NSX on "BEST of Top Gear" tonight ?

21 June 2005
I saw a commercial on BBC America about tonight's show, and a brief clip showed what looked like a blue NSX losing it on the track and spinning out...not sure if I'll catch the show tonight though
It's from a 2005 episode where Clarkson tries to drive an NSX on Gran Turismo 4 on a PS3, and then goes out to Laguna Seca to see if he can match his virtual time with the real thing (spoiler: he can't :smile:)

Good clip, with some nice NSX beauty shots, and Clarkson calls the NSX a "supercar" on several occasions :biggrin:
It's from a 2005 episode where Clarkson tries to drive an NSX on Gran Turismo 4 on a PS3, and then goes out to Laguna Seca to see if he can match his virtual time with the real thing (spoiler: he can't :smile:)

Good clip, with some nice NSX beauty shots, and Clarkson calls the NSX a "supercar" on several occasions :biggrin:

Is there a link to that episode?
It's from a 2005 episode where Clarkson tries to drive an NSX on Gran Turismo 4 on a PS3, and then goes out to Laguna Seca to see if he can match his virtual time with the real thing (spoiler: he can't :smile:)

Good clip, with some nice NSX beauty shots, and Clarkson calls the NSX a "supercar" on several occasions :biggrin:

It was a good episode with some decent NSX footage. I wish they had someone like the STIG drive the NSX at Laguna Seca. That would of been interesting.
Is there a link to that episode?

It's probably similar to this:
<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OgCKaO6_O6A&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OgCKaO6_O6A&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
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Stig doesn't talk so we only hear a little bit of his thoughts second hand through Jeremy if we are lucky. Stig did drive the NSX-R around the Top gear track, but in extremely wet conditions. He spun out and almost crashed it into the tires once too.
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Stig doesn't talk so we only hear a little bit of his thoughts second hand through Jeremy if we are lucky. Stig did drive the NSX-R around the Top gear track, but in extremely wet conditions. He spun out and almost crashed it into the tires once too.

Well it was more to see if he could get close to Jeremys time in GT3.
Richard Hammond's - on the one where he test drove the NSX-R- comments were very irritating. He didn't need to do that for Honda; it was really a slap in the face and uncalled for. Just cause he couldn't drive the thing. What a dip! Talked about the shift boot - a moron. Ended by saying Honda should give it up....I mean really.....still to this day find another car in that price range that handles any better. There aren't a handful of cars that can perform like the NSX in it's price range. That was one of the more dissapointing episodes I've ever seen. Jeremy's comments are usually pretty good and he never dissed the NSX that I know of.

If I didn't know better I'd say that kind of commenting could have easily embarrassed the sensitive Japanese. I don't know how many comments made on TV like that it would take for the Japanese to have done what they did - start a new totally different kind of machine with the "new" NSX that had a front engine - I mean WTF. It makes me both mad and sad. I still say we here on Prime should start a write in campaign to Honda about the NSX. Let them know there are folks out here that really think highly of the NSX. I wonder if they even know we're here?
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To CLR1024;

You are right - not Stig and not Jeremy - I mean Richard Hammond (Hamster) - he did a test of the NSX-R and rediculed it profusely and he drove it like a putz - cause it wasn't a Porsche, Lambo, Ferarri or Aston, etc. Like there was some stigma attached - a total TOAD! Thanks and sorry for the confusion! I corrected my earlier post.
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To CLR1024;

You are right - not Stig and not Jeremy - I mean Richard Hammond (Hamster) - he did a test of the NSX-R and rediculed it profusely and he drove it like a putz - cause it wasn't a Porsche, Lambo, Ferarri or Aston, etc. Like there was some stigma attached - a total TOAD! Thanks and sorry for the confusion! I corrected my earlier post.

Yeah I saw that one, he just said they were just tinkering with it really. I can't say I disagreed, he really likes the NSX. However I think he was expecting something more dramatic with regards to change out of the Type R as were many of us. I still think it's a great car, but maybe he was expecting Something more maybe like this:


Jeremy's comments are usually pretty good and he never dissed the NSX that I know of.

Not true , watch this , Clarkson's a bit of a hypocrite

object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/WeBwpyGa0Zk&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/WeBwpyGa0Zk&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I watched that again recently, he really drives poorly, IMHO. Maybe he was exaggerating to make a point, but his inputs are not at all smooth and he seems to throw in alot of gratuitous opposite lock. Not that I could do better, but I'd sure like to try...
just saying.
Ok, I'm raising the NSX flag and am now going to rail on Clarkson!

Those really are some super fried statements about Honda. How old was that video! Man those were some very old models. Anyway, boring- I don't think of my NSX as boring. But I have also never seen the stupid head light washers either; where did those come from - anyone ever seen them? Didn't know that was an option must be just for the British. Now show me a picture of a British car - can't cause there really aren't any. Sure there's some coach work but that's it. They had to quite making cars cause they all sucked so badly they all went out of business or were bought up by Indians or Austrians or Americans. Sad - British just completely screwed up everything but some really nice coach work. Too bad really.

Honda's NSX is boring in the way we pass up maintenance idiosyncracies of other exotics. Yeah it's boring to have an engine that goes 200k miles before it needs a valve job. Yeah it's boring to think that a 270k mile sports car is only on it's 3rd clutch. Boring to think that all I have to do for a long while is change the oil and filters (air and oil). Boring to think that my 43k mile 91 still has it's original pads and rotors on with no sign of needing replacement. I am also so very bored about the thought that my car will never rust - boring to the max is the idea that my transmission is just going to basically keep on shifting on it original syncros for virtually ever.....man are you guys snoring yet????

Now what's not boring is when I stick my foot in it and listen to that VTEC - yeeeeha and I'll be listening to it momentarily on my way home while I worry not about traffic and overheating - boring. But then as I goose it to pass the toads on the highway - not boring! Cool as I enter the turns at high speeds with nary a hint of loose rear ends or squealing tires.

There you have it - raise the flag fellers! :biggrin:
Ok, I'm raising the NSX flag and am now going to rail on Clarkson!

Those really are some super fried statements about Honda. How old was that video! Man those were some very old models. Anyway, boring- I don't think of my NSX as boring. But I have also never seen the stupid head light washers either; where did those come from - anyone ever seen them? Didn't know that was an option must be just for the British. Now show me a picture of a British car - can't cause there really aren't any. Sure there's some coach work but that's it. They had to quite making cars cause they all sucked so badly they all went out of business or were bought up by Indians or Austrians or Americans. Sad - British just completely screwed up everything but some really nice coach work. Too bad really.

Honda's NSX is boring in the way we pass up maintenance idiosyncracies of other exotics. Yeah it's boring to have an engine that goes 200k miles before it needs a valve job. Yeah it's boring to think that a 270k mile sports car is only on it's 3rd clutch. Boring to think that all I have to do for a long while is change the oil and filters (air and oil). Boring to think that my 43k mile 91 still has it's original pads and rotors on with no sign of needing replacement. I am also so very bored about the thought that my car will never rust - boring to the max is the idea that my transmission is just going to basically keep on shifting on it original syncros for virtually ever.....man are you guys snoring yet????

Now what's not boring is when I stick my foot in it and listen to that VTEC - yeeeeha and I'll be listening to it momentarily on my way home while I worry not about traffic and overheating - boring. But then as I goose it to pass the toads on the highway - not boring! Cool as I enter the turns at high speeds with nary a hint of loose rear ends or squealing tires.

There you have it - raise the flag fellers! :biggrin:

Tim I think you have to recognize that Top Gear is tongue in cheek at times and not always consistent. I wouldn't get too worked up about stuff Clarkson has said, there are other shows where they really have stated how great of a car it was. As for British cars, lotus, jag tvr....none of them reliable...some cool cars though
Not true , watch this , Clarkson's a bit of a hypocrite

I rather prefer to think that Clarkson "saw the light". That viddy's pretty old; perhaps he found the NSX religion in the gap.

Now, take Tiff Needel, for comparison: he's been dissing the NSX since day one, for all the usual stupid reasons.