Nsx/ S2000 meet at First Class Automotive Dec 14th

17 November 2004
Orlando, fla
December 14th a Thursday evening, we are having a Nsx/S2000 meet at the shop. We will be starting at around 6p till around 8:30p. Then have dinner at a nearby Resturant.
We will also have a vendor here giving info on the benefits of using Nitrogen in your tires. He will also be bringing equipment to fill a few car tires with Nitrogen. Cant get to every car, but this service typically runs around $60 or so for all 4 tires. If we dont see you have a Great Holiday.

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Damn, I will I was around to join in with you guys.

*On another subject, what does Nitrogen do for your tires. I have heard mixed stories back and forth of whether this works or not.

Whats up Alex, you sound like me. I like to look at the car, but i want to learn something about it too :wink: Thats what I try to focus on here. Everybody has a car show, and i cant compete with that.
But anyways there are a number of benefits.
1. Nitrogen inflated tires last longer, and stay inflated longer.
2. Fuel economy increased.
3. Improves steering.
4. Improves handling.
5. Virtually eliminates pressure fluctuations do to temp changes.
6. eliminates interior wheel corrosion, because there's no moisture.

There are a few other things also. I did however misquote what that service typically cost, actually it runs around $60 for 4 tires. I accidentally said in earlier thread $30.


p.s. You coming 2 the Holdiay brunch Dec 3
Unfortunately I cant. It is a busy weekend for me here in atlanta. I will be down the following weekend to pick up my new trailer but thats about it.

thanks for the info.
We will also have a vendor here giving info on the benefits of using Nitrogen in your tires.

He should discuss the benefits of renting your own Nitrogen cylinder and selling 50 cents of gas to your neighbors at $60.00 a pop. :biggrin:
Hey, isn't our atmosphere 78% nitrogen, anyway? And, if I am correct, the vendor only promises 95% nitrogen, sooooo..., we are getting an increase of 17% nitrogen, for the price of $60?

I will be very interested in this, to see what results or improvements there are in the ride...

Anyone done this before?
Distance Runner said:
I will be very interested in this, to see what results or improvements there are in the ride...

You might notice a slight overall increase in acceleration since your wallet will be $60 lighter.

Seriously though, Nitrogen in tires is nothing new. It's been used in the aviation industry and auto racing circles for years. The main advantage is that a Nitrogen molecule is a lot larger than an Oxygen molecule meaning that the tire will lose less pressure over time. Approximately 3 times slower than regular air. Also the lack of oxygen and moisture does mean that as the tire heats, the increase in air pressure will be minimal. Obviously this is a big advantage for a racing car. However for a street car, and especially at a cost of $10 to $15 per tire it makes very little sense. A driver with Nitrogen filled tires will also have an increased sense of security and not check his tire presssure regularly. That's risky because on the street there are all kinds of nasty little pointy objects that can poke a hole in your precious rubber doughnut and cause a slow leak. Tires in racing cars are changed frequently and a race track is a LOT cleaner than the street.

Spend the $10 bucks on a decent tire pressure gauge and regularly check your inflation pressures.
Hugh said:
Can I dress up in pink...

LOL. Not again...

BTW, Costco used Nitrogen to inflate my tires the last time I had them changed on my daily driver. That was their standard policy.

Any problems adding regular air to nitrogen filled tires? I guess it'll just dilute the nitrogen content and negate its benefits... It's just a pain to have to seek out a nitrogen supply every time I need to add a few PSI.
Hugh said:
Can I dress up in pink, suck some helium from your valve stems and then sing the National Anthem?

I would expect better from you..maybe your lavender or fuschia dress this time of year...and sing "I'm a little Tea Pot". :biggrin:
<img src=http://aycu26.webshots.com/image/6665/2000246167566089374_rs.jpg>
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:rolleyes: My goodness, first its dressing in drag, now you have to have your lips around his valve. :biggrin: :biggrin: I'd hate to be one of the customers that will see that pic, LOL. We will have to put the car on a lift. I dont want to have to think about you having to get to the tires on the ground.


Hugh said:
Can I dress up in pink, suck some helium from your valve stems and then sing the National Anthem?
Goodness, I'm suer the S2000 group will be happy to see so many Nsx's. They have asked me a number of times about meeting more of the Nsx group. They were dissappointed at the Race Rock dinner at NSXPO. The seating was horrible, everyone was everywhere. Not many people from the S2k group knew the Nsx group and vice-versa. I felt bad because I was the only one who knew the majority of people from both sides. But hope to get things going this time. See everyone soon. :biggrin:
Dec 14th a Thurs evening 6p to 8:30p at the shop. Then dinner at a nearby resturant.

I'll be there - possibly with a "special guest" from the midwest region.
Sounds great Mike. I take it you recieved your package from Iowa. Hopefully your guest is the person who missed Nsxpo. If not its fine also :biggrin: The more the merrier.

Warren, Pei Wei does have great food. PARKING STINKS though. Really close parking spaces and not enough spaces for everyone to park close to each other. Nabil and i will be here late 2nite cleaning the shop. I'll pass by there afterwards and see what the parking looks like. :smile:
