NSX vs Gallardo production volume

Well Ill come out and absolutely state that I *love* the Gallardo *and* the F430 (I *really* love Ferrari)

Finances are all that keeps me from owning one, honestly. :D And I dont put any real miles on my NSX's either, I just dont believe in neglecting cars, cant do my own wrenching at a level that would be comfortable with an exotic, and know what these cars cost to run.

Ive had 3 NSXs, a modern Corvette and a 911 and all of these have been comfortable driving anywhere from 500 - 12,000 mi / year and owning anywhere from 2 - 5 years. The Gallardo and the Ferraris (ESPECIALLY my beloved F355), I have too many close friends who own them and have shown me their bills ;) And I know where they are in relation to me income wise (which is well north)

Of course people like to stretch things insanely (thats the American way!), but I try not to do that any worse than I already do (which IMO is *already* too much)

I see people say "can I afford Lambo/Ferrari/etc on $75k/year!?" and I see people say "ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Im left sort of puzzled. When I was making double that I didnt feel anywhere near able to afford those cars and I still dont today. Most of my friends who own Lambos and Ferraris are well north of $400K/yr. Id say a demographic study would show that is not an anomaly and is rather the norm. That aint b/c they're cheap to run :)

Yea no kidding. Not to mention at that income even if one saved up for a few years. Their lifestyle/standard of living would be seriously compromised. Even then, services would comsume those "savings" faster than one could replenish though income. They are in a totally different league demographics.
Well Ill come out and absolutely state that I *love* the Gallardo *and* the F430 (I *really* love Ferrari)

Finances are all that keeps me from owning one, honestly. :D And I dont put any real miles on my NSX's either, I just dont believe in neglecting cars, cant do my own wrenching at a level that would be comfortable with an exotic, and know what these cars cost to run.

Ive had 3 NSXs, a modern Corvette and a 911 and all of these have been comfortable driving anywhere from 500 - 12,000 mi / year and owning anywhere from 2 - 5 years. The Gallardo and the Ferraris (ESPECIALLY my beloved F355), I have too many close friends who own them and have shown me their bills ;) And I know where they are in relation to me income wise (which is well north)

Of course people like to stretch things insanely (thats the American way!), but I try not to do that any worse than I already do (which IMO is *already* too much)

I see people say "can I afford Lambo/Ferrari/etc on $75k/year!?" and I see people say "ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Im left sort of puzzled. When I was making double that I didnt feel anywhere near able to afford those cars and I still dont today. Most of my friends who own Lambos and Ferraris are well north of $400K/yr. Id say a demographic study would show that is not an anomaly and is rather the norm. That aint b/c they're cheap to run :)

Yea no kidding. Not to mention at that income even if one saved up for a few years. Their lifestyle/standard of living would be seriously compromised. Even then, services would comsume those "savings" faster than one could replenish though income. They are in a totally different league demographics.
After reading all above posts, I STILL want an ice blue gollardo
Funny last posts. I was making over $100k when I had my pretty modified RSX-S and didn't think I could afford the thing in case I blew the engine up. And it was paid off a few years before that. But I guess at the time I had more saved up then I was making so who knows what's going through peoples' minds sometimes.

What people can actually afford and do are extremely different things in the States. Fun stuff to pay attention to. But then again, most of my clients are paying cash to knock down their newly bought $5 million home/property and go build a new $10 million house as fast as possible so they can enjoy themselves.

I do have to say I saw a recent thread of a shop taking apart a Gallardo and people in that forum seemed shocked of how cheap it seemed the car was built. Not sure how true that is, but on some forums it feels as though not everyone is there to bag on their favorite brands.

I loved my Porsche, I love my current Honda, and can't wait to get my first Italian Exotic. And hopefully one day I can figure out how to fit in an NSX too!
compaired to other car makers, the Lambo line is compared to building a car with an Erector Set crap builds in my book.

I saw somewhere that they dont let reporters into the production line as not to anyone see how they build them. or was that Ferrari LOL

I wouldnt be surprised if they had trained monkeys bolting the stuff together with a human floor supervisor throwing peanuts at them to keep them working LOL
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Forget about the Gallardo. It's boring and can be mistaken for a lessor car when compared to it's replacement.



And yes, she can sit in the passenger seat...
I'm not that impressed by Ferrari, Lamborghini or Maserati build quality or engineering ether,
I see so many silly thing daily although Lamborghini isn't that bad with the Gallardo clearly has some german touches to it.

Newest Gallardo is 1500KG :eek: and awd typically has a drive train loss of 25-33%

but still you guys seem to forget your comparing a Italian car with a Japanese car, i don't mean that personally offensive to any one they are awesome stylist but that's where it usually stops.