Originally posted by hejo:
I didn't look at it that close because I was focused on the 360 next to it. I can find out tomorrow. I do know it was an italian car brought to the states as part of a private collection.

The European versions are significantly less desireable than the US versions. Often prices $10K - $15K less for the same car.
Originally posted by David:
The European versions are significantly less desireable than the US versions. Often prices $10K - $15K less for the same car.

It's a GT version and was part of a collection. They picked up a GTS (yellow) that they had to sink another $100k into to put into collection shape.
David, My wife's 72 Dino 246 GT has been appraised by the largest Ferrari Dealer in the Northeast (Miller Motors) at a value higher than the US version. In fact, while the car was in for service last month, they had several offers that were greater than a US GTS. It depends more on the originality of the car and the quality of the restoration than on whether its a US or European version. My wife's was restored by a Ferrari factory authorized restoration shop in Bologna, Italy.
Originally posted by dswartz:
David, My wife's 72 Dino 246 GT has been appraised by the largest Ferrari Dealer in the Northeast (Miller Motors) at a value higher than the US version.

My comment was about the general relationship in price between the US and Euro models. You clearly have an exceptionally nice car. The Euro model cars were generally not treated as well as the ones over here because they were perceived as not 'real' Ferraris in Europe. Also they were owned by a lot of people who could not really afford to maintain them. Another issue is that theft is rampant. Some dealers/importers estimate that up to half of all Dinos sold into the US are stolen. It unfortunate, because the Euro model has more (much needed) hp.

You are very fortunate to have such a beautiful car in your driveway. I believe the 246 is the most aesthetically perfect Ferrari ever made. They are also the last model that was hand built, as its successor, the 308, began assembly line production for Ferrari.

It is also a wonderfully balanced, great handling car. One of the most fun road cars I have ever driven.

Anyone interested in purchasing one should subscribe to

[This message has been edited by David (edited 03 March 2001).]