nsx lovers

19 December 2001
lee's summit mo 64064
just had a really nice experience at the local gas station. up till now(after 7 months), i havent had too many comments on the nsx. but last night, EVERYBODY was oohhing and aahhhing over the car.

an older gentleman, 65plus, came out and gave me the long look and then a thumbs up and wave.

two young girls were walking backwards to keep looking.

then two young guys in an old beatup pickup pulled up next to the car, opened their door really carefully, and said, "hey what kind of car is that, it looks really cool. i was telling my buddy thats a ferrari or a lotus, but its an acura, huh?! i' ve never seen one up close. yeah, my sister's got a really nice honda but its not nearly as nice as that. thats a 91?? wow, ive never seen one that looked that nice." and so on.

the thing that struck me was how these two heart of america guys in an old beatup pickup, just like the guys where i grew up, had so much appreciation for a japanese sportscar. the more talkative of the two even commented on his pride and joy mustang, and how it didnt even compare to the nsx. i couldnt help but tell him that the mustang was a great car and could easily be modified to make it faster than the nsx. he didnt look convinced.

just wanted to share a little slice of the better side of humanity...(and mustang owners)

oh yeah, then i drove away and the @%##@@$$$$ window regulator failed. oh well.

i guess there was a perfect symmetry in the whole experience.
I had a recent experience kind of like the one you described. I was driving to the bank Friday and noticed a large SUV following me. When I went to park in the lot across the street (the lot was empty), the SUV followed.

I got out and the older lady driving the SUV rolled her window down and asked me what model Acura I was driving. I told her an NSX and she was just goo-goo-gaa-gaa over the looks. She asked me the year and then asked if they are still being made.

I believe there will be another NSX in the area soon judging by her enthusiasm.

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Stock as a rock - #0030
i always get people that tell me.....ive never seen that model acura b4....is it new ? Then when i tell em its 11 years old ....there stunned and cant belive its in better condition then there integra.

[This message has been edited by NyC NsX (edited 07 July 2002).]
That's the beauty of owning this car--the occasional greeting by true enthusiasts, regardless of brand.

I recently traded in my '94 Brooklands Green for a red '97-T. Filling it up with gas yesterday, a guy drove up in a '93 del Sol. I have not been much of a fan of them, but this one was immaculate, and slightly darker red than mine. He had tricked it up a bit with custom wheels, white-out lights, muffler, etc. Being a Honda owner, he obviously appreciated the NSX, but I made sure to reciprocate over his car.
He clearly had put a lot of time into it, and he was a true enthusiast.
I have experienced the same type of mutual appreciation for sports cars with other non-Honda owners, and it always gives me a kick to know that some people are not brand-slaves, but appreciative of all sports cars. Of course, some are better than others
, but we knew that already.
In my NSX I always get lots of looks when I drive around. And I do get comments on the car and they have been (up to now) always positive. I make it a habbit of never ever downgrading someone else's car. Sometimes I see an old card (whatever make) with a lot of time & money spend on to make it look good/different/special/fast. The owner is usually someone who has the same kind of affection for his car as I have for my NSX. There is no point downgrading someone just because he is not in the situtation to be able to afford a car like the NSX. I have been in that position too and could be very well back to that in no time given a little bad luck.
Originally posted by MvM:
I make it a habbit of never ever downgrading someone else's car.

I also make it a point not to downgrade someone else's car when it's the same as my daily driver, which is currently an Integra Type R. There are plenty of ITR owners who scrimped and saved to buy an ITR, and it's their pride and joy. So on the ITR boards, I don't refer to mine as "my beater", for example.
I got to drive my NSX for only one day before I bought it about a month ago, due to an extended business trip (yes I am a perverse person!).

However, I was driving in close to bumper-to-bumper traffic. I felt a little embarassed at first, because everytime I looked out my window, I saw other's looking at the car.

But the best experience was when I pulled up into my building main entrance. As I parked and got out, I saw a mixed crowd of five adults that was in the lobby stop talking, stare and then walk out and drool over the car. Best experience I've had.

Looking forward to many more.

Two experiences from last year stick out in my mind:

1) A former female coworker drooled over my NSX and asked if she and her roomates could pose next to it and do a photoshoot in bikinis.

2) A friend was walking past my NSX with another female coworker. He told me that when she saw the NSX, she commented that she would "sleep with anyone who owned that car." He told her that it was mine, and she was shocked to find out that a younger guy like myself owned it.

And more recently, a buddy and I did the local Mt. Hamilton drive up to Lick Observatory. After parking our cars and as we were walking towards the entrance of the observatory, a young lady approached me and said "I like your car."

We chatted for a while about cars, and then she said, "can I hang out with you guys?"

Apparently she was a tourist from NC, and was there by herself.

The NSX is a very good social catalyst.
Originally posted by 8000RPM:
1) A former female coworker drooled over my NSX

Is she still a female but no longer your coworker? Or still your coworker but no longer female?
Ummm, the only part I am certain of is that she is no longer my coworker. I can't comment on the female part.

After all, this is the San Francisco bay area...

[This message has been edited by 8000RPM (edited 10 July 2002).]
Originally posted by 8000RPM:
Ummm, the only part I am certain of is that she is no longer my coworker. I can't comment on the female part.

After all, this is the San Francisco bay area...

[This message has been edited by 8000RPM (edited 10 July 2002).]

LOL !!