they can find the mythical $5k NSX and then posts a bunch of crap about whats faster (stock to stock, on street tires, around this track and that) between the NSX and some other cars that they wished they owned.

If you went and did this on a Fcar, Pcar, of Lcar (is that the term?) site you would get MUCH worse, I assure you. :cool:

Why don't you take his advice and stay outta the newbie section? Then you won't be annoyed getting on this website anymore..

There really isn't that many ppl that come here expecting to find a NSX for sub 20's. I think ppl do come here expecting a hefty price tag for a car this old. Of course there are the select few that do come here posting that shit, but it's not just 18 y/o's. There are a few 20's and 30's I'm sure that post here thinking that. Do you bash on them on them being immature? Thats why they came here was to find more info and they posted in the NEWBIE section and all you guys are doing here is posting useless things discouraging them from this forum. There are some members here that I have very high respect for, but there are a lot of ppl here that are supposedly mature bc they have a NSX and can care for it better than so and so but are really immature for being 20s, 30s, and so forth..

The reason why I said (amongst others) that that XXXXX is faster than the NSX was bc you guys started bashing on this car on not being hand built or mid engined. Many of the ppl here weren't bashing on the NSX, we were just trying to point out that just because it isn't a NSX doesn't make it a shitty car. Don't bash on a car that isn't this and that when it can beat a Lambo around a circuit easily..
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First of all I'm not getting defensive. I never said the Evo was close to being the same league as a lambo except in the performance dept. The reason why that was brought up was bc a lot of ppl were bashin on the evo saying it was a POS. How can some ppl on this thread just come in without reading everything and start posting? Ppl assume that I'm coming in here just to start up mess. I'm just saying you can't come into any forum on this planet and start bashing a car when it out performs a lot better than a lot of exotic super cars.

That is pretty dumb to be talking mess about this car when it ourperforms a crap load of cars including yours. No matter what forum you're on, you need to recognize a great car

I was right and wrong. Lol, you are getting defensive but you don't understand. A car that can outperform any other car doesn't make it great. Sure it may get a page in the record books, but there will always be faster, no matter what. No one is bashing the Evo or STi, I recognize their performance capabilities. I am just saying otherwise the performance potential for buck deal, it is not a great car. Besides they certain don't hold the record for fastest anything, more like just very fast something. It will not be remembered beyond the numbers that it can put on a time slip. Sure it's fun bragging rights, but in today's history, it is just another mundane vehicle that can go 0-60 in X secs and do the 1/4 in x secs. Fast has been done since the invention of automobiles. Evos, Sti, Srt-4, etc, they are fun cars and they are what they are, but great or revolutionary they are NOT.

O, the $80K four door sedan can outperform a $200K sports car. My $6k 2 wheel 4 banger sportsbike will outpace both in straight or curved lines. Does that make my bike great? Not really... only about every single sportsbike from the Japanese makers can do this.

Stop getting defensive, I wasn't bashing anything, just bringing some perspective to you. Obviously you don't understand and have other objectives. Go drive your EVO or Sti or most likely 4 door sedan that go 0 60 in 8 secs. Lol does that really matter? Not really, I don't care if you drove a XJ220, you obviously don't have the capacity to undestand what makes a Great car. I'll go drive my piece of history by Honda that's slower than a 4 door sedan and actually enjoy the fact that the guy next door isn't out whoring my car.
I was right and wrong. Lol, you are getting defensive but you don't understand. A car that can outperform any other car doesn't make it great. Sure it may get a page in the record books, but there will always be faster, no matter what. No one is bashing the Evo or STi, I recognize their performance capabilities. I am just saying otherwise the performance potential for buck deal, it is not a great car. Besides they certain don't hold the record for fastest anything, more like just very fast something. It will not be remembered beyond the numbers that it can put on a time slip. Sure it's fun bragging rights, but in today's history, it is just another mundane vehicle that can go 0-60 in X secs and do the 1/4 in x secs. Fast has been done since the invention of automobiles. Evos, Sti, Srt-4, etc, they are fun cars and they are what they are, but great or revolutionary they are NOT.

O, the $80K four door sedan can outperform a $200K sports car. My $6k 2 wheel 4 banger sportsbike will outpace both in straight or curved lines. Does that make my bike great? Not really... only about every single sportsbike from the Japanese makers can do this.

Stop getting defensive, I wasn't bashing anything, just bringing some perspective to you. Obviously you don't understand and have other objectives. Go drive your EVO or Sti or most likely 4 door sedan that go 0 60 in 8 secs. Lol does that really matter? Not really, I don't care if you drove a XJ220, you obviously don't have the capacity to undestand what makes a Great car. I'll go drive my piece of history by Honda that's slower than a 4 door sedan and actually enjoy the fact that the guy next door isn't out whoring my car.

Well i know you aren't bashing, but there are a lot of other ppl that were.. I honestly don't think I was getting defensive seeing as I don't even own a Evo or STI.

Haha well it does make them a great car performance wise. Hell a GTR isn't that appealing to my eye, but it's a great car bc it can outperform a lot of car doubled its price tag. Do you kind of see what I am trying to say? I realize it is not in the same catergory as a f40, mclaren f1, or other greats but it is great in its own catergory. It's great compared to saloons. It will be remembered, not as a super exotic by vast majority of ppl, but by say rally car lovers and whatnot.

Out of curiosity, what makes a car great to you?
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Why don't you take his advice and stay outta the newbie section? Then you won't be annoyed getting on this website anymore..

There really isn't that many ppl that come here expecting to find a NSX for sub 20's. I think ppl do come here expecting a hefty price tag for a car this old. Of course there are the select few that do come here posting that shit, but it's not just 18 y/o's. There are a few 20's and 30's I'm sure that post here thinking that. Do you bash on them on them being immature? Thats why they came here was to find more info and they posted in the NEWBIE section and all you guys are doing here is posting useless things discouraging them from this forum. There are some members here that I have very high respect for, but there are a lot of ppl here that are supposedly mature bc they have a NSX and can care for it better than so and so but are really immature for being 20s, 30s, and so forth..

Let me tell you something young Jedi. The reason this site is so GREAT is that the old geezers like me DO respond to legitimate (read: not this thread) questions on the NSX in this section. If you want us to stay out then this section would just become filled (even more) with "My STI is faster than your Cobalt SS" threads. Go discuss those somewhere else. If you truly want to learn about the NSX, thats great. If you just want to troll and have no intention (read: no money, no time, no desire) of buying an NSX, than please go back to the Aveo forums.
Let me tell you something young Jedi. The reason this site is so GREAT is that the old geezers like me DO respond to legitimate (read: not this thread) questions on the NSX in this section. If you want us to stay out then this section would just become filled (even more) with "My STI is faster than your Cobalt SS" threads. Go discuss those somewhere else. If you truly want to learn about the NSX, thats great. If you just want to troll and have no intention (read: no money, no time, no desire) of buying an NSX, than please go back to the Aveo forums.

The newbie thread is comprised of all these threads like this. SupraTTvsNSX, 911vsNSX, Evo VS STI vs NSX thread. Thats what newbies are looking for, how does this car compare to other cars that have the same dollar value. It's either this, come check out this ridiculous ebay ad, look my nsx has finally arrived, or "can somebody check up on this car for me, vin:89efu09wefu". Thats what pretty much sums up this section of the forum.

If I was a troll why would I want to troll here? There aren't that many users on this forum that post daily.. I do have a desire of buying a NSX. I just happen to come across this thread and read some dumb remarks about a certain car that just happen to be pretty great in the performance dept.

This thread is about learning about the NSX. The OP wanted to know how the NSX does against a modern day respected fast car. How do you learn about cars? There only so much you can do with it being hand built and whatnot. You want to know how it does against so and so car because is that not what the NSX was hand built for?
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The newbie thread is comprised of all these threads like this. SupraTTvsNSX, 911vsNSX, Evo VS STI vs NSX thread. Thats what newbies are looking for, how does this car compare to other cars that have the same dollar value. It's either this, come check out this ridiculous ebay ad, look my nsx has finally arrived, or "can somebody check up on this car for me, vin:89efu09wefu". Thats what pretty much sums up this section of the forum.

If I was a troll why would I want to troll here? There aren't that many users on this forum that post daily.. I do have a desire of buying a NSX. I just happen to come across this thread and read some dumb remarks about a certain car that just happen to be pretty great in the performance dept.

This thread is about learning about the NSX. The OP wanted to know how the NSX does against a modern day respected fast car. How do you learn about cars? There only so much you can do with it being hand built and whatnot. You want to know how it does against so and so car because is that not what the NSX was hand built for?

I hear you ,and for the record the evo/sti do perform very well.Don't you think as you stated that the op could get a best answer about how the nsx performs, feels ect, by owners of both?I think two members fit that description so far.The rest of the bantor just drags it all down. osugrad has a great point though.What would this section be without owners willing to put up with the vitriol ,testosterone,and general lazy typing skills that degrade any forum:wink:I say this every time but what makes prime a standout on the web is the willingness of some amazing regulars to dive into many topics and in so doing keep the game at the highest level posible.To be able to acknowledge others views and change your belief structure midstream...ie learn something new, is what I strive for.
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I hear you ,and for the record the evo/sti do perform very well.Don't you think as you stated that the op could get a best answer about how the nsx performs, feels ect, by owners of both?I think two members fit that description so far.The rest of the bantor just drags it all down. osugrad has a great point though.What would this section be without owners willing to put up with the vitriol ,testosterone,and general lazy typing skills that degrade any forum:wink:I say this every time but what makes prime a standout on the web is the willingness of some amazing regulars to dive into many topics and in so doing keep the game at the highest level posible.To be able to acknowledge others views and change your belief structure midstream...ie learn something new, is what I strive for.

I totally agree with you. I was posting bc of the banter that dragged it down. Some of the comments were dumb and not well thought out..
I hear you ,and for the record the evo/sti do perform very well.Don't you think as you stated that the op could get a best answer about how the nsx performs, feels ect, by owners of both?I think two members fit that description so far.The rest of the bantor just drags it all down. osugrad has a great point though.What would this section be without owners willing to put up with the vitriol ,testosterone,and general lazy typing skills that degrade any forum:wink:I say this every time but what makes prime a standout on the web is the willingness of some amazing regulars to dive into many topics and in so doing keep the game at the highest level posible.To be able to acknowledge others views and change your belief structure midstream...ie learn something new, is what I strive for.
Well said Docjohn, but it seems that there will always be the FnF crowd looking for validation here amongst us old folks that drive pedal cars. I still have my original complaint from 2 years ago, and that's one of attitude, and think that many of us are getting tired of it. There is not a NSX Primer that I've met to date that hasn't or wouldn't go out of their way for helping out with a legitimate question, or inspection of a car for a potential buyer, that's what makes this place special. It's the current crop of threads that are constantly asking for confirmation of what they believe to be superior cars (other than the NSX) on a NSX forum. All that will do is cause arguments, so with that being said. Cars are a passion, Cadillac said it best recently when they asked "when you turn your car on, does it return the favor"? If your answer to that question is yes for what you drive, than that's all that counts. I will always respect someone's right to disagree, I will not always respect the way that they do it!
Well i know you aren't bashing, but there are a lot of other ppl that were.. I honestly don't think I was getting defensive seeing as I don't even own a Evo or STI.

Haha well it does make them a great car performance wise. Hell a GTR isn't that appealing to my eye, but it's a great car bc it can outperform a lot of car doubled its price tag. Do you kind of see what I am trying to say? I realize it is not in the same catergory as a f40, mclaren f1, or other greats but it is great in its own catergory. It's great compared to saloons. It will be remembered, not as a super exotic by vast majority of ppl, but by say rally car lovers and whatnot.

Out of curiosity, what makes a car great to you?

Well the criteria is loose, but there are general rules and example. Automobiles have been around for a long time now, and the industry is just churning out model after model these days with slight refreshes and there is little left to be exciting. It would seem that the 90s revolutionized the industry as far as direction and then in 2000, everything did a 180. Here's what makes a GREAT car:

*It has to Perform well, and this usually revolves around power to weight ratio. A good, lighter weight will usually gurantee a good performer
*Stylish exterior and interior. Many cars look good on the outside and then give you a headache on the inside. Some are vice versa. Low slung cars while looking devilish good, also reap the benefits of aerodynamics and better handling
*The not so major one, but next step obviously is Reliability. The car should be reliable enough to be DD, of course this does not apply to the hyper expensive vehicles that would not make sense driving everyday.
*It cannot be a whore. The car should not be marketed to sale in great volumes. It should not be a cash crop, but instead a statement made by the company saying this is our CORE, this is what we can do. We offer cutting edge design/engineering and so this should not be available to the general public, otherwise it WOULD not be great and just average...

So the car must be balanced or well endowed in all categories or it will not be a great car. There will obviously be exceptions, like the highend company's expensive entry level that designed to be cash crops or some that are just not that reliable over the years.

IMHO, some few examples of great cars:

Modern (today): Gallardo, F430, Carrera GT, C6 Corvette(although interior is still lagging a bit behind) 335i, G37, (yes the C6, 335i and G37 are quite the whores, but they are borderline great cars considering the fact that today are lacking great cars that are more affordable...)

Back in the day(80s-90s): XJ220, Mclaren F1, XJR15, F40, F50, NSX, 300ZX, Rx7, Supra (yea the Japanese ruled the 90s, 300ZX and Rx7 have reliability issues down the years, but they still are great cars. The NSX definately blows them out of the water as far as reliability goes, I suppose due to NA and simplicity)

Just some quick names I could think of. The EVO, Sti, SRT4, Cobalt SS, etc, may be faster than the norm for a great price but they compromise design or direction for value, iow, unbalanced in the trifecta. They are good cars, but not great.