NSX Crash in San Diego

If that car ripped in half from a 60-70 mph accident, I'm selling mine now. :rolleyes:

Under the right circumstances (dpending on point of impact) it could happen just like you could sell your car but whether it happened/happens (you selling) is beyond me.

Physics is not my area of expertise and I would assume it isn't yours either so I will not argue that point. Martin, who appears to know what he's talking about in regards to physics, seems to think there was enough energy to tear the car apart especially if at the higher end of the speed estimation of 70mph.

Again, we are all speculating and who knows? For all we know, the investigation could come back with something completely different from what has been released.
from the skid marks in these last photos it seems that either he lost control by geting over oil (or something) or tryed to avoid an obstacle (other car) and lost control of his NSX....they don't seem to be from being at a speed above what the corner allows
Under the right circumstances (dpending on point of impact) it could happen just like you could sell your car but whether it happened/happens (you selling) is beyond me.

Physics is not my area of expertise and I would assume it isn't yours either so I will not argue that point. Martin, who appears to know what he's talking about in regards to physics, seems to think there was enough energy to tear the car apart especially if at the higher end of the speed estimation of 70mph.

Again, we are all speculating and who knows? For all we know, the investigation could come back with something completely different from what has been released.

I'm sure Honda knows what it takes to split the car.

From the skid marks, it almost looks as if the left front of the car hit the pole, or was completely sideways? They also appear to start before the intersection. I might have to dig up my dynamics books and work some formulas.
If the pole was strong enough to resist the bending force and thin enough to really concentrate the impact it could cut the car at a relatively low speed - I've seen a few front ends that have hit telephone poles at low speed and it digs in pretty deep pretty fast due to the localization of the force.

As for the skid, etc. If he early apexed the corner, he could have gotten the back end loose, then applying brakes would have spun the car around (last friday I was running a skidpad class at a HP Driving school and was amazed at how often people hit the brakes as they became uncomfortable - on a skidpad!!) The spinning car would have actually increased the velocity the car hit the (stationary) pole.

It does seem reasonable - but either way, I'll buy that unsafe car from you for $15,000! ;)
if it is that NSX with the vin posted above, here are the before pics of it when it was sold in july 2004:

also if you go to http://www.iaai.com/, click on find vehicle now, click acura, then yar 1993 to 2008, area code 11221, nationwide search, it will be the only one.

I had posted previously with no reply....can someone with access please post these pictures since to see them requires a membership that costs over $200? :frown:
It does seem reasonable - but either way, I'll buy that unsafe car from you for $15,000! ;)

IMO, it doesn't seem reasonable. No one doubted that the Enzo that was ripped in two in LA was traveling at a high rate of speed, but people on this site, for whatever reason (perhaps trying to protect the driver) want to put forward the notion that all this damage happened to the NSX as a result of driving at "normal" operating speeds. :cool:

I doubt it.
IMO, it doesn't seem reasonable. No one doubted that the Enzo that was ripped in two in LA was traveling at a high rate of speed, but people on this site, for whatever reason (perhaps trying to protect the driver) want to put forward the notion that all this damage happened to the NSX as a result of driving at "normal" operating speeds. :cool:

I doubt it.


I'm with you on this one. I also personally think he was doing closer to 100 mph, if not more. I am glad he survived and is making a recovery though.
I just visited the http://www.nsxprime.com/Gallery/crashburn/crashburn.htm . and noticed they also have a red nsx split in half, The only difference is the impact looks to have been right at the drivers door. So I take back what I said about the nsx that saved him.....I believe it was luck. A few more inches to the drivers door and his car might have looked like the red one in the gallery. Any update on his progress? He should be walking out of the hospital soon, right?
I just visited the http://www.nsxprime.com/Gallery/crashburn/crashburn.htm . and noticed they also have a red nsx split in half, The only difference is the impact looks to have been right at the drivers door. So I take back what I said about the nsx that saved him.....I believe it was luck. A few more inches to the drivers door and his car might have looked like the red one in the gallery. Any update on his progress? He should be walking out of the hospital soon, right?

Yea theres no way the driver of that red one survived... :eek: :frown:

I'm with you on this one. I also personally think he was doing closer to 100 mph, if not more. I am glad he survived and is making a recovery though.

If that is his skid mark in the picture I would say the same thing, probably 100
+ mph. Before I saw the skid I thought maybe it was a salvage car but the skid mark tells it all.
"Dude, you don't think this was street racing? this was obviously the result of going 100+mph. If that's what you consider spirited driving, I don't want to be around when you do it."
One less driver for the next "country drive" then... :eek:

My best wishes to the driver involved in this incident - hope he/she has a speedy recovery.
Hey, maybe Mr Powers clued them in. This is the first major news article I've read that properly identifies the NSX.


Illegal Street Racing Gaining Momentum

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"I'm traumatized i just want to go home it was awful." Natasha Reid was witness to an illegal street race on Friars Road. "They hit it and debris and everything. The car lifted off the ground. It was incredible."
Police say the two drivers were racing for a quarter mile at 100 miles an hour.

"Running in and out between lanes putting other drivers in danger."
Neither driver, 21-year-old Terri Brown or Brian Freerksen, who is in his 40's, was seriously injured.
Sgt. Art Doherty with the Police Department's Traffic Division says, "We're looking at some changes for dragnet issues."
This illegal street race follows the horrific crash involving an Acura NSX in Sorrento Valley in April.
"The frustrating part for me is that we know the winning formula," said Race Legal executive director Lydia Denecochea. "We've done it. We've enjoyed it."
Lydia's frustration is directed at the city and the police department. The department has dissolved their illegal street racing unit.
When it was operating, fatalities dropped from 16 in 2002 to zero in 2005. The program dissolved in 2007 and fatalities jumped to 12. Traffic division representatives believed the team did make a difference.
"We do have some things on the table. We're working on them but as of right now, no, it's not there."
What's not there is the funding. Plus there's a police staffing shortage. The cops are needed for patrol. And the grant from the state office of Traffic Safety dried up.
Race Legal is still burning up the pavement at Qualcomm although not at the rate they would like. Their high season is summer and the stadium has taken several dates away from them.
"If you don't have it available to them, they're going to do it," worries Denecochea. "They're going to do it somehow."

Thunder, I didn't know you were a fireman! Much respect.

Let's all stop and give a prayer for this NSX driver Please.

Perhaps a collection of local NSXers in that area or even nationally on prime may be in order. In the end, it may not be much, but every little bit helps.

Has anyone been able to get more details on the owner's condition?

Hello BladesNSX, I remained 3 weeks without Internet following a change of residence :frown: , this is why I have delay in my answers, thank you very much for your nice word BladesNSX :smile: ! that given pleasure! I wish you a good day! :smile:

Fox News? Aren't they the home of "honest reporting"???:eek:

How dare you say things like that about our Esteemed member of the 5th Estate!:mad:

After all, as long as the Driver was a Republican and thinks that Cheney truly isn't part of the Legislative OR Executive branch I'M SURE he'll get a fair shake:biggrin:

Its likely Jeff will blame the accident on the Japanese and Obama and discuss how the NSX does not contribute to Global Warming!:biggrin: :wink:

WHAT GLOBAL WARMING???? Hey the sky is falling too. Lets tell the world this and see what happens.