NSX Crash in San Diego

I'm of this school...... A car is in the passing lane and not driving to that lane's speed. Instead of moving the the right and permitting faster traffic to pass on the right, I now have to maneuver the car to the right or further and change lanes back to be in front of that person. IT IS NOW they decide they don't like that and now want to escalate the speed. I don't think that's street racing. I'm not racing... I'm not trying to out-speed another vehicle. I'm just getting in front and closing the distance so more cars can be in that lane for better traffic flow. I'm all about courtesy and maximum traffic flow. Just how I view things.

we're still splitting hairs here and only a small number of people know exactly what happened here. Keep the bickering down to a minimum guys. :rolleyes:

Lets just wait to hear what really happened when the driver tells us what happened.
Horrifying and eye-opening for sure. Our prayers are with him. I'm glad to see the NSX was intact enough to preserve his life. Here's to hoping he receives the best care while in the ICU for a speedy recovery.
I am highly disappointed in how some of the members are actually stupid enough to believe ANYTHING on the news. They have so many errors on the story its not even funny. ...

This argument has been written several times now and it's time now to contradict. The news were wrong on the negligible details (cars involved, engine lying in the middle of the road ...) But I don't expect them to do an analysis of the hole accident in detail, that's simply not their job. That the engine is lying in the middle of the road was wrong but does that mean that the accident was only virtual? Even if you forget about the witness' testimony JUST look at the picture and how far things have flown.

One wrong point about the news is quite disturbing: Black civic tuned by Reese. This could misguide people finding the right car (EVO?).

The police/court will not draw a conclusion of this boards members, they will trust on their specialists.

But after all is done and said I agree with the following:

NSX GT said:
Why don't we just give a moment of silence and offer a prayer for this unfortunate individual........................................ ........................


Thank you.
There's a time and a place for speeding and Sorrento Valley Road ain't the place. There are plenty of places that are relatively safe like long stetches of 5-lane interstates with no traffic or the track.

Please choose the track - I do speed a bit, but we're talking about 20mph max over the limit when most people in the flow are doing 17+

On highways the idea is "go with the flow of traffic" - you don't want to create unexpected closing speeds - thats when you start being pissed at people "lane changing into you, cutting you off" - what's really happening is that they don't expect anyone coming so fast.

All this "Snap Oversteer" stuff is total BS in my mind - as an experienced track driver (and an instructor too), I say that most people who are untrained cannot "feel" their car (ride in the seat instead of on it) and therefore don't notice the warning signs. Of course when you get 3000 lbs of metal moving in an unexpected direction its too late to "save it" you need to save it BEFORE it starts to go - that takes seat time - period, the guy without it describes it as "Snap" the guy with experience says he f-ed up.

The problem is that most people think that driving fast on city streets gives them seat time and somehow grants them special "race driver" prowess.

Nothing can be further from the truth, unless you lap the same track again and again, experiencing the same corner and feeling the car load up, feeling it slip a bit, etc. you can't learn much - anyone who thinks otherwise should get on the track with me, John@Microsoft, KenSAX, Peter Mills, BioBanker, etc. and prove all of us wrong - I'm sure you can't outdrive us based on your years of street experience.

I don't know why this guy crashed, he could have been driving a bit fast and been cut off by the EVO for all we know. I am sorry he got hurt and I feel terrible for his family.

I'm also not sure if more skill would have saved him, but one thing I can say, I've had my NSX up to VERY high speeds on the track and around 100 MPH the car gets very "light" it tends to settle at 110+ when the aero starts working well - I wouldn't go 100 on the highway, it just doesn't make sense.
we're still splitting hairs here and only a small number of people know exactly what happened here. Keep the bickering down to a minimum guys. :rolleyes:

Lets just wait to hear what really happened when the driver tells us what happened.

I agree. Because, actually, I do not think that anyone here actually knows what happened. None of us were there, and the owner of the car has not posted.
I would have to agree that the only issue is a speedy recovery and for everyone, to keep the driver in their prayers. Seems we always wait until we need prayer to flex any faith. We don't know his heart, however I do know that he would and WILL appreciate our prayers. If this even wakes up one other person to "street" racing, talking on a cell phone, drinking and driving or doing anything else besides paying attention to driving and averts ONE accident and loss of life, then it won't be in vain. As they say, let’s all keep the faith.

To family and friends, you have my commitment to continue to keep him in my prayers and I wish a speedy recovery and strength for those helping him to do so.

Is there a charity or donation system setup yet?



I've been skimming through the posts to get updates on the driver's condition and to see if someone close to the driver and part of the prime community would be willing to set up a donation fund.
No we don’t really know anything yet. I’m the driver’s cousin. I don’t own an NSX so I hope you guys don’t mind me signing up. I did it because I wanted to thank all the people who are wishing him well. What we do know is he has a very serious neck injury, several broken cervical vertebrae and some embolisms in his lungs. If he comes through this okay he may wish he didn’t, his mother’s going to kill him. What the hell was he thinking?
No we don’t really know anything yet. I’m the driver’s cousin. I don’t own an NSX so I hope you guys don’t mind me signing up. I did it because I wanted to thank all the people who are wishing him well. What we do know is he has a very serious neck injury, several broken cervical vertebrae and some embolisms in his lungs. If he comes through this okay he may wish he didn’t, his mother’s going to kill him. What the hell was he thinking?

I can't speak for the community but I don't think anyone would deny that we don't mind you being here. Quite the contrary. A lot of us here would like to lend our support.
I know people are going to trash my comment but here it goes....
I understand that you guys all say "he got what he deserved", but it’s just the fact that he is hanging on to life right now. You can bash him all you want when he is better, but not now. Were any of you there to see what happened? Maybe he hit a puddle of water because of a bad sprinkler system and didn’t know how to act? I just pray he pulls through this and I know it’s hard on his family. Imagine if it was one of your family members or friends and they are clinging to life, would you guys be saying all the negative things right now? There’s always a time to bash on people, and this is not the right time
his mother’s going to kill him. What the hell was he thinking?

was it his mothers car ?

Seriously though hope he makes a speedy recovery.
No we don’t really know anything yet. I’m the driver’s cousin. I don’t own an NSX so I hope you guys don’t mind me signing up. I did it because I wanted to thank all the people who are wishing him well. What we do know is he has a very serious neck injury, several broken cervical vertebrae and some embolisms in his lungs. If he comes through this okay he may wish he didn’t, his mother’s going to kill him. What the hell was he thinking?

Mom's always know best...I hope he recovers to own another NSX someday.
No we don’t really know anything yet. I’m the driver’s cousin. I don’t own an NSX so I hope you guys don’t mind me signing up. I did it because I wanted to thank all the people who are wishing him well. What we do know is he has a very serious neck injury, several broken cervical vertebrae and some embolisms in his lungs. If he comes through this okay he may wish he didn’t, his mother’s going to kill him. What the hell was he thinking?

i'm with doug - you're quite welcome here - and i wish your cousin a speedy and full recovery.
Well so far so good, He’s finally awake and can move his arms and legs a bit. There are still some serious medical concerns still. Looks like he’s going to get fitted with a halo today or tomorrow and the embolisms in his lungs are still a problem. If he can walk away from this with some rehab and whatever the legal ramifications will be I think we’ll all be relieved. I was looking at the pictures of his car, he’s lucky to be alive and lucky he didn’t hurt anyone else.
Well so far so good, He’s finally awake and can move his arms and legs a bit. There are still some serious medical concerns still. Looks like he’s going to get fitted with a halo today or tomorrow and the embolisms in his lungs are still a problem. If he can walk away from this with some rehab and whatever the legal ramifications will be I think we’ll all be relieved. I was looking at the pictures of his car, he’s lucky to be alive and lucky he didn’t hurt anyone else.

Glad to hear he is awake!!! :)
I agree with you both. I'm down for $50 plus delivering whatever gift or help is given/needed. I have plenty of proof of who I am on the Internet (.com hosting biz owner) and would be happy to hold a PayPal account for him. So far that's $150 in pledges?


Is there a charity or donation system setup yet?



I've been skimming through the posts to get updates on the driver's condition and to see if someone close to the driver and part of the prime community would be willing to set up a donation fund.

If there is an interest I can set one up. Or maybe the cousin can...? Funds are the least we can do to help. So glad to hear he's awake and possibly on the downhill stretch...
