NSX Total Motor Rebuild by Mark Basch

Originally posted by spookyp:
Not only is this uncalled for, it's not accurate... Did you not notice that NSXTC said there would be a complete detailed write-up on the project???

Actually, I think they said issue after next.

As for my .02, I'm also a bit annoyed by the reluctance to answer a few questions. This is a forum for exchanging exactly that type of info, not hawking a magazine. (I too am a paid member, but that's not the point.) If for no other reason, you do a disservice with half-answers because people who don't know any better will not recognize important omissions. My question about reinforcing the block is a perfect example.

Mark's reluctance to give proprietary details about something like his fuel management is understandable, but this is totally different.
I don't know, I guess I just figured that he wouldn't want to give out too much info before the mag is out as a courtesy to members. Plus, the way I read it, I got the impression he didn't want to share many details until the whole thing was done...

I could be wrong, but I didn't detect anything underhanded there...
Originally posted by Poloman:
Can anyone here tell me how much a job like this runs?

If I knew what all was done here I could probably give you a pretty good guess. But unfortunately it looks like we are going to have to wait until the details come out in the NSXD.
I've been a member for almost a year now and the issues still never come to me.
Originally posted by ilya:
I've been a member for almost a year now and the issues still never come to me.

Ilya, you've been a member for less than six months (your membership was received on August 30, 2001) and your second issue is in the mail to you.
I've never been a member. (some people are just too pretentious) But I do enjoy outings with current nsx friends. I figured I'm also enough of a "club" member just by sharing a common interst in the beautiful NSX. I don't think I'm the only one who feels that way. I'm not interested in becoming a member. I would just like friendly conversation about our cars and what has been done. I consider myself someone who knows quite a bit about cars. I also know upgrading open jacketed motors are a common thing. There's nothing secret about it. All the things you could do to your engine to strengthen it are obvious. I'm just curious how far you went. If you did everything, It would still be interesting to see how they (Mark Basch) went about doing it. Please answer. It would just be good manners.

[This message has been edited by nsxlr8 (edited 27 February 2002).]

[This message has been edited by nsxlr8 (edited 27 February 2002).]
It's his car and his money that paid the bill. Therefore, it's his right to post as little or as much as he would like.
There are a number of things that the club offers as benefits, that you don't have without joining the club.

1. The newsletter, NSX Driver. It has great articles, and it's very well done. It's the only NSX-oriented newsletter in print in the world.

2. Vendor Discounts. There are quite a few vendors (such as Niello Acura's famous parts man, Eric Milam) who are offering great discounts on NSX parts and services to club members.

3. Club Activities. There are NSX Club activities all over the country. Some of them are track events. Some of them are monthly dinner meetings. And NSXPO takes place every year, with 100 or so NSX's and their owners, all in one place, with NSX vendor booths, and seminars, and a track event on one of the greatest race tracks in the country.

4. NSXCA Logo Merchandise. These are quality items, and (unlike other offerings) are produced and sold legally, with the consent of American Honda, which owns the NSX name.

All of these benefits have one thing in common: They depend on the large number of members of the NSX Club of America for their success. There are almost 1000 members of the NSX Club of America (including 60 in Texas).

Yes, you can have friends with NSX's without joining the NSX Club of America - but wouldn't you like the chance to meet as many owners as possible, rather than only a handful in your area who happen to post on one of the bulletin boards? The NSX Club of America is an organization whose members are very much a community, every bit as much as NSXprime and probably more so, due to the frequency and size of the club meetings, and the fact that it is a legal entity (incorporated as a non-profit organization). NSXprime cannot rent a racetrack and hold an event that looks like this:


The NSX Club of America can, because of the effort and money put forth by 1000 club owners. A "bunch of folks" cannot just go out and rent a racetrack, or book a large block of rooms at a hotel, or have famous speakers like David Hobbs join them for dinner. These vendors agree to host events, but only with a club that is a formal organization with credit ratings and such, and with a track record of paying bills and behaving well. And that's something that the NSX Club of America has established on behalf of its members.

(some people are just too pretentious)

This sounds to me like something you're imagining. You've never been to a club meeting, right? So then how can you claim that some people are too pretentious if you've never met them? I would bet that every club member here who has ever been to a club meeting would state that the club members are anything BUT pretentious. Maybe that's because club members never have to worry about what people are going to think of you because of the car you drive - because everyone else is driving the same car.

I figured I'm also enough of a "club" member just by sharing a common interst in the beautiful NSX.

No, you're not a club member, so don't claim to be one. Maybe you're saying that you want to be considered part of the club, but at the same time you're not paying anything towards maintaining the existence of the club that you want to claim that you're a part of.

Part of the enjoyment of the NSX is the ability to get together with other NSX owners - and sometimes, with a lot of other owners. There is no better experience in an NSX than watching 100 of them driving around a racetrack, with no other cars in sight. Or going on a group drive with a couple dozen NSX's, and only NSX's.

The NSX Club of America depends on the support of its members to survive and thrive. Those who have joined understand this concept and are happy to pay $40 per year to be a part of the NSX community, and to be contributing their fair share towards supporting that community and the events and newsletters and discounts that all club members enjoy.

Those of you who have not yet joined the NSX Club of America are encouraged to look through the club's website here, and to look at the descriptions of some of the past NSXPO's here and here and here, and to consider being a part of the biggest NSX organization in the world. If this is of interest to you, you can join the club by clicking here and following the instructions. And we'll all be getting together again, this year in DFW Texas November 6-10 at NSXPO 2002.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 28 February 2002).]
Damn BA94NSX! You are harsh!!! I wanted to share the engine rebuild pics with the NSX community, that’s why I started this thread. Other than the one picture of the disassembled NSX motor in one of the Honda books, I had never seen the internals before. Thought that would be neat to share. Since the question was asked about why we went with low compression pistons, I answered it. Im not going into much greater detail because:

1. the project is not yet complete

2. out of respect for Mark Basch’s work, I will wait until he hammers out all the bugs and gets a final working system put together, then perhaps he can answer the detailed technical questions (certainly much better than I can anyway) , and announce a price.

3. There will be a complete, painstakingly detailed write-up on this system in the next edition of NSX Driver

This is the first high-boost supercharged NSX motor that I am aware of ever being built, but it certainly does not have any exotic space-alien technology, so please bear with for now. I think you can understand from the above reasons that we are not trying to be pretentious here.

In fact, I must say that I have never met a pretentious NSXCA member yet! nsxlr8 - You must be confusing the NSXCA with the F or P-car club. Maybe you had a bad experience with one of those organizations? I can tell you that will not happen in the NSXCA, and I would encourage you to join. As Ken outlined above, there are certain benefits to NSXCA membership, and the NSX driver magazine is one of them.

PS- Congrats Ilya & welcome to the club! – looks like you car is the on the cover in this issue!
Just to offer my experience. I build alot of engines. (all motorcycle) I have one of the best reputaions for winning around, esspecially in the nw. As such, I am on a few of the more popular m/c boards/forums and am asked a ton of tech support questions, opinions and such. I have alot of times had a customer post info about me building his motor and what it made for hp, what it is costing and such. Only, i do not always want it to get out until all details are done, otherwise my phone rings 2million times a day. I now realize this with mark and his supercharger and apologize to him.

As for the motor info. I think you need to just let the gentleman with the motor rebuild get it done and then ask him questions. If he will not anwser, it may be because he just does not know or feels that mark would be a better source for anwsers. Try emailing the builder, off list just maybe a quick "hi, i am interested in what you did to xxxx's nsx, what would that cost and what is entailed \, thank you for your time". I get those all the time. I also get, "hey, what do i set the cam timing to on my 2002 gsxr1000" Well, for one, i do not have over $30,000 in dyno equip., payroll, workers comp, building lease, years of exp. and work 15hr days to just give out that type of info. I do not win all the races by giving my findings out. Not everything is "top secret" but, a lot of times, it is not to "hide" the info, but to realize that the person asking will not benefit, nor will he appreciate it.

However, i do have guys that politely ask, "Hey Eric, can you tell me if 105in. and 102ex. lobe centers will work for my 2002 gsxr1000?" I will then realize he knows a bit of what he is doing and not wasting my time, then i will take a minute to ask what he has for an exhaust(bikes are alot more sensative to pipe designs), intake setup, FI mapping and what he plans to do with it, ie race, street, is he 300lbs and wants tq., is he all about top speed, etc.

You need to realize that what one person does and likes to his nsx motor, may not be what you want. Take the basch s/c. I personally am not going to get one now that i have seen it. Nothing wrong with it, just not my style. I mean, i am a motor guy. I have decided to purchase another engine, and build it up and see what i can get naturally asp. I am going to go the opposite of what many do(hi comp, port work, crankwork, etc) For me, the process is the enjoyment, just like detailing my car, only to have it sit most of the time. I think you all should just look at your cars and see what fits your needs, for money, speed, and realibility. I mean, i am not into the high 500+hp, sorry but any one of my bikes that cost less than that Comptech S/C can walk it still, and tickets cost too much. Nor, am i a full fledge suspension guy. I perfer to just cruise along, race at my pace up in the hills or country, and enjoy the car for what it is worth. Doing the motor will be for fun, not nessacarily for high hp. (although, more is good)

Sorry for ranting. Also, great meeting everyone in Portland at meeting last night!

Eric Dorn
Talking about a degenerated thread, sheesh.

I log in to read about a BBSC engine and encounter stuff like "where is my NSX Driver" to "pretentious members" (Bruce, c'mon just cuz I don't go to S-bucks, doesn't make me pretentious <g>) to "none of your business how much it costs" to "I don't want to join NSXCA because waa waa waa" (back to Bruce - me thinks you'll change you mind come this Fall).

Back Under My Rock
My white powdercoated Dymags! Looks like something is getting framed this month.

I better be getting a copy now!

Ken, I am privating you an email with my address information. Maybe I have not been getting my issues because the club has an older address.
Hey guys. You know how when you read the cold stale writing on the computer, you typically see the most negative side to things. Actually Andy, You're awesome. The pretentious description I said refers to something that happened quite some time ago and I'm still seething from it. It has nothing to do with you Andy. I didn't want you to take it personally and I'm sorry you did. I enjoy all your input and dry humor! It's very much like my own. You are a bit pretentious though : ) JK.
I've been around for awhile. I've watched more and more of you post and gotten to know more of who you are. I'm not new and most of the recent post describing to me how I'm wrong about this, or don't know that show me that you think I am new. I've Been around for 4 years now. I know others have been around much longer, I'm just not new to all of this. I got discounts from Gunn Acura. I did Tracy's Mortgage for him. He's an old friend. I didn't have to be a member of anything to get that discount. I don't like to travel far, so local NSX events were plenty for me. Missing out on so many people elsewhere isn't so bad. I wish I didn't have to, but I stay here local so there is no need.

Pretentious refers to all those who flamed me years ago when I put nitrous on my car. "I'm stupid" "it will only last for a few shots and yours cars toast" "Don't do anything that Honda didn't do, they know what they're doing" I couldn't beleive some of the ridiculous things. Descriptions of what people thought of nitrous and how much I was using got much worse than that though. Telling Me I'm Full of Shi* and other things. THIS IS what I'm talking about being Pretentious. It wasn't just one, it was many. I haven't posted much or gone to many events since then. They ridiculed me for what they didn't understand or could beleive. That's Pretentious.

things are changing now. It's good to see a MUCH larger aftermarket for these cars. people actually tinkering around with them and understand that they're still just combustion engines that can be hot rodded. I've known this for a long time. It's been a long lonely road, but nice enough, it's getting a little less lonely. It still frustrates me though (Specifically this thread) when people won't share details. If you just don't know. Tell us. I understand. I'm just anxious to discuss with people who have ventured out as far as I have. (It's still rare) For those who don't answer me now, it just gives an air of condescension. Don't do that to me. I just might know more than you think. ALOT more.
Something was still bothering me about the pics you posted of the engine, so I went back and looked again. That's when I remembered what prompted my initial question about strengthening the block. The picture of the nice clean block with shiny new pistons looks like it's on the way back together, but shows no hint of the deck having been cut and a plate "welded" to the top for reinforcement.

BTW, I've yet to even ask about a club discount when purchasing things. The newsletters are nice, but I joined simply to support anyone willing to spend that much time and effort to publish them and maintain the club. Cripes, it's $40, why the heck wouldn't you join??!

Hey, do we get a discount at TireRack? I just ordered more wheels an hour ago.

[This message has been edited by sjs (edited 28 February 2002).]
Originally posted by EDRNSX1:
Just to offer my experience. I build alot of engines. (all motorcycle) I have one of the best reputaions for winning around, esspecially in the nw. As such, I am on a few of the more popular m/c boards/forums and am asked a ton of tech support questions, opinions and such. I have alot of times had a customer post info about me building his motor and what it made for hp, what it is costing and such. Only, i do not always want it to get out until all details are done, otherwise my phone rings 2million times a day. I now realize this with mark and his supercharger and apologize to him... Eric Dorn

Eric, I think the key difference is that you're talking about racing and the little tricks of the trade that can give you an edge over you competition as a builder/tuner. This is quite different in that we weren't bothering Mark, he's not catering to competitive racers, and we weren't asking the same types of questions anyway, at least I'm not.
speaking of the benfits of NSXCA membership, any idea where my membership stuff is??? i think i joined about 2 months ago...

Kaye & Trish
1998 NSX-T #176
No mods...
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
No, but we get wholesale pricing on wheels and tires at Discount Tire Direct. Click here for details.

Yes, but TireRack has the wheels I want and DiscountTire does not. According to the latter, it's one of many "exclusives" split between the major mail-order places. I hate that crap. It stinks of something just short of price-fixing.