NSX price trends, any input? without last 2 month only.

7 August 2006
Curious what people have observed lately with prices of used NSX. Going up, down, staying same? Curious within last 2 month, not larger time span.
I just picked one up 2 weeks ago. Was looking for 3 months. Competition is fierce for $30-40k cars. If that's your price range, expect to move very quickly. Otherwise $45-50 gets you a 91-94 car that's in mostly ok condition.

All the cars on eBay have been relisted for months.

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FWIW, the selling owner (Steve W) is a personal friend, and stated his 96 red/blk actually sold for $44 K.
He stated same in the BAT comments post-sale.
No doubt his NSX was very nice.
FWIW, the selling owner (Steve W) is a personal friend, and stated his 96 red/blk actually sold for $44 K.
He stated same in the BAT comments post-sale.
No doubt his NSX was very nice.

I was the one that posted the estimated price...wish I hadn't. That car should have garnered a much higher number - but as I said, this is but one auction. I am not concerned with trends as I use my car for personal enjoyment and there is value to me for that.

As to how I look at values I have three in mind...one is a quick-sale (fast cash), 1-3 month sales cycle during either on or off season (within 10% of latest high price) and optimistic (20%+ higher than market and a "if you hit the asking price it can be yours" approach.)
Took my car to SOS the other day, the first thing the mechanic said was that prices are rising. They usually don't comment on price.