Nsx Replacement Designers Are Stuck


Here is my take on the above image... thoughts? :)

Its a little cleaner - I smoothed out the hood and modified the front bumper - and also moved the side intake to make it more NSX'ish :D

Can i get it in cornflower blue?

EDIT: i still say the headlights look like a cross eyed retarded bug. those must be redesigned!
Can i get it in cornflower blue?

EDIT: i still say the headlights look like a cross eyed retarded bug. those must be redesigned!


Its the best I can do.......its more like LBBP than anything tho :)


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Granted, I'm biased towards my own photochop, but even with that in mind, I still can't say I like Spooler's design.

No offense, but it kinda looks cheap, like a mistubishi pretending to be a mclaren or something. Putting the NSX side scoops or spoiler on it doesn't change that.
Spoolers interpretation is merely a bettered version of what Honda's has done. I sense that their efforts to go from a Mid-Engines Sports Car to a Front Engine Grand Tourer is the death of the NSX. We're just trying to let them know that we want a sucessor the the NSX, not a new car.
Spoolers interpretation is merely a bettered version of what Honda's has done.


To be Honest, I wouldn't know what else to do with it..needs complete re-design.

That was a good angle of HSC that we were playing with but in reality and judging from other pics of the prototype, shape is flawed and out of proportion.

For Instance on the High-rez 3/4 shot..look at the top of the door line...not even as high as the wheels! thing is pancake low...ridiculous.

2) rear quarters..ugly
3) headlamps...stupid large
4) bumper...just Ok
5) Chimed area/top of door..overdone
6) unsculped doors and panel side...dull
7) inlet..uninspiring

There's no reason to go further with this and chops won't do.

What we are going to need is bout 2 tons of clay, assorted wood, four nice rims and a place to work on the full scale model.

...and a Contract:biggrin:

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Shit, I'm with you all the way. It's just REALLY frustrates me that Honda has the potential to KILL off such a great trendline....the (old) NSX sold well, not great but well, but i think the direction they are headed would be that the NEXT NSX might not sell at all: a $100,000+ Grand Tourer?

Those who WOULD PAY $100,000 for a Japanese car, which is us, would need an awesomely fast exotic, that rivals euro's and is in the vecinity of the new Skyline. Reliably too.
Honda needs you! That's what we wanted to see the first time the HSC came out!

Thanx..but I tried your Idea's and it came out so good I can't believe it!:tongue:

Note :Micro Wing positioned the only place it could go..Gosh I'm good:biggrin:

Inlet's positioned closer to door (critical tip) ...door line to match

I think the Canopy is fine and if I lower my rear glass a bit, may have room for Sun-roof... be fantastic on a coupe version.

This could be it Fella's:wink:
man i guess no one likes my design :)
Its alright, but IMO, It looks too much like a Super Mitsu. Eclipse Maybe its just the angles I am seeing it at.
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10 reasons we need to send this in and ACURA should listen:

10) Nobody here..wouldnt buy it if it had a v10 in da back yo...

As per the president of American Honda has stated, a V10 is 100% official and a price of $100k is evident. A loaded up MDX is nearly $50k, you do the math:biggrin:

Here is my take on the above image... thoughts? :)

Its a little cleaner - I smoothed out the hood and modified the front bumper - and also moved the side intake to make it more NSX'ish :D

IF this were designed and confirmed by Honda for the NSX replacement I'd take the funds I have already saved for my impending +02 and place a deposit on this car -IMMEDIATELY.

Please someone let's get these pictures, a picture of the new McLaren P11, and an official letter drafted from NSXPrime subscribers group that these should be used to help design the next generation NSX.
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It's not a bad drawing but again..not realistic.

Like the Hsc, the door would be just above your Kneecaps. The above renderings (with exception to Paul's offering) are showing car's that are way to small and impractically low.

I'll do a proper full size car and show you what I mean.
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If Honda / Acura wants to WOW the automotive world they should settle on this concept for the next NSX. A mid-engine V-10 in this design would be the ultimate Super Car!!!

That's Completely "SIC" !

but...what would your Wife or Friends think?:biggrin:

Extremely High tec, Evil ( Imperial Fighter) looking nose.

Way to low of course..but I dig it.

The batmobile-transformers-tiefighter is cool no doubt. Back to HSC, in comparison to...
<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/f/originalHSC.jpg" border="0" alt=""
I'm thinking that the rear hatch and the angle of the side windows was not steep enough,
move the door handle, have a slightly longer front,
longer back (fit a v10 :biggrin:) with built-in spoiler
trailing off of the the top mounted intakes. Longer rear hatch,
new wheels, a front fender intake and a removable canopy roof. Ahhh.
<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/f/nsx-f.jpg" border="0" alt=""
then you just push a button inside the car on the dash and it turns into imola orange...
<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/f/nsx-forange.jpg" border="0" alt=""
before turning metallic spa yellow! :biggrin:
<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/f/nsx-fyellow.jpg" border="0" alt=""
It's not a bad drawing but again..not realistic.

Like the Hsc, the door would be just above your Kneecaps. The above renderings (with exception to Paul's offering) are showing car's that are way to small and impractically low.

I'll do a proper full size car and show you what I mean.

Why do you keep saying its unrealistic? Those drawings are based off the HSC, which did have a running model, drivetrain and all. The doors are shaped like that because they are scissor/lambo style doors.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zRxIMnc_ZOg&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zRxIMnc_ZOg&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
then you just push a button inside the car on the dash and it turns into imola orange...
<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/f/nsx-forange.jpg" border="0" alt=""
before turning metallic spa yellow! :biggrin:
<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/f/nsx-fyellow.jpg" border="0" alt=""

I *love* this idea of 'da' instant color changer/button' : Creative Dreamin', the only way to go ! Keep it up, Y'all *~

...... But, Where is The Targa ?!? ;)


Forgive me, Wish I knew how to Photoshop .... maybe someone could help ~

Anyhoot, my best descriptive attempt :
*Keep Front : Perfect*
*Higher Wing ( variable styles: - as original as each owner ;) )
*Rear to side panel in a curve : think of a wave... but backwards.
*Deeper cuts/definition/curve/muscle showing in the mid / sides --
*Added side skirt*
*MID-Engine * :redface:
Eh, just a thought * :tongue:

oh... P.S. make a 'Limited Edition' few -- all carbon fiber -- :biggrin:
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The batmobile-transformers-tiefighter is cool no doubt. Back to HSC, in comparison to...
<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/f/originalHSC.jpg" border="0" alt=""
I'm thinking that the rear hatch and the angle of the side windows was not steep enough,
move the door handle, have a slightly longer front,
longer back (fit a v10 :biggrin:) with built-in spoiler
trailing off of the the top mounted intakes. Longer rear hatch,
new wheels, a front fender intake and a removable canopy roof. Ahhh.
<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/f/nsx-f.jpg" border="0" alt=""
then you just push a button inside the car on the dash and it turns into imola orange...
<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/f/nsx-forange.jpg" border="0" alt=""
before turning metallic spa yellow! :biggrin:
<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/f/nsx-fyellow.jpg" border="0" alt=""

Makes me wish I was good at PS. Looks awsome. Can you play with the head lights??
If Honda / Acura wants to WOW the automotive world they should settle on this concept for the next NSX. A mid-engine V-10 in this design would be the ultimate Super Car!!!


BadAssNSX, dude did you design that?

I think that thing is sick! If Honda were to develop it, Ferrari would have a hard time competing with this:
