NSX parked next to a ________ thread for size comparos

wow, what kind of exhaust you have? them tips looks great!
I think the NSX looks better than the 360 - no doubt in my mind.

my .02

Not even close, the NSX looks like a second class citizen compared to the F360
The pops lookin vintage now
you're high off your ass.

Lol maybe but honestly Oscars car looks Imo incredible. Everything just flows and HIS car imo looks better than the 360.... There I said it again :D.... Mind you I also firmly prefer the looks of the 355 over the 360 as well but point on me being high well taken in comparison to the 430.
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Not even close, the NSX looks like a second class citizen compared to the F360

We will just agree to Completely disagree then - which is fine, no biggie. In this instance however, you are incorrect.
Lol maybe but honestly Oscars car looks Imo incredible. Everything just flows and HIS car imo looks better than the 360.... There I said it again :D.... Mind you I also firmly prefer the looks of the 355 over the 360 as well but point on me being high well taken in comparison to the 430.

I english understand your can't.
2 NSX's!!! Mine looks huge due to different color/body changes and mods!

Comparison: NSX posted next to.... the Planters NutMobile. :eek:

We did some quick autocross laps in the parking lot. Lots of fun. And met Mr Peanut as well. :tongue:

yeah the nutmobile wins for funniest picture on this thread