NSX Gasoline

100 Octane at the 76 pump here in Las Vegas for the bargain price of $4.00/gallon ...I remember seeing it at a station on Pennsylvania too...:rolleyes:
We got that 100 gas at a 76 out here slightly inland from Fashion Island, it's been rock solid at $4.49 for the last year. Maybe they tack on the extra .49 since there no gambling in OC? I'm not sure. Anyone interested can take PCH to MacArthur, go up lke 2 miles to Bonita Canyon, take a right, go 2 lights and take a right into the shopping center, and slightly on the right is a 76 with one pump with a 100 button on it.
as a denver resident, i would have to say nsxtacy is correct. i have been looking for 93 for some time. most places carry 85/87/91 with a few having 87/89/91

now lets settle down...
There's a Sunoco in Towson, Md that sells 100 octane "racing" gas for $3.89. They've carried it for a long time. Haven't tried it myself.

We get our gas from CA refineries and change the mix of gas from winter to summer to lower polution from combustion etc--that mix may change because CA has "killed" a certain product and it would cost AZ more to have that mix continued as a result. The octane levels as indicated previously are still maintained.

On the octane aspect, I have been to ARCO and 76 stations and I only see 91 octane...Have not seen higher premium fuels but have not been to a Texaco or Chevron recently...Also thought I would point out that the manual does recommend the use of fuels that use detergent additives such as the Techron by Chevron etc....
it's a real shame that here in the UK we don't use the same numbering system as you guys - here only the RON number is used on fuel sold at the pump rather than the RON+MON/2 number.

gas over here (or petrol as it's known) is:

premium (95 RON)
super (97 RON)
or Shell Optimax (98 RON)

guess which one we prefer :D

mind you, mixing in a bit of toluene gives you room to retune with a bit of advance for extra va va voom!
You guys are lucky to pay under $4 for the 100 octane. We just got it here on Oahu, but have to pay a "premium" of $6.00/gallon at the pump!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Takes me close to $100 to fill up. Lucky my car isn't a daily driver:D!!
I found 100 octane in Denver

for those of you who live in Denver and are looking for high octane fuel, i found it. The station is located on the corner of belleview & DTC Blvd in Greenwood Village... 100 octane

There's a Sunoco about 15 minutes away from me that sells 100 octane out of the pump. It also carries CAM2 (114 octane I think; $6.00/gal). You have to get the attendant to get it from a drum inside a storage shed. It's frequently sold out on weekends.

We used to put a half tank of this stuff mixed with a half tank of 94 in our sportbikes for ripping it up on summertime runs. That stuff is the TRUTH. Just don't leave it in your tank or the seals will melt.